The transparent version is back in the rivers and lakes! Xiaomi power bank 25000mAh exploration version real machine exposure: single port 120W output

Fast technology June 9th news, recently, blogger experience more "exposed aXiaomi power bank25000mAhExploration version product, the specifications are relatively close to Cool Technology No. 20.

Its appearance adopts a similar scheme to the Mi 8 and Mi 9 transparent exploration versions of the year, and adopts a transparent shell.Directly exposed part of the internal structure and components, in addition to a piece ofdisplay screenIt can display information such as battery and power.

There are three interfaces, one USB-A and two USB-C, of which the A port supports 120W power output, which is fully compatible with Xiaomi’s 120W fast charging.

It is reported that this product has previously obtained domestic network access certification, with a maximum output of 140W for a single port and a maximum output of 212W for multiple ports.

However, the specific IPO time of the product is still uncertain. According to Xiaomi’s product planning, it may appear at the MIX series conference and is expected to be released next month.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Xiaomi will be directly put on the shelves for sale, and the price is expected to be in the range of 399-499 yuan.

The transparent version is back in the rivers and lakes! Xiaomi power bank 25000mAh exploration version real machine exposure: single port 120W output


Meituan buys medicine: After New Year’s Day, the demand for A and B drugs will rise, and Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen can already "check at home".

On January 4, the National Influenza Center released the 52nd week of "Influenza Surveillance Weekly Report". The monitoring data showed that the positive rate of influenza virus testing in southern provinces increased this week, while that in northern provinces decreased. The A (H3N2) subtype (that is, influenza A) is the main type, and the proportion of B (Victoria) series (that is, B) continues to increase. During the same period, the Meituan Drug Buying Health Index on January 5 shows that the national A and B stream-related drugs oseltamivir and Sufuda have fallen behind after a short period of demand last week, and the search and order volume of drugs have shown an upward trend this week. At present, Meituan Pharmaceutical has opened a home express inspection service in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Doctors remind a variety of influenza and respiratory diseases during the epidemic period, and it is meaningful to identify the

According to CCTV news client side news, Shanghai Children’s Hospital’s recent outpatient and emergency patient test results show that the total number of influenza patients has not changed in recent times, but the proportion of outpatient and emergency influenza patients has risen from less than 10% in early December to more than 40% in recent days. But overall, there are still more A-stream patients than B-stream patients. Meituan’s health index shows that in addition to the growth of A-stream and B-stream drugs, the search for cough medicine dextromethorphan nationwide has nearly doubled this week. Nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, sore throat, and fever have become high-frequency terms for recent inquiries.

Figure: In the past week, right methorphan has nearly doubled, and nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, sore throat, and fever have become high-frequency words for recent inquiries (Source: Meituan Drug Buying Health Index)

From a city-by-city perspective, the order volume of oseltamivir Shenzhen has nearly doubled in the week; the order volume of Sufuda in Changzhou, Taiyuan, Fuzhou, Dalian and Shantou has more than doubled in the week; the order volume of dextromethorphan in Xuzhou, Taiyuan and Huizhou has more than doubled in the week. Overall, the jump rate in East China and South China is more obvious, and everyone still needs to pay attention to protection.

Figure: Influenza-related drugs as a whole have jumped more significantly in East China and South China (Source: Meituan Buying Drug Health Index)

After the recent B-stream related news frequently appeared on the hot search, many netizens also said: "I thought that the A-stream was about to be sent away, but I didn’t expect the B-stream to come again. After I have symptoms, I don’t know what virus I have been recruited?" In this regard, the person in charge of the Meituan Pharmaceutical Pharmacy Service Center introduced: "Among the several epidemic diseases that have received high attention recently, the A and B stream has the characteristics of urgent onset, hot topic, headache, and muscle soreness all over the body. The body temperature often peaks within a few hours or 24 hours, reaching 39-40 ° C, or even higher; COVID-19 patients usually have fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, headache, sore throat, and myalgia symptoms, and a small number of patients will have abnormal sense of smell and/or taste; while the common cold is mostly caused by viruses, a small part is caused by bacteria, and local symptoms are the main ones, including sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, etc. Generally, there are few fever symptoms, or only low fever. If you can’t tell the difference, you can test the results first and then treat it symptomatically. "

