Wanda financing fog

Titanium media note: This article comes from WeChat official account Phoenix WEEKLY Real Estate (ID: FHZKDC), author | Fu Linlin, editor | Cao Bei, titanium media is authorized to publish.

On the last day of the deadline, Wanda submitted its prospectus for the fourth time. The same thing was repeated several times, but Wanda still failed to go public.

Just before the announcement of the prospectus, Wanda Commercial Management suspended its application for the issuance of 6 billion-scale small public bonds.

In the first half of this year, Wanda lived between two faces: on the one hand, a string of excellent figures were presented to the regulators, waiting to be listed in the capital markets; on the other hand, the issue of the capital chain was directly put on the table, questioned by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, frozen equity, and project rights protection.

No one can give a definite answer. What happened to Wanda?

But expectations for the company have clearly reversed, from the prospect of returning to the top of the housing company to being in the quagmire, waiting for rescue.

On June 28, the official website of the Securities Supervision Commission announced the notice of the suspension of registration procedures for domestic bond issuance by Dalian Wanda Commercial Management. The planned issuance scale of the small public offering is 6 billion yuan, and the main underwriters are Guotai Junan and Kaiyuan Securities.

This is Wanda’s initiative to apply for the suspension of bond registration. In the face of the difficulties in financing real estate enterprises, the reasons behind the suspension of registration by Wanda Commercial Management have caused a lot of speculation, many of which are related to the listing of Zhuhai Wanda.

Wanda’s explanation is that Dalian Wanda Commercial Management terminated the issuance of small public bonds because the market conditions did not meet the company’s expectations and voluntarily gave up the issuance. However, the suspension of the bond registration process of the distribution company will not have a significant impact on the company’s liquidity in the short term, and it does not rule out resubmitting the bond issuance application in the future if conditions are met.

According to relevant regulations, if the China Securities Supervision Commission and the stock exchange decide to suspend the review based on the application of the issuer and the lead underwriter, after the relevant circumstances disappear, the issuer and the lead underwriter may apply to the China Securities Supervision Commission and the stock exchange to resume the review.

The bond has experienced many twists and turns since the application began.

On March 21, the website of the Securities Supervision Commission issued an inquiry letter on the application documents of the joint stock company of Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group to disclose the bonds of the distribution company to professional investors.

Zhuhai Wanda, a subsidiary of Wanda Commercial Management Group, is currently applying for listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. If the listing is not successful at the end of 2023, Wanda Commercial Management Group needs to pay about 30 billion yuan to pre-listing investors for share repurchase.

The Securities Supervision Commission requested Wanda Commercial Management Group to further post script on the listing progress of its subsidiary Zhuhai Wanda and assess the impact of the above matters on the issuer’s short-term solvency.

According to the disclosure of the application materials, in the past three years and the first phase (2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 January-March), the net cash flow generated by the financing activities of Wanda Commercial Management Group was – 24.50 billion yuan, – 32 billion yuan, – 11.30 billion yuan and – 18.20 billion yuan.

The Securities Supervision Commission requires Wanda Commercial Management Group to post script the reasons and rationality for the continued large negative net cash flow of financing activities, and to evaluate the impact on the repayment of this bond.

According to the "Administrative Measures for the Issuance and Trading of Corporate Bonds" (Order No. 180 of the Securities Supervision Commission), Wanda Commercial Management Group is required to implement it item by item and submit a written reply and electronic documents to the Shanghai Stock Exchange within 3 months. If the reply cannot be made on time, the Securities Supervision Commission may make a decision to terminate the review according to law.

At present, Wanda Commercial Management has not replied to the above questions, but has only publicly replied to some news circulating in the market.

A real estate investment and financing person told Phoenix WEEKLY Real Estate: "If Wanda wants to reply, the principal and the law firm must confirm the signature. After this aspect is resolved, the regulators will agree or not."

Shen Meng, a director of Chanson Capital, said: "Suspension of bond issuance is usually chosen after full informal communication with relevant institutions and confirmation that it is difficult to move forward. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that Wanda believes that the success rate of bond issuance at this time has been greatly reduced based on the current overall situation."

