It was exposed that Yang Ying was reported and suspected of misleading an 11-year-old woman to dance striptease. She was sought after by nightclubs and the blocking process was exposed

Recently, the Yang Ying Zhang Jiani Crazy Horse Show incident has caused a lot of uproar, but neither of the two parties has responded positively to the matter, and they have chosen to deal with it coldly. In this regard, many netizens do not buy it, thinking that as public figures, instead of setting an example, they pass on negative energy and mislead minors, and should be banned directly without any future troubles.

Yang Ying was reported

Many netizens have been discussing this, and some netizens think that it is just a show, so why bother with it. But on October 4th, some media exposed that female star Yang Ying was **** by a parent, claiming that because Yang Ying participated in the Crazy Horse Show, in order to follow the pace of idol Yang Ying, she imitated the Crazy Horse Show dance, that is, striptease. So the mother wants to beg the relevant state departments to ban the bad artists and save the poisoned minors.

Suspected of misleading 11-year-old woman into stripping

According to an insider, Yang Ying was suspected of misleading an 11-year-old girl to organize a striptease dance at home because she participated in the Crazy Horse Show. It turned out that Yang Ying’s fan audience was generally low in age and did not have the ability to distinguish right from wrong. They did not understand the specific meaning of the so-called striptease. They just felt that the people they liked were doing it, so this must be correct.

It is reported that in order to support Yang Ying, these minors organized a number of men and women to restore the Crazy Horse Show (strip party) together. Because the sound was too loud, the neighbors found the parents, and they were discovered. But some netizens couldn’t help but wonder, if this matter was not discovered, which way would these minors go in the future?

Popular in nightclubs

Compared with the young and ignorant minors, the dance content of Crazy Horse Show has also begun to be sought after by domestic nightclubs. According to netizens, in a first-tier city in our country, nightclubs have launched related dance performances, using women as an exhibition, labeling them, and becoming their eye-catching tools.

Blocking process exposed

As the popularity of Yang Ying’s Crazy Horse Show intensified, some insiders exposed Yang Ying’s banning process, claiming that the banning process for Yang Ying had already begun. The first step was to start checking Yang Ying’s advertisements, variety shows, and representative works to reduce her appearance rate.

Some attentive netizens also found that Yang Ying’s popular variety shows, including the resident variety show runners, also reduced Yang Ying’s appearance and publicity. Some netizens also found that any avatar of Yang Ying could not be used, which also indicates the beginning of the ban process. I don’t know if Yang Ying regretted participating in the Crazy Horse show, but there is no regret medicine in the world, and we all have to pay for our actions.

Regarding the issue that Yang Ying’s avatar could not be used, Yang Ying’s studio also responded immediately, claiming that there was no system problem and there was no ban.

How do you see the current situation after Yang Ying participated in the Crazy Horse Show? You can share your thoughts in the comment area and let’s discuss it together.

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Ren Xianqi exposes himself: I agreed to be sterilized together with Tao Jingying’s husband, but I broke my appointment

  April 13, Hong Kong. Ren Xianqi’s new work "Qi Zai R.S.V.P", which has been out of Mandarin music for two years, will be officially released on April 27. An intriguing song on the album is the witty love song "Tracheitis", which was retouched by Ang Lee. Xiao Qi invited fellow Chinese and Hong Kong students, Dabing and Liu Haolong, to sing the song together. China News Agency issued AEG photo

  China News Service, April 15, Ren Xianqi recently went to Taiwan’s variety show "College Student" to share "the charm of a good man", facing the host Tao Zi (Tao Jingying), he was embarrassed to self-destruct, he and Li Li Ren can’t bear his wife to suffer from the pain of production, originally made an appointment to get a vasectomy, but he didn’t have time to go, and finally let Li Li Ren pigeon, "I read the newspaper to know, he has gone, I’m really sorry."