Ms. Fei, who lives in Beijing, has been sneezing frequently recently, has a runny nose, coughs, has a dry and itchy throat, and her whole body is sore. Because she doesn’t know what type of disease she is suffering from, she first ordered the "home express inspection" service on Meituan to buy medicine. She received the test report in about three hours and found that she was not infected with A and B. Then, Ms. Fei asked the doctor at the entrance of Meituan to ask the respiratory physician of Tier 1 hospital how to take medicine. The respiratory doctor who received the treatment asked Dr. Liu in detail about Ms. Fei’s specific symptoms and medication. According to the test results and the patient’s symptoms, it is more likely to consider ordinary influenza. Therefore, she prescribed relevant medicines for Ms. Fei and provided detailed medication instructions and health suggestions.

The relevant person in charge of Meituan Pharmaceutical Pharmacy Service Center specially reminded that antiviral drugs should be taken symptomatically according to the doctor’s instructions. You should not reduce the dosage or blindly stop the drug after the symptoms are relieved. You need to take it in sufficient quantities and for a full course of treatment under the guidance of a doctor. Similar antipyretics cannot be taken together. For example, ibuprofen and acetaminophen are both non-steroidal antipyretic and analgesic drugs. Avoid combining them to avoid overdose or toxic synergy. Do not take cold medicines containing the same ingredients repeatedly. Most compound cold medicines contain acetaminophen to avoid liver damage caused by overdose of acetaminophen. During the medication period, you should avoid smoking, alcohol and spicy, cold and greasy foods. It is not advisable to take tonic traditional Chinese medicine at the same time during the medication.

At the same time, the New Year’s Day holiday has ended, and the person in charge of Meituan Pharmacy Service Center also reminded that after the holiday, you should pay attention to the adjustment of work and rest, especially after returning from foreign travel, you should keep warm or take off clothes according to the specific situation. In addition, daily preventive measures are essential to block the spread of B stream. It is recommended that you pay more attention to your own situation and maintain good hygiene habits.

The innovative development of the digital economy will promote the green transformation of the industrial structure

  The government work report of this year’s "two sessions" proposed that "vigorously promote the construction of a modern industrial system and accelerate the development of new quality productive forces" as the first task in 2024. New quality productive forces are advanced productive forces generated by revolutionary breakthroughs in technology, innovative allocation of production factors, and deep industrial transformation and upgrading. Further promoteInnovative development and the promotion of high-end, intelligent and green transformation of traditional industries are important measures to accelerate the development of new productive forces.

  The previous report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that it is necessary to "promote deep integration with the real economy and build a digital industrial cluster with international competitiveness." The government work report also emphasized many times that it is necessary to vigorously develop, accelerate the digital transformation of traditional industries and small and medium-sized enterprises, and strive to improve the level of greening. Therefore, the digital economy has become an important driving force for the green transformation of the industrial structure and deeply empowers the development of new quality productive forces.

  The digital economy refers to theAs the core resource, digital technology is the main driver, and the form of economic activities based on digitalization, networking and intelligence. By improvingThe ability to analyze and predict, optimize resource allocation and management, and promote the development of green technologies to guide the whole society to carry out green changes is another important economic growth point in the new era. However, the current digital economy is still in the early stage of development, facing energy consumption, cost, promotion and other issues. It is necessary for the government to take effective measures to guide the healthy and orderly development of related industries and promote deep empowerment.

  data elementsEmpowerCorporate green transformation

  As the core of the digital economy, data elements can provide enterprises with refined data analytics and predictive capabilities, promote sustainable innovation and technological development, optimize resource allocation and supply chain management, and promote changes in market demand. These factors will deeply empower the development of new quality productivity and promote the green transformation of the industrial structure.