The suspension of bond registration and the issuance of the fourth prospectus at the same time have also raised questions about whether the two are related.

However, a Financial Institutions Group source told Phoenix WEEKLY: "The main body is different. Wanda Commercial Management needs money now, and the money after the listing should be to increase capital to Zhuhai Wanda. The impact on Wanda Commercial Management is that there is no need to deal with the redemption of shares."

In fact, the suspension of the financing of the 6 billion still has an impact on the Wanda business management in a state of tight funds. Recently, there have been rights protection in many places such as Wanda business tickets and housing delays.

Wanda is also raising money by selling stakes in project companies.

On June 26, according to the information disclosed by the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System, the shareholders of Wuhan Huada No. 9 Innovation Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) under Wanda Real Estate changed.

According to the change of shareholders information, Wanda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. and Huarong Capital Management Co., Ltd. respectively transferred 85.7206% of the shares and 0.3175% of the shares of Wuhan Huada No. 9 Innovation Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership), and the transferee was China Huarong Asset Management joint stock company.

After the equity transfer, China Huarong held 86.0381%, Wanda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. held 13.9104%, and Huarong Capital Management Co., Ltd. held 0.0515%.

The only foreign investment company of Wuhan Huada Jiu Innovation Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) is Wuhan Wanda East Lake Real Estate Co., Ltd., which is the project company of Wuhan Central Cultural District.

Here is Wanda’s benchmark project, Hanjie.

According to public information, the Wuhan Wanda Chuhe Han Street Project is located in the Wuhan Central Cultural Center. It is a "world-class cultural tourism project" built by Wanda with culture as the core and integrating tourism, commerce, business and residential functions. The project is the largest investment in the cultural industry of a single project in China. The investment in pure culture reaches 8 billion yuan, the total investment is about 30 billion yuan, and the total construction area is 3.40 million square meters. It officially opened on September 30, 2011.

A person familiar with the matter told Phoenix WEEKLY Real Estate: "In fact, it was in May. On the surface, it was an equity financing. In fact, Chongqing Trust expired and had no money to pay it back. I asked Huarong to do a financing. In fact, it was a real debt."

And "Phoenix WEEKLY Real Estate" found that the project companies under Wanda Real Estate Group are basically 100% shareholding, and only a few trust companies have been introduced as shareholders. It is difficult to guarantee that this method of Wuhan projects will not be replicated in the future. After all, many of Wanda’s real estate projects across the country are facing the risk of shutdown.

The above-mentioned fund person said: "The key is for the Financial Institution Group to recognize Wanda. Trusts are all raised money and cannot come out. Investors will protect their rights."

At present, the financing channel of Wanda Plaza is still smooth.

On June 13 this year, the Shanghai Stock Exchange disclosed that the project status of the first phase of the asset-backed special project plan of CICC Huatai-Wanda Plaza was updated to "Feedback". The bond variety is ABS, the proposed issuance amount is 3.501 billion yuan, the plan manager is Huatai Securities (Shanghai) Asset Management Co., Ltd., the original equity is Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group joint stock company, and the project acceptance date is March 30, 2023.

This year, the Securities Supervision Commission has conducted two inquiries on Wanda, the first for bond issuance and the second for listing.

Listing is the biggest hurdle for Wanda this year. According to the latest version of the prospectus, in 2022, Wanda Commercial Management will achieve revenue of about 27.12 billion yuan, gross profit of about 12.984 billion yuan, profit before tax of 9.303 billion yuan, and net profit attributable to shareholders of about 7.503 billion yuan.

In terms of business scale, by the end of 2022, Wanda Commercial Management managed 472 commercial plazas with a construction area of 65.60 million square meters under management. In 2020, 2021 and 2022, the average occupancy rate of Wanda Commercial Management’s commercial plazas under management (excluding parking spaces) was 98.6%. By the end of 2022, Wanda Commercial Management had 181 reserve projects, including 163 independent third-party projects.

The data is still very bright, but the key question, Wanda still did not reply.

In June, the Securities Supervision Commission released the latest "requirements for publicity of supplementary materials for the filing of overseas issuance and listing", of which Zhuhai Wanda was the first to issue seven requirements, involving six issues.