  According to Taiwan’s China Times, even though Ren Xianqi broke the appointment temporarily, Tao Zi praised Ren Xianqi’s act of loving his wife. She said: "Ren Xianqi will take Tina’s hand to breakfast on rainy mornings, which is very romantic." Ren Xianqi, who has been involved in the recent marriage of Karen Mok and Zheng Xiuwen in Taiwan’s entertainment industry, said he was not worried about Tina misunderstanding. "My trick is to let Tina know them."

  Ren Xianqi said that his declaration of a good man is "to be responsible, to be cared for, not to be scolded." He will take Tina to scuba diving and surfing. Tina is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She has an S-shaped devil figure and makes people drool in sexy clothes. Ren Xianqi said that as long as his wife has the conditions, there is nothing wrong with wearing beautiful clothes. This statement made Tao Zi, who has not fully recovered from the postpartum figure, envious and joked at himself: "No wonder, my husband has told me to wear more clothes recently."

Editor in charge: Wang Xin

Brother Yang’s account has over 100 million fans, surpassing Simba to become the first brother of Internet celebrities

Finally! In November 2022, some time ago claimed that the number of fans is about to break 100 million of the well-known Internet celebrity crazy little brother Yang’s personal fans broke through 99.99 million +, surpassed the Internet celebrity Simba, became the first Internet celebrity circle fans broke 100 million Internet celebrity live streaming host.

As a rising star, Crazy Little Brother Yang can surpass Simba and break through 100 million first, which is still very surprising. Some netizens have questions about why he is so popular. However, it is reasonable for Crazy Little Brother Yang to break through 100 million fans. As one of the most down-to-earth Internet celebrity live streaming hosts, from obscurity to popularity to the current fan breakthrough 99.99 million +, Crazy Little Brother Yang and Big Brother Yang have not forgotten their original intentions, which is very admirable.

The Crazy Little Brother Yang account was mainly "operated" by twin brother Zhang Qingyang and Big Brother Zhang Kaiyang in 1995. The 27-year-old brothers were worth far more than their peers.

From a prank roommate to a prank girlfriend to a prank parent, Crazy Little Brother Yang spent six years figuring out a set of traffic passwords – that is, the plot reversal of funny first. After starting to bring goods, Little Brother Yang also brought this "characteristic" to the live stream. The plot display without creative bottlenecks made fans laugh, and the number of fans also rose.

Since the beginning of this year, the speed of crazy little brother Yang’s increase in fans has made him "afraid". Now the total number of fans of Douyin has exceeded Andy Lau by nearly 20 million, and the personal ranking is first. After the suspension of the broadcast for two months in June this year, the return "debut" is also very popular. Go LIVE only 10 minutes, and the number of likes has reached 170 million. Feeling the pressure, little brother Yang reduced the live broadcast time, turning the original live broadcast three times a week into two live broadcasts every Tuesday and Saturday.

According to the data of Mother Cicada, in the ranking of experts on the Douyin Moon List, Crazy Little Brother Yang ranks second, followed by Brother Yi and Make a Friend who have recently exploded.

Although Crazy Brother Yang was nearly half of the sales from the first-place Dongfang Selection, the number of live broadcasts was one-third of the number of Dongfang Selection. In other words, if Brother Yang did not reduce the number of live broadcasts, or the same frequency as Dongfang Selection’s live broadcast, his GMV would definitely rank first.

The continuous explosion has also made everyone’s supervision of Brother Yang more and more intense, so Brother Yang’s live stream is often reported by netizens. Some fans shouted that Brother Yang should pay his taxes on time during the live stream, and some netizens corrected his live stream that there should be less sexy and beautiful women suspected of rubbing the edge. Even Douyin officials are highly concerned about it. On April 8, Brother Yang was forced to go off the air by the official for saying sensitive words in the live stream.

In any case, or once again bless the crazy little Yang fans to break through 99.99 million +, become the first person in the Internet celebrity world, I hope that the little Yang brother can bring more joy to everyone in the future, and I hope that the little Yang brother has better development and results in the live streaming industry.