  First, provide analytical and predictive capabilities. Deep empowerment of data elements means the collection, collation and analysis of large-scale data, from which valuable information and insights can be extracted. This granular data analytics and predictive capabilities can help enterprises better understand resource utilization, environmental impact and market demand for precise planning and decision-making. Through accurate data analytics, enterprises can identify opportunities for environmentally friendly products and services, optimize resource allocation, reduce energy consumption and waste generation, and achieve a green transformation of the industrial structure.

  Second, optimize resource allocation and supply chain management. Data element depth empower can help enterprises better optimize resource allocation and supply chain management to achieve green transformation. Through comprehensive analysis of data, enterprises can better understand the flow and utilization of resources, identify problems of resource waste and environmental risks, and take corresponding measures to improve. Data element depth empower can also achieve transparency and traceability of supply chains, ensure the sustainability of supply chains for environmentally friendly products, and promote the transformation of the entire industrial structure to green supply chains.

  Third, promote sustainable innovation and technological development. Data elements deeply empower can provide enterprises with more innovation opportunities and the potential of technological development. Through the mining and analysis of right, enterprises can discover environmental protection technologies and sustainable solutions, improve product design and production processes, and promote efficient use of resources and reduction of environmental pollution. Data elements deeply empower can also promote cross-industry and cross-field cooperation and innovation, accelerate the development and application of green technologies, and promote the transformation of industrial structure towards green, low-carbon and sustainable direction.

  Fourth, promote the green transformation of market demand. Data elements are deeply empowered, which can help enterprises better understand changes in market demand and consumer preferences, adjust the positioning of products and services in a timely manner, and meet the needs of green consumption. With the strengthening of environmental awareness and the government’s increasing requirements for environmental protection, consumer demand for green products and services continues to grow. Data elements are deeply empowered, which can help enterprises capture these market opportunities, develop products and services that meet green requirements, and promote the development of industrial structure in the direction of green transformation.

  Digital factors promote industrygreentransformationreturnexistWhat bottlenecks?

  The current digital economy-related industries are in the early stages of development, and there are some shortcomings in promoting the green transformation of the industrial structure.

  First, the energy consumption of industries related to the digital economy is relatively high. The rapid development of the digital economy has brought about the demand for large-scale data storage, processing and transmission, which requires a huge energy supply to support.Is supportThe critical infrastructure for big data processing and online services usually requires a large number of servers and network equipment, while big data processing requires large-scale computing resources and storage devices. These devices generate a lot of heat during operation and require cooling systems to maintain a stable working temperature. Cooling systems usually consume a lot of energy, resulting in increased energy consumption. Moreover, the development of the digital economy requires a large amount of data transmission and communication. The Internet, mobile communication and data transmission networks all need to consume a lot of electricity to maintain their operation and coverage. With the growth of the digital economy, the energy consumption of network transmission and communication has also increased accordingly.

  Second, the cost of digital transformation in traditional industries is high. First, the digital transformation of enterprises requires updating the existing technology infrastructure, introducing new software and hardware systems, and training employees to adapt to new workflows, resulting in higher technology update and training costs. Second, digital transformation may require closer collaboration and information sharing with suppliers, partners, and customers, which in turn incurs supply chain adjustment and integration costs. Finally, the digital transformation of enterprises also needs to ensure thatEnsuring the security and privacy of data may require additional investments, such as establishing secure data storage facilities, adopting encryption technology and implementing strict access control measures

  Third, the scope of digital economy empowerment is still insufficient. Traditional industries usually have complex business processes and traditional information systems. Introducing digital technology into these systems may require large-scale technical and system integration work. This may involve issues such as compatibility with existing systems, data migration, security, etc., resulting in slow digital transformation. In addition, the construction and penetration of digital infrastructure in some less developed regions is relatively low, and the popularization of digital skills and knowledge is relatively low. Therefore, these regions may face certain difficulties in carrying out green transformation and digital development.