Among them, it is required to clarify the post-listing fundraising management and red lines, as well as to refine the fundraising management and commitment not to directly or indirectly flow into real estate.

In addition, according to the prospectus, Zhuhai Wanda’s cumulative cash dividends during the reporting period (2019 to 2021 and the first half of 2022) were 13.27 billion yuan, exceeding the total net cash flow from operating activities for the same period by 11.548 billion yuan.

In addition to the huge dividend, Zhuhai Wanda’s shareholder meeting in late September last year approved the "dividend 3.478 billion yuan" proposal. After listing, the board of directors plans to recommend at least 65% of the annual distributable profit to be used for dividends at the shareholder meeting.

The Securities Supervision Commission requires Zhuhai Wanda to explain: the rationality of the cash dividend amount and future cash dividend policy during the reporting period, whether there is a significant impact on the company’s solvency and continuing operation, and the necessity and rationality of implementing this financing in the case of large cash dividends.

The two questions directly point to the relationship between real estate and business management in Wanda’s business.

One analyst said: "In Wanda’s business system, the existing funding problem is the real estate business. The rental income goes to the commercial management, and the depreciation of shopping malls and loan interest go to the real estate. This has resulted in high profit margins in the commercial management business, which is convenient for listing. Before listing, the profits were used to repay the debt of the real estate, but after listing, the money is not easy to do. The problem with the Securities Supervision Commission is that since you have so much profit to pay dividends, why are you still listed for financing?"

Other issues related to corporate governance, the relationship with the parent company, the authenticity of data, and the risk of gambling all require Wanda to resolve them one by one.

"With Wanda’s current business income, if the Zhuhai Commodity IPO cannot go ahead, Wanda’s solvency may be greatly weakened," Ms Shen said. "Zhuhai Commodity IPO has been delayed and Dalian Wanda has suspended bond issuance, which will exacerbate the tension in Wanda’s capital chain and even cause liquidity risks."

For Wanda, the top priority is to go public, but under the many problems, it is difficult to attract widespread attention by submitting a listing application four times. The outside world is only waiting for the end of the year. Before that, this giant ship is still sailing in the fog. If it wants to go public smoothly, it may first have to sail out of the fog.

Avoiding talking about album sales, Jolin Tsai complains that Jay Chou is megalomaniac


    [Content overview]Yesterday, Jolin Tsai held a press conference in Beijing with her new album "Love Mission" (the name of the imported version from the mainland, formerly known as "Agent J").
The staff around Jolin Tsai refused to answer "only questions related to the album itself."

    Yesterday, Jolin Tsai held a press conference in Beijing with the new album "Love Quest" (the name of the imported version from the mainland, formerly known as "Agent J"). According to Tsai’s company, "Love Quest" was officially released nationwide on September 21 and has so far ranked first in the country’s major sales charts. Tsai said she was bored and did not want to respond to the scolding battle with Jay Chou about "sales irrigation". She said she only cared about what new dance steps she could not do, "except to improve herself, the rest is not concerned."

    When Jolin Tsai released the new album "Love Mission" recently, he claimed that the pre-sale of three days has reached 50,000 copies. This made Jay Chou, who announced the pre-sale result of the new album "I’m Busy" of 48,011 copies, very upset. He openly questioned Jolin Tsai’s boss Chen Zeshan for sales, while Jolin Tsai publicly hit back at Jay Chou: "I am not used to naming names to say that other people are bad. Brother Shan is my boss and friend, and I feel very uncomfortable when my friend is criticized." She also privately complained that "Jay Chou is an egomaniac who doesn’t care about other people’s feelings."

    At yesterday’s press conference, when a reporter asked Jolin Tsai whether the sales of the new album had been flooded, the staff around Jolin Tsai refused to answer "only questions related to the album itself". When pressed by reporters, Jolin Tsai reluctantly said: "I don’t want to be written about this issue anymore, it’s a bit boring. I really don’t want to talk about it anymore."

    At the press conference, an actress from a Chinese acrobatic troupe performed a "gravity-free ribbon dance" that Ms. Tsai’s last album, "Dancer," featured professionally difficult streamer gymnastics; the new album, "Love Quest," introduced the "gravity-free streamer dance." It was incredible that Ms. Tsai, who had no basic skills, could perform it, she said.

    Dance and gymnastics are becoming more and more difficult and professional. The music video is interesting, but after listening to her two albums, it is difficult to have a song that can make an impression. Jolin Tsai seems to have ignored the music itself. In this regard, Jolin Tsai believes that as an artist who often stands on the stage, dance is as important as music. The reason why she studies all kinds of dance so hard is because she loves to perform: "My vacation has always been to travel between dance classrooms around the world, learning all kinds of new dance steps."

Editor in charge: Tian Shijia

Ren Xianqi exposes himself: I agreed to be sterilized together with Tao Jingying’s husband, but I broke my appointment

  April 13, Hong Kong. Ren Xianqi’s new work "Qi Zai R.S.V.P", which has been out of Mandarin music for two years, will be officially released on April 27. An intriguing song on the album is the witty love song "Tracheitis", which was retouched by Ang Lee. Xiao Qi invited fellow Chinese and Hong Kong students, Dabing and Liu Haolong, to sing the song together. China News Agency issued AEG photo

  China News Service, April 15, Ren Xianqi recently went to Taiwan’s variety show "College Student" to share "the charm of a good man", facing the host Tao Zi (Tao Jingying), he was embarrassed to self-destruct, he and Li Li Ren can’t bear his wife to suffer from the pain of production, originally made an appointment to get a vasectomy, but he didn’t have time to go, and finally let Li Li Ren pigeon, "I read the newspaper to know, he has gone, I’m really sorry."

  According to Taiwan’s China Times, even though Ren Xianqi broke the appointment temporarily, Tao Zi praised Ren Xianqi’s act of loving his wife. She said: "Ren Xianqi will take Tina’s hand to breakfast on rainy mornings, which is very romantic." Ren Xianqi, who has been involved in the recent marriage of Karen Mok and Zheng Xiuwen in Taiwan’s entertainment industry, said he was not worried about Tina misunderstanding. "My trick is to let Tina know them."

  Ren Xianqi said that his declaration of a good man is "to be responsible, to be cared for, not to be scolded." He will take Tina to scuba diving and surfing. Tina is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She has an S-shaped devil figure and makes people drool in sexy clothes. Ren Xianqi said that as long as his wife has the conditions, there is nothing wrong with wearing beautiful clothes. This statement made Tao Zi, who has not fully recovered from the postpartum figure, envious and joked at himself: "No wonder, my husband has told me to wear more clothes recently."

Editor in charge: Wang Xin

BYD Tang Family was officially listed, and the price range was 219,800-269,800 yuan.

After BYD’s slogan of "electricity is lower than oil", both Qin PLUS’s 79,800 yuan and Song and Han’s new listing have brought a lot of price shocks to the market. Now BYD has launched the glory version of Tang EV (parameter picture), the glory version of Tang DM-p and the 2024 version of God of War. The listing of this series of new models has made BYD’s product cost-effective again.

On April 22nd, BYD officially announced that its Tang EV Glory Edition, Tang DM-p Glory Edition /2024 Ares Edition were officially launched. The new car has launched a total of six models with a price range of 219.8-269.8 million yuan. This price positioning will undoubtedly stir up the SUV market again and provide consumers with more diversified choices.

As a new member of BYD Tang family, Tang EV Glory Edition is equipped with AC permanent magnet synchronous motor, which greatly improves the energy density of the battery and provides long battery life and strong power output. The single-motor two-wheel drive version has a pure electric cruising range of up to 730km, while the dual-motor four-wheel drive version increases the power to 517 HP, the peak torque is as high as 700 Nm, and the acceleration of 100 km takes only 4.4 seconds.

What’s more worth mentioning is that the new car can achieve a maximum of 170kW safe boost DC fast charge, and the longest battery life is 173km after charging for 10 minutes, which greatly improves the convenience of users in the use process.

Tang DM-p Glory Edition and 2024 Ares Edition are equipped with DM-p hybrid system, which is another breakthrough of BYD in the field of hybrid technology. The system combines the advantages of Xiaoyun-Plug-in special turbocharged 1.5Ti high-efficiency engine and motor. The maximum power of the engine is 102 kW, and the peak torque is 231 Nm. The powerful power output of the front and rear motors makes the new car accelerate as fast as 4.3s, and the fuel consumption is as low as 6.5L under comprehensive working conditions.

In terms of chassis adjustment and handling, all three new models come standard with Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system. This system can realize stepless adaptive adjustment of damping by controlling the electromagnetic valve of shock absorber. When the vehicle passes through the bumpy road, the system will automatically adopt the comfort control strategy of high frequency and small damping to make the chassis "soft", thus improving the driving comfort. However, when the vehicle is cornering, accelerating or braking rapidly, the system will adopt a low-frequency and large-damping maneuverability control strategy to make the chassis "hard" to provide greater support, effectively restrain the body roll and pitch, and ensure the stability and maneuverability of the vehicle under various driving conditions.

In terms of design, Tang EV Glory Edition adopts Dragon Face closed front face shape, showing the unique charm of new energy vehicles. Tang DM-p Glory Edition and 2024 Ares Edition chose DragonFace’s sporty front face with sharp headlights to create a strong visual impact. All three new models are equipped with 20-inch wheels and through Chinese knot LED taillights, and three new car colors of silver glaze white, glacier blue and silver sand black are available for consumers to choose from.

In terms of interior, the new car provides a brand-new lotus rhyme gray color matching, creating a high-grade and warm interior environment. The upgrade of -DiLink 100, the advanced version of the intelligent cockpit, brings a smarter interactive experience to drivers. The new romantic mode, parking unlocking function and 3D real car color matching function further enhance the fun of car use. In addition, the 12-speaker sound system, 31-color ambient lights, ventilation, heating and electric adjustment of the main and co-pilot seats all allow passengers to enjoy a comfortable journey and feel BYD’s Excellence in details.

In terms of safety performance, the new car is equipped with DiPilot 10 intelligent driving assistance system, achieving L2+ intelligent driving assistance level. The addition of BSD blind area monitoring and DOW early warning makes the driving process more secure. At the same time, the convenience configuration of 220V AC socket, 50W mobile phone wireless fast charging and 6kW mobile power station in the car has greatly improved the convenience of using the car.

The listing of BYD Tang EV Glory Edition, Tang DM-p Glory Edition and 2024 Ares Edition further consolidated BYD’s position in the 200,000-level new energy vehicle market. Moreover, all three models come standard with Yunqi -C, which makes Tang’s chassis strength and comfort popular and meets the pursuit of vehicle comfort by family users. In addition, BYD’s continuous iteration in technological innovation and product design provides better performance and rich configuration, and is also constantly satisfying consumers’ pursuit of scientific and technological travel.

CITIC Securities: The market underestimated the impact of the Japanese nuclear pollution incident on the competition pattern of China’s beauty industry, and suggested paying attention to the replaceme

We believe that the market underestimated the impact of the Japanese nuclear pollution incident on the competition pattern of China’s beauty industry. (1) According to the sea discharge plan announced by the Japanese government, the nuclear polluted water will be discharged into the sea for at least 30 years, with strong persistence and repetitiveness. Every time the sea discharge is started every year, it may cause a new round of concern, and events such as pollution caused by sea discharge may cause staged public opinion. ② This incident has caused a great impact on Japanese cosmetics in brand, product, channel and marketing dimensions. Based on the leading operation precision of new domestic channels and continuous breakthrough in product strength, we believe that Chinese cosmetics is expected to make up for its position quickly and continue to expand its market share in the medium and long term. (3) Japanese cosmetics account for a relatively high proportion in sunscreen, cleansing and suits, and the price band is positioned at the high end, so the above areas have great substitution opportunities. Pay attention to the sunscreen track with large space for daily makeup replacement and strong growth potential, and the skin care track with large space for daily makeup replacement; Pay attention to the upstream raw material industry chain with continuous technological breakthrough and upgrading.

The discharge of nuclear pollution water into the sea has caused negative public opinion, and Japanese cosmetics products, channels and brands are under pressure in many aspects.

The Japanese government launched the Fukushima nuclear pollution water discharge plan from August 24, 2023, which will last for at least 30 years. The related events have caused a lot of negative public opinions. The Japanese makeup lies in: 1) brand dimension: consumer aversion caused by national sentiment+brand quality reputation double blow; 2) Product dimension: safety causes consumers’ concerns; 3) Channels and marketing: KOL cooperation in new channels is negatively affected. Under the pressure of many sides, the sales of Japanese cosmetics fell after the incident of discharging the sea.

It is estimated that there will be more than 7 billion alternative spaces, and there will be great opportunities in the middle and high-end positioning, sun protection and skin care products.

It is estimated that Japanese cosmetics will give over 7 billion market share in two years:Based on the assumption that the negative impact of the nuclear pollution incident continues, with reference to the sharp drop of 21% in Japanese cosmetics imports from January to November 2023 and the general drop of 15% in Japanese Top brand sales in 2023, we estimate that the market size of Japanese brands will drop by about 15% in 2023, giving up about 5.2 billion yuan. In terms of the Japanese market scale in 2024, we made three scenarios based on the import data, the sales data of Japanese brands after the cooperation of Daren, and Shiseido’s statement at the 3Q23 performance meeting. It is estimated that the total market space of Japanese cosmetics in 2023~24E will be 5.8-10.5 billion yuan, and the neutral hypothesis is expected to be about 7.5 billion yuan.

There are great opportunities for mid-to high-end positioning, sun protection and skin care products:Referring to the main Japanese brands covering the middle and high price bands, and according to Euromonitor data, the sales scale of high-end Japanese brands is about 24.2 billion yuan, accounting for 70%. We judge that the market share given by Japanese brands is relatively high-end, and the brands in the upgraded price band have hope to undertake it. With reference to the market scale of Japanese cosmetics, 64% is for skin care, 11% is for make-up and 10% is for sun protection, which respectively account for 9%/7%/23% of the market scale of skin care, make-up and sun protection in China. Considering that the makeup category mostly adopts OEM mode, the impact is relatively light, we think that sun protection and skin care track are more likely to be replaced. Further subdividing the skin care market, we find that Japanese brands account for the sub-category of cleansing and facial care suits.

National makeup opportunities: the sun protection track has a high growth and superimposed daily makeup replacement opportunities, and the skin care track has a selection of cleansing and suit segmentation.

1) High growth of sunscreen track+replacement of daily makeup, and the national makeup leader will benefit first under the management of special certificate.According to Euromonitor, the sunscreen track is a traditional advantage category of Japanese makeup, with a Japanese market share of 24%; In the first big promotion after the nuclear waste water incident, the market share of Japanese sunscreen amoy declined by 10%, and that of Tik Tok declined by 4%. The penetration rate of sunscreen cosmetics in China is low. According to NMPA standard, the penetration rate of women who normally use sunscreen products in the peak season of sunscreen is only about 16%. In the field of children’s sun protection in the cultivation period, a series of sun protection products with sales exceeding 400 million yuan have also appeared, and there is sufficient room for development. In addition, because sunscreen products are under special license management, the registration period needs 9-15 months, and we judge that the national makeup faucet that lays out the sunscreen track in advance is expected to benefit first.

2) The skin care track is a must, paying attention to the cleansing and suit subdivision with large replacement space.According to the data of the blast furnace, Japanese brands account for 51% of the Top10 cleansers and 23% of the facial care packages, and there are great potential replacement opportunities. Among them, the domestic cleansing positioning is cost-effective, the product strength is equal to Kerun, and the new channel operation is significantly ahead of Japan, which is expected to replace the mid-range Japanese cleansing market. The segmentation of facial care suits is dominated by foreign brands, positioning the overall high-end, and high-end products and high-end brands of national cosmetics are expected to be partially undertaken; At the same time, the leading domestic products in the expansion stage of large single products form a set of "stocking goods" with star single products, which greatly increases the unit price of customers and also has certain development opportunities.

The attention of Japanese raw materials has increased, catalyzing the further upgrading of the national cosmetics industry chain.

Japanese raw material manufacturers have good overall color, smell and quality, mainly core skeleton raw materials and monomer active ingredients, and are leading the world in some segments; Local raw material manufacturers cover more comprehensively and achieve breakthroughs in Japanese in individual segments. With the increasing attention paid to cosmetics raw materials after the nuclear water pollution incident, the upstream industrial chains such as R&D and raw materials are enriched in China, and the cosmetics supply chain in China is gradually recognized internationally. The incident will further promote the perfection and upgrading of the national cosmetics industrial chain.

Risk factors:

There is a high degree of uncertainty about the impact and duration of the nuclear pollution water discharge event; Skin care products are typical optional consumer goods, if residents’ consumption willingness and confidence are weak or have a negative impact on companies in the industry; If the regulatory policy changes beyond expectations, it may lead to a corresponding slowdown in the growth rate of industries and enterprises; The risk that the product strength and brand strength of local brands are not improved as expected; The risk of concentrated sales of e-commerce platform; The risk of changes in marketing channels; Risks of technology research and development.

Investment strategy: pay attention to the replacement opportunities of Japanese makeup in combination with the main line of growth.

We believe that the market underestimated the impact of the Japanese nuclear pollution incident on the competition pattern of China’s beauty industry. (1) According to the sea discharge plan announced by the Japanese government, the nuclear polluted water will be discharged into the sea for at least 30 years, with strong persistence and repetitiveness. Every time the sea discharge is started every year, it may cause a new round of concern, and events such as pollution caused by sea discharge may cause staged public opinion. ② The incident caused a great impact on the brand, products, channels and marketing dimensions of Japanese cosmetics. Based on the leading operation precision of new domestic channels and the continuous breakthrough of product strength, we believe that Chinese cosmetics is expected to make up for its position quickly and continue to expand its market share in the medium and long term. (3) Japanese cosmetics account for a relatively high proportion in sunscreen, cleansing and suits, and the price band is positioned at the high end, so the above areas have great substitution opportunities. Pay attention to the sunscreen track with large space for daily makeup replacement and strong growth potential, and the skin care track with large space for daily makeup replacement; Pay attention to the existence of upstream raw material industry chain that constantly breaks through and upgrades.

"There is a life called Yunnan" leads the new fashion.

  The second meeting of the 14th People’s Congress of Yunnan Province was held recently in Kunming. Wang Yubo, governor of Yunnan Province, said in the government work report that in 2023, Yunnan paid close attention to the rectification of the tourism market order and the improvement of service quality, and added two national demonstration zones for the integration of cultural industry and tourism industry. The cultural landscape of Jingmai Mountain ancient tea forest was successfully applied for, and "there is a life called Yunnan" led the new fashion of tourism development and promoted the high-quality transformation and upgrading of the cultural tourism industry. In 2023, Yunnan received 1.042 billion tourists and the total tourism revenue reached 1.44 trillion yuan.

  The report makes it clear that in 2024, Yunnan will carry out the "six actions" of high-quality tourism development, continuously standardize market order, build "two lines, one belt and one district" and accelerate the cultivation of world-class tourist attractions and resorts. Create an upgraded version of rural tourism, build the most beautiful homesickness tourism belt, and cultivate a number of demonstration sites for the integration of agricultural, cultural and tourism. Improve the brand communication matrix of "There is a life called Yunnan". More than 200 high-level cultural tourism and sports investment projects were launched, 120 new business enterprises and 10 travel agencies with operating income exceeding 100 million yuan were added. The total tourism revenue exceeded 1.5 trillion yuan.

  It is also known that in 2023, Yunnan held a conference on the high-quality development of tourism in the whole province, and issued documents such as "Three-year Action for Building a Strong Cultural and Tourism Province in Yunnan (2023-2025)" and "Several Work Measures for Strengthening the Order of the Tourism Market", and implemented a three-year action plan for rural tourism to boost rural revitalization, and carried out a hundred-day action to rectify the order of the tourism market to promote the overall improvement of the tourism market order.(Yang Yunuo)