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The price is 1.098 million! BYD’s "black technology" luxury car is not afraid of floating and single-wheel puncture.

K diagram 002594_0

K figure 01211_0

  After eight months of preheating,To the million levelThe first product that entered the car market finally went to the market.

  On September 20th, Wangwang’s first model, Wangwang U8, was officially launched. The official price of the new car was 1.098 million yuan, which was consistent with the previously announced pre-sale price.


  Image from video screenshot

  In the record of investor relations activities disclosed on September 18, BYD made a preliminary exposition on looking up to the black technology carried by the brand. In this listing activity, BYD also took the company’s understanding and research on core technologies as the "key words" of the conference.

  In the view of Wang Chuanfu, chairman of BYD, shaping high-end brands does not depend on stacking configuration, but on design and technology.


  Easy Sifang technology leads to hot discussion in the market

  At the beginning of this year, BYD launched the "Easy Sifang" technology when it released its look-up brand. According to reports, "Yi Sifang" is a set of fourThe dynamic system with independent drive as the core is surrounded by three dimensions: perception, decision-making and execution.The characteristics of the vehicle have been completely reconstructed, subverting the power system capability system of the previous fuel vehicle.

  For example, after a single wheel of a vehicle has a flat tire, the "Easy Square" technology can accurately adjust the torque of the remaining three wheels at a frequency of 1,000 times per second, and make powerful compensation intervention on the body posture through the driving wheel in time to help the driver stop the vehicle stably and controllably. Today, this technology has been successfully applied to Wangwang U8, which has just been listed.


  When public opinion generally focuses on the million-class off-road vehicle launched by BYD, many investment institutions pay more attention to the core technology carried by BYD U8.

  According to the analysis, BYD’s "Easy Sifang" technology platform is the key core technology of looking up to the brand. The independent driving of each wheel is realized through four wheels, combined with the deep fusion perception of the whole vehicle, and based on the technology of body stability vector control, the safety of the product can be further improved.

  safe and soundIt is believed that the "Easy Sifang" technology platform and the launch of U8 are of great significance for independent brands to impact the high-end market. Looking up to the brand and positioning a million-level brand, before that, there were few models that reached this price band by independent car companies. The launch of "Easy Sifang" means that China brand has ushered in the opportunity to impact the high-end market with its core technological advantages, and has the ability to master the definition of high-end performance, which reflects to some extent that independent car companies areTechnical confidence of the times. In the long run, if we hope that the brand can form a certain market reputation and brand appeal among domestic and even global users, it will be of valuable reference significance for independent automobile enterprises to attack the million-level high-end market, and at the same time, it will be of great significance to enhance the self-confidence and cultural self-confidence of Chinese automobile brands.

  Emergency floating function has attracted much attention.

  At the press conference, BYDIt also introduces in detail the emergency floating function that has attracted much attention from the market. It is reported that this function has achieved the whole system standard in looking up to U8 models.


  According to reports, looking up at U8 has a good sealing performance, which can ensure that the vehicle does not sink. At the same time, its easy-to-square technology can ensure the control of the vehicle after it enters the floating state by mistake. When the emergency floating capacity is triggered, the engine looking up to U8 version will automatically shut down in advance.

  "Looking up to U8′ s emergency floating ability is passively triggered. When the user starts wading mode through the Xinghe curved screen and starts wading, the vehicle will pass a variety ofMonitor the wading depth, body posture, wheel slip state, etc. If it meets the floating conditions, it will automatically trigger emergency floating, and realize the forward and steering control of the vehicle after it enters the floating state in the water. According to BYD insiders, this function can greatly ensure the safety of drivers and passengers when the vehicle accidentally wades.

  first half of a yearA year-on-year increase of 220.02%

  Not long ago, BYD disclosed the 2023 semi-annual report. The financial report shows that BYD achieved revenue of 260.124 billion yuan in the first half of the year, a year-on-year increase of 72.72%; The net profit of returning to the mother was 10.954 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 204.68%; The net profit after deducting non-profit was 9.695 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 220.02%.

  BYD introduced that in the first half of the year, the company consolidated its leading position in the field of new energy vehicles, and its market share expanded to 33.5%, an increase of 6.5 percentage points over 2022.

  In terms of sales volume, in the first half of the year, BYD acted as China.Automobile leader, with a cumulative sales volume of 1,255,600 vehicles, up 95.78% year-on-year. It is worth mentioning that in addition to continuously expanding the sales scale, BYD also focused on high-end breakthroughs in the first half of the year. It is reported that in addition to looking up to the brand, the main market range of BYD Tengshi brand has been locked in the market of 300,000 to 500,000 yuan, and the personalized brand equation Leopard will be in the price range of 400,000 to 600,000 yuan. This means that at this stage, BYD’s product portfolio has fully covered almost all levels and prices of the mainstream new energy passenger car market in China, and there is a trend of continuous upward penetration.

Soldiers and teenagers join hands in football matches to increase friendship

Recently, a youth football friendly match was held in Wenquan County, Xinjiang. The football teams from town primary schools in Wenquan County and the teams from the Central School of the 88th Regiment of the Fifth Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps participated in the competition.

The scene of the youth football friendly match between the army and the land (photo by Wuyun Geli)

In the game, the young football players competed with each other, and their tacit passing and wonderful steals instantly "ignited" the whole pitch.

Under the stadium, shouts and cheers came one after another, and everyone enjoyed the warmth and joy brought by this sports "feast".

The scene of the youth football friendly match between the army and the land (photo by Dai Lige)

"In this friendly match, I met many good friends and was very happy. I hope that schools can often carry out such activities. " Daren, a member of the team of the 88 th Central School, said.

In recent years, schools, kindergartens and Corps schools in Wenquan County have regularly carried out various sports competitions, educational, teaching and research exchanges and research activities, further promoting exchanges and integration between the two sides, realizing complementary advantages and deep integration, and promoting the common development of education in the two places. (Wu Yun Ge Li Dai Li Ge)

Chinese Billiards World Championships: Two "After 00" in China compete for the men’s championship.

  The 6th CBSA Chinese Billiards World Championship was in full swing, and the final lineup was produced on December 14th. In 2019, Zhao Ruliang, the runner-up of the men’s team in the Chinese Billiards World Championship, defeated john young in the "Master-apprentice War", and in the final, he launched a peak confrontation with another "post-00" dark horse Shen Shenyi.

  The opening ceremony of this Chinese billiards world championship was staged in Yushan Sports Center Square, Jiangxi Province on the evening of December 8, with 496 players from 41 countries and regions around the world and officials from Taiwan Association from 12 countries including Russia attending. In recent years, the booming Chinese billiards is becoming a new powerful link between China and the world. (Reporter Jiang Tao Video Source Star Billiards)

You haven’t watched this game yet, they have got the best result of China team in the Olympic Games.

Wen | Yang Weige

Rugby is not popular in China, and there are not many fans, so the rugby match in the Olympic Games has not attracted much attention from domestic audiences.
However, this project you haven’t seen yet,China rugby girls have finished seventh in the women’s rugby sevens in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, winning China’s best performance in this Olympic event and creating the highest ranking of Asian women’s rugby teams in the Olympic Games.
As the first seven-a-side China rugby women’s team to enter the Olympic Games, their breakthrough has been recorded in the history of sports in China.
Two rugby girls are from Shanghai.
Liu Xiaoqian and Gu Yaoyao are both from Shanghai Institute of Physical Education.
Liu xiaoqian
In July, 2007, 11-year-old Liu Xiaoqian was selected by the teacher and entered the track and field training point of Ma Yinchu junior middle school, and began to carry out systematic basic track and field training. Won the first place in women’s 100 meters in provincial and municipal track and field competitions for many times.,Liu Xiaoqian’s talent in speed, strength and agility in the competition was favored by the coach of the women’s football team. After many times of communication, she joined the China women’s football reserve echelon.
In 2012, Liu Xiaoqian joined the Shanghai Rugby Team. She won the second place in the Asian Youth Championship and the Asian Rugby Championship on behalf of the China team. After less than two years of rugby training, she won the athlete level. In September, 2018, in the women’s rugby sevens final of the 18th Asian Games, China won a precious silver medal, and Liu Xiaoqian participated as the main force.
In 2019, during the training before the Asian rugby sevens qualifiers of the Tokyo Olympic Games,Liu Xiaoqian suffered many serious injuries and underwent many operations. In the end, she overcame the injury with tenacious perseverance and high self-disciplineAnd break throughSelf, as the main player, won the laurel and qualified for the Olympic Games.
The training of rugby events is very hard, with fierce collision and wind and sun. Liu Xiaoqian once said: "Since you chose it at the beginning, you must persist. You know the hardships of training, as long as you get used to it!"
Gu Yaoyao
Gu Yaoyao showed great athletic talent since she was a child. In 2009, she won the championship of women’s triple jump in city and county sports games. In 2011, with the recommendation of her coach, Gu Yaoyao came to the competitive school affiliated to Shanghai Institute of Physical Education and joined the school’s women’s football team. With her athletic talent and hard training, Gu Yaoyao’s technical level finally improved by leaps and bounds, and she was successfully selected for the national women’s football team in 2015.
As the captain of the Shanghai Women’s Rugby Team and the main player of the National Women’s Rugby Team, Gu Yaoyao won the fourth place in the women’s rugby competition in the 13th National Games in 2017, the ninth place in the Dubai World Rugby Series in 2018 and the second place in the Asian series in 2019.
Gu Yaoyao, who plays with the national team all the year round, doesn’t have all kinds of holidays like other students. She trains with the team every winter and summer vacation and on weekends. Talking about training, Gu Yaoyao once bluntly said: "Every training is very tired, and clothes are always soaked with sweat."
All graduate students.Excellent cultural achievements.
On August 4th, the author interviewed Xu Hui, the head coach of Shanghai rugby team, Wu Jianhong, the assistant coach, and their school sisters in Shanghai Institute of Physical Education. Listen to them talk about the training routine of Olympic athletes.
From left to right: head coach Xu Hui, assistant coach Wu Jianhong, junior sister Xiaochen and Zheng Wenyan Photography: Wang Fei.
Liu Xiaoqian and Gu Yaoyao have been in the national team for many years and have rich experience. The head coach Xu Hui is very proud to be able to play for the country in the Olympic Games. He believes that the two players have their own specialties, and Gu Yaoyao has strong organizational mobilization ability and excellent defense, which can create scoring opportunities for everyone. Liu Xiaoqian is mainly aggressive and easy to score.
Xu Dao said that he also communicated with two athletes after the game, and Gu Yaoyao was in good shape. Liu Xiaoqian was not able to play the last game for the national team because of her elbow injury during the war with the United States. She was aggrieved and was actively receiving treatment and trying to adjust her mentality. After the Olympic Games, they are preparing for the war in isolation in Tianjin, and then the national team will join forces to compete in the Xi ‘an National Games.
Talking about the impression of the two players when they entered the school, Xu Dao said that Gu Yaoyao was originally engaged in long jump track and field events, and Liu Xiaoqian also practiced track and field. They have been working hard since they joined the Shanghai rugby team. In particular, Liu Xiaoqian impressed him very deeply. In preparation for the international competition, Liu Xiaoqian was injured from knee to shoulder to elbow. So far, four operations have been performed. Pain is a test for athletes’ physical and psychological state. However, Liu Xiaoqian overcame physical pain and difficulties every time, and quickly returned to the stadium to continue training every time.
Rugby training ground
Asked if there is any good way to avoid injury, Xu Dao said:Competitive sports must go beyond the limits of human beings, so as to live up to the Olympic spirit of "higher, faster, stronger and more United".They also constantly teach players some skills and means in training, hoping to avoid injuries as much as possible.
Xu Hui, head coach of the Shanghai rugby team, and Wu Jianhong, assistant coach
Wu Jianhong, an assistant coach, accompanied the football team for training before they rushed to Tokyo. He is the unsung hero behind the Olympic athletes. Asked if the training of rugby is bitter, she said: She has been practicing rugby for ten years, and the longer she has been in contact with it, the more she likes it.
Talking about the two athletes, Wu Jianhong said: "Liu Xiaoqian has experienced many setbacks and has great courage. This spirit is worth learning. She is a very strong and dedicated girl. On the day before a shoulder surgery, she still insisted on training and came step by step to overcome difficulties in the process of injury. " Speaking of this, coach Wu’s voice has choked.
Speaking of the characteristics of the players of the Shanghai rugby team, Xu Dao particularly pointed out the combination of study and practice.
"Gu Yaoyao and Liu Xiaoqian have excellent cultural achievements and have always been an example for the younger generation to learn. They are graduate students in 2018 and 2019 respectively. Gu Yaoyao has obtained the teacher qualification certificate, and Liu Xiaoqian has been practicing oral English and improving her English. As a student athlete, learning is for more scientific training, and a deeper summary can be made after training. "
Xu Dao said that in addition to regular daily training, young players will be organized to watch every game during the Olympic Games to cheer for the national team and the teachers and sisters. Young players are growing up in competition and exercise. I believe that I will be able to make a name for myself in various competitions soon.

[China Graduate] China Renmin University: Learning to "govern the country" in practical training.

Practical education is an important way to cultivate talents. Postgraduate training units around the country have actively explored and worked hard to develop, and combined with the characteristics of disciplines, majors and regions, they have formed a number of brand projects of practical education, and trained a number of outstanding talents who can be of great use and shoulder heavy responsibilities.





China Renmin University’s "Governing the Country and Politics" on-the-job training program (hereinafter referred to as the "Governing the Country and Politics" program) aims at cultivating "governing the country and politics" talents, combines students’ ability training with internship and employment, and combines serving students’ growth with attracting talents and talents from local areas, and strives to build an interactive platform for two-way understanding and two-way selection between students and central state organs, local party and government organs, central enterprises and local enterprises and institutions, so as to effectively build a real link between students and society. Guide students to understand the working mode and specific requirements of party and government organs, enterprises and institutions, consciously combine their personal ideals with the needs of the country, adhere to the concept of "integrating knowledge with practice", temper the political character of "taking responsibility for others", exercise the power of governing the country, and strive to grow into a new generation worthy of the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation.

Since its inception in 2022, the project has been carried out in two phases, and students have been organized to go to Ningde, Fujian, Zhengding, Hebei, Minning, Ningxia, Lankao, Henan, Jinxian, Jiangxi and other places for 6-8 weeks of on-the-job training, and 176 graduate students have been trained.

First, carry out the plan of "governing the country" under the guidance of thought.

(A) adhere to the "education for the party, education for the country" initial intention.

Carry out the correct political direction and value orientation throughout the whole process of postgraduate backbone education and management, persist in inheriting the red genes, continue the red veins, pay attention to improving political judgment, political understanding and political execution, and concentrate on cultivating talents for the party and the country. First, strengthen political orientation in the registration and selection process. Pay attention to comprehensive quality, make overall consideration of the political consciousness, scientific research progress, comprehensive ability and employment willingness of graduate students, and give priority to students with rich social work experience and outstanding student leadership who are willing to work in grassroots party and government departments after graduation. The second is to adhere to the principle of "matching people with posts" in the post arrangement. Considering the students’ professional background, research direction, career planning and the situation of the post-setting area, we should fully communicate with the responsible units related to on-the-job training to determine the job position, clarify the job responsibilities, formulate the training plan, and establish a two-way work assessment system between the on-the-job unit and the project team to ensure the training quality. Third, pay attention to the feedback of project effect in the final evaluation. Improve the evaluation system and carry out the evaluation of the results of the project, including the appraisal opinions of the on-the-job training units, the self-evaluation questionnaire of project members, the publication of on-the-job training results, etc. Pay attention to the comparison before and after, test the students’ indicators before the project starts, compare the scores before and after the project based on the evaluation indicators, observe the changes of students’ comprehensive quality, especially their political literacy, cultivate the ability of graduate backbone to see things politically, and comprehensively improve their political literacy.

(B) adhere to the "meet the needs of the development of the cause of the party and the state" orientation.

Focusing on the needs of the development of the cause of the party and the country, we will establish a full-chain talent training mechanism of "learning, research, refining and understanding", which integrates course training, discussion and exchange, practical training and experience summary. The first is "learning", carrying out course training and strengthening knowledge reserve and work cognition. Invite experts, scholars and grassroots alumni inside and outside the school to share their experiences around the topics of clean politics, official document writing and official etiquette, so as to help students enrich the theoretical knowledge of social governance, enhance their understanding of China’s administrative system and national conditions, and enhance their public service capabilities. The second is "research", organizing discussion and exchange, and gathering experience and wisdom. Organize students to visit Jinxian, Jiangxi, Changzhi, Shanxi and the grass-roots public departments in Beijing, organize seminars regularly in groups, sum up learning experience, exchange learning experiences and carry out scenario simulation. The third is "refining", carrying out on-the-job exercise and practicing excellent skills. Students go to local governments, enterprises and institutions at the grass-roots level for practical training, accept the grass-roots experience of "real knife and real gun", observe, experience and analyze the operation mechanism and management mode of party and government departments with their own eyes, accumulate vivid experience and temper their excellent skills. The fourth is to "realize", sum up experience and improve the effect of educating people. A research group is set up by individuals or teams to encourage students to carry out special research and form research reports based on their actual work experience. The project team is connected with the National Development Institute and the First Academy to promote students’ participation in the research work of school think tanks.

(3) Adhere to the goal of "cultivating a large number of high-quality talents with both ability and political integrity"

Adhere to moral education, implement the whole process of training and guidance, and strive to cultivate new people of the times who are responsible for national rejuvenation. At the beginning of the project, the old students served as counselors for the new students, playing the role of "mentoring", guiding the students to be familiar with the project, giving full play to the autonomy of the students, and realizing self-management and self-education. During the practice period, the on-the-job unit designated a special person as a grass-roots tutor to be responsible for the training and assessment, and the school organized colleges to go to local places for mid-term visits in batches to communicate with local organizations and receiving units to fully understand and guide the students’ work. After the exercise, summarize excellent reports and training cases, do a good job in publicity and summary, evaluation and commendation, and do a good job in tracking training and service guidance; Attach importance to the cooperation between schools and places, build a talent training base together, maintain the continuity and long-term nature of the project, and enhance the comprehensive influence of the project.

Two, with the effectiveness of the project, service personnel training and local economic development.

Since the implementation of the "governing the country" plan, it has achieved remarkable results in practical education and played a certain role in promoting the high-quality development of local economy.

(A) to guide students to strengthen their youthful ideals in grassroots experience.

The first is to truly enter the grassroots. Students have experienced the transformation from "students at school" to "people’s public servants" in practical work, and have a detailed understanding of how to "manage politics" in specific work such as rural revitalization, industrial development and grassroots party building. The second is to help improve quality. Through interviews, conflict mediation, theoretical preaching, report writing and other ways to gain insight into social conditions and public opinion, grasp the pulse of the times, and achieve an all-round improvement in comprehensive quality. The third is to guide firm ideals. By going deep into the grass roots, practicing deeply, and savoring the "ups and downs" of the grass roots among the masses, the students have accumulated valuable work experience, further strengthened their determination to serve the country and contribute to society, and better defined their future career development plans.

The evaluation results show that all members have gained different degrees of positive feedback during the on-the-job training. Nearly 90% of the students said that the experience of participating in the "governing the country" project is of great help to their career planning, and their personal horizons have been greatly broadened. About 60% of the students said that this experience has further deepened their understanding of the theory they have learned.

(B) to promote the deep integration of theoretical teaching and practical education

Grassroots is the best classroom, and practice is the best teaching material. The program of "Governing the Country and Governing the Government" allows the project students to walk out of the ivory tower and go to the grassroots level, to weather the storm, see the world and strengthen their bones and muscles in the "melting pot" on the front line, and to truly understand the national conditions, social conditions and people’s feelings in the "social classroom". In the fields of rural revitalization, in the front-line posts of party and government services, the project students sink into the front line in the actual post exercise, practice, stand with the people and work together. Take root down, find real problems based on grassroots reality, seek upward, and give full play to professional advantages to solve practical problems. Students turn the facts at the grass-roots level into first-hand materials for academic research, and write the research results as answers to the times to improve people’s livelihood. They really study problems and real problems in grass-roots practice, lay a solid foundation of knowledge, practice excellent skills and temper moral cultivation in discovering, studying and solving problems, which effectively promotes the deep integration of theoretical teaching and practical education.






First, improve the collaborative linkage mechanism between schools and localities. Coordinate the mobilization of social resources, optimize the multi-level and multi-form cooperation mode, further build a comprehensive practice base to meet the needs of students’ "national conditions practice, academic practice, ideological and political practice and employment practice", build a bridge for students to approach and serve the grassroots, and promote resource sharing, talent co-education, mutual promotion and common improvement between schools and places.

Second, strengthen the promotion mechanism of practical achievements. Strengthen the propaganda of typical tree selection for outstanding students, and tell the story of "governing the country" program students exercising at the grassroots level. We will promote the exchange and mutual learning of practical experience among colleges and universities, focus on refining the experience and practices of the "governing the country" plan, and strive to build a leading benchmark practice brand that is dynamic, long-term, accessible and can be promoted for colleges and universities across the country.

Third, continue to improve the practical education system. Adhere to the "five educations", comprehensively build a training system with the characteristics of the National People’s Congress, which is suitable for improving students’ social research ability, gather the majestic power of "educating people for the party and educating people for the country", take the plan of "governing the country and governing the country" as an important starting point to implement practical education, promote the organic integration of the first classroom and the second classroom, further guide students to combine theory with practice in practical training, practice excellent skills in grassroots experience, temper political character, and strive to cultivate people who are worthy of the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation.

(The original text was published in the November 2023 issue of China Graduate School. )

Original link:[China Graduate] China Renmin University: Learning to "govern the country" in practical training.

The Historical Meaning of Civilization and Its Contemporary Enlightenment

[Excerpts from arguments]

He Zhonghua wrote in the 6th issue of China Social Sciences in 2023 that "civilization" and "culture" can be used in a broad sense. In the early days of human civilization, people’s self-centeredness is a common cultural and psychological phenomenon, but the symbol of civilization maturity lies in the sublation of this self-centeredness. The existence of human beings is transcendent, and the positive interaction between human individuals and classes makes human civilization evolve in an accelerated way. The anthropological ontological paradox of the division between human physical existence and spiritual existence has its own manifestations in both eastern and western civilizations. The modernity shaped by western civilization exists the paradox of civilization and barbarism and the hegemony of "pseudo-universality". From a long period of history, the focus of human civilization is constantly shifting with different historical opportunities, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will profoundly affect the new pattern of civilization in the 21st century. Universal communication of human beings is an important condition for the development of civilization, and mutual learning of civilizations is helpful for different nationalities to make their own unique contributions to the overall progress of human civilization.

Guangming Daily (11th edition, September 15th, 2023)

Source: Guangming Net-Guangming Daily