  Policy recommendations to deeply empower data elements

  The first is to optimize the layout, improve equipment and systems and other measures to improve energy efficiency and promote the green development of the digital economy industry. Optimizing the layout can not only reduce cooling demand and reduce energy consumption, but also promote the effective use of renewable energy. For example, building data centers in the western region rich in air-conditioning resources, using natural airflow for alternative cooling. Moreover, the western region also has better wind and light resources. Through the matching update with the power sector, it can greatly realize the dependence on traditional energy and reduce carbon emissions. In addition, governments and regulators can strengthen environmental supervision of the digital economy industry and develop corresponding policies and standards to promote the use of more energy-efficient servers, optimized equipment configuration, and improved cooling system efficiency in data centers, providers, and operators, among others, in order to promote the development of a green and sustainable digital economy.

  Second, strengthen data infrastructure building and technology popularization, strengthen data privacy and security protection, and improve the enthusiasm of enterprises for digital transformation. The government can increase investment in data infrastructure in underdeveloped areas, including high-speed Internet, data centers, cloud computing platforms, etc. At the same time, strengthen data science,Talent training and skill upgrading in areas such as big data analytics can provide basic support for local enterprises to deeply empower data elements. In addition, clear and stable policies can provide a favorable environment for deeply empowering data elements, and the construction of laws and regulations on data privacy and security should be strengthened. Strengthening technologies and measures to ensure that user data is properly protected, and establishing regulatory mechanisms to supervise the compliance of data processing and use can enhance the good expectations of enterprises and the public for data elements empowering, and promote the further development of the digital economy, thereby providing stronger momentum for the development of new quality productivity.

  Third, promote data sharing and openness, promote data exchange and cooperation between different departments, institutions and enterprises, and remove "stumbling blocks" to development. The government can encourage enterprises and research institutions to conduct innovative research and development in terms of deeply empowering data elements by providing incentives such as funding and tax incentives. The government can also establish innovation support platforms and incubators to provide technical support and market orientation to help innovative projects land and grow. At the same time, by establishing data sharing platforms and formulating data open standards and policies, it can facilitate data sharing and openness among various departments and organizations, thereby encouraging the wide use and innovation of data elements, and opening up data channels for the green transformation of industrial structure and the development of new quality productivity.

Covers an area of 718,000 square meters! The Secret of Xiaomi Automobile Factory: The roof is covered with photovoltaic panels to generate 16.4 million kWh of electricity every year.

  On April 17 th, Xiaomi technical officer Wei issued a document today, officially revealing the Xiaomi automobile factory.

  Xiaomi Automobile Factory is located in Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, covering an area of 718,000 ㎡, including R&D test base, six workshops of stamping, die casting, body, painting, battery and final assembly specially built for new energy vehicles, and a test track with a total length of 2.5km.

  In addition, there is Xiaomi Automobile Factory Store, which is a smart park integrating R&D, production, sales and experience.

  Xiaomi emphasized that the group has always been committed to sustainable development, and Xiaomi Automobile Factory also adhered to this concept at the beginning of its establishment.

  In addition to the control of waste gas and wastewater in production, a variety of green renewable resources have been utilized.

  All the domestic wastewater and production wastewater are brought into the sewage station for treatment, which greatly improves the efficiency of sewage treatment. After pretreatment of production wastewater, mixed sewage treatment, miscellaneous water treatment and reclaimed water treatment system, the proportion of wastewater in the factory can reach 50%.

  The roof of the factory is equipped with a 16.2MW distributed photovoltaic power station with a total area of 154,579 square meters, and the estimated annual power generation is about 16.4 million kWh.

  The photovoltaic project is expected to have a service life of more than 25 years, which can provide renewable energy for Xiaomi automobile manufacturing for a long time, reduce carbon emissions by about 9905 tons annually, and absorb carbon dioxide equivalent to 540,000 trees annually.

Ask the world to respond to the online query: Huawei has invested more than 1,000 people in R&D team, and the new M7 model has a loading capacity of over 630kg.

On September 22 nd, AITO asked Jiejie Automobile to respond to a series of online queries today, mainly focusing on space performance, chassis suspension and safety.

Previously on IT House: According to "Electric Planet", a staff member from LI conducted a series of "popular science" for M7, a "friendly product", when recommending his own L7 model.The performance of the M7 non-new platform development, "oil-to-electricity" vehicle type, suspension chassis, shock absorber and ultimate load-bearing are questioned..

The response given by the industry is as follows: