"Hurricane" was exposed to hiring drug-related actors, the actors apologized in the early morning, and the drama was urgently deleted

Directed by Xu Jizhou and starring Zhang Yi and Zhang Songwen, the TV drama "Hurricane" has been watched and word-of-mouth all the way since go LIVE, and has become a popular drama in the beginning of 2023. Now, although the drama has reached its finale, the topics related to "Hurricane" still remain unabated.

Recently, some netizens said that the drug dealer "Zhong Asi" in "Hurricane", formerly known as Han Xiao, is a singer who was arrested for drug use in 2009. Later renamed Han Pujun, he now appears in "Hurricane".

On the evening of February 11, "Hurricane" released an official statement on its official Weibo, saying that actor Han Pujun participated in the shooting of the series through the resume delivery channel. He has more than ten acting experience in the past and only shoots for one day as a special actor. At present, the drama has revised and deleted the relevant clips involving the actor, maintained a zero-tolerance attitude towards drug-related artists, and reserved the right to legal accountability for actors and employment-related links.

On the early morning of February 12, the actor sent a Weibo message with a smile, expressing his deep apologies to the crew, to all the friends who liked the drama, to all the friends who had supported and loved me, and to all the police who were fighting in the front line of anti-narcotics.

"Fireworks are flying all over the sky, why are you charming, but you are drunk looking at flowers, and flowers are also drunk" lyrics, so many post-70s and post-80s still have memories.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the singer, Han Xiao, was detained for 12 days for drug use in August 2009, and then began a three-year drug rehabilitation supervision.

Because of drug use, the name of "Smile" has disappeared from the minds of many people. However, as early as the end of January, when "Hurricane" was popular, someone "commemorated" the character Zhong Asi in the latest message of QQ Music "Feitian". Someone left a message puzzled: It is amazing that he can come back after changing his name.

Mr. Han’s Baidu encyclopedia describes him as a Chinese mainland actor, singer and member of the All-China Youth Federation, but his past and popular songs have all been erased.

Before "Hurricane", "Han Pujun" had already acted in episodes such as "The Story of the Sea Muyun", "Fall in Love with You and Heal Me", "Twelve Hours in Chang’an", and "Wolf Hunter". Among them, "The Story of the Sea Muyun" and "Twelve Hours in Chang’an" had a considerable popularity when they were broadcast, but no audience seemed to be able to associate the face of "Han Pujun" in the play with the smile of the former singer.

In addition, on January 17, Hanxiao posted news about the TV series "Hurricane" on his personal Weibo. However, the Weibo can no longer be searched.


It is understood that in 2014, the General Office of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio and Television issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Production and Dissemination Management of Radio and Television Programs, Film and Television Dramas and Online Audiovisual Programs", requiring radio and television broadcasting institutions at all levels to adhere to the correct orientation and not invite illegal and criminal actors such as drug abuse and prostitution to participate in the production of radio and television programs; suspend the broadcast of films, TV dramas, various radio and television programs and advertising programs endorsed by illegal and criminal actors such as drug abuse and prostitution as the main creators.

It was exposed that Yang Ying was reported and suspected of misleading an 11-year-old woman to dance striptease. She was sought after by nightclubs and the blocking process was exposed

Recently, the Yang Ying Zhang Jiani Crazy Horse Show incident has caused a lot of uproar, but neither of the two parties has responded positively to the matter, and they have chosen to deal with it coldly. In this regard, many netizens do not buy it, thinking that as public figures, instead of setting an example, they pass on negative energy and mislead minors, and should be banned directly without any future troubles.

Yang Ying was reported

Many netizens have been discussing this, and some netizens think that it is just a show, so why bother with it. But on October 4th, some media exposed that female star Yang Ying was **** by a parent, claiming that because Yang Ying participated in the Crazy Horse Show, in order to follow the pace of idol Yang Ying, she imitated the Crazy Horse Show dance, that is, striptease. So the mother wants to beg the relevant state departments to ban the bad artists and save the poisoned minors.

Suspected of misleading 11-year-old woman into stripping

According to an insider, Yang Ying was suspected of misleading an 11-year-old girl to organize a striptease dance at home because she participated in the Crazy Horse Show. It turned out that Yang Ying’s fan audience was generally low in age and did not have the ability to distinguish right from wrong. They did not understand the specific meaning of the so-called striptease. They just felt that the people they liked were doing it, so this must be correct.

It is reported that in order to support Yang Ying, these minors organized a number of men and women to restore the Crazy Horse Show (strip party) together. Because the sound was too loud, the neighbors found the parents, and they were discovered. But some netizens couldn’t help but wonder, if this matter was not discovered, which way would these minors go in the future?

Popular in nightclubs

Compared with the young and ignorant minors, the dance content of Crazy Horse Show has also begun to be sought after by domestic nightclubs. According to netizens, in a first-tier city in our country, nightclubs have launched related dance performances, using women as an exhibition, labeling them, and becoming their eye-catching tools.

Blocking process exposed

As the popularity of Yang Ying’s Crazy Horse Show intensified, some insiders exposed Yang Ying’s banning process, claiming that the banning process for Yang Ying had already begun. The first step was to start checking Yang Ying’s advertisements, variety shows, and representative works to reduce her appearance rate.

Some attentive netizens also found that Yang Ying’s popular variety shows, including the resident variety show runners, also reduced Yang Ying’s appearance and publicity. Some netizens also found that any avatar of Yang Ying could not be used, which also indicates the beginning of the ban process. I don’t know if Yang Ying regretted participating in the Crazy Horse show, but there is no regret medicine in the world, and we all have to pay for our actions.

Regarding the issue that Yang Ying’s avatar could not be used, Yang Ying’s studio also responded immediately, claiming that there was no system problem and there was no ban.

How do you see the current situation after Yang Ying participated in the Crazy Horse Show? You can share your thoughts in the comment area and let’s discuss it together.

Responsible editor:

Meituan buys medicine: After New Year’s Day, the demand for A and B drugs will rise, and Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen can already "check at home".

On January 4, the National Influenza Center released the 52nd week of "Influenza Surveillance Weekly Report". The monitoring data showed that the positive rate of influenza virus testing in southern provinces increased this week, while that in northern provinces decreased. The A (H3N2) subtype (that is, influenza A) is the main type, and the proportion of B (Victoria) series (that is, B) continues to increase. During the same period, the Meituan Drug Buying Health Index on January 5 shows that the national A and B stream-related drugs oseltamivir and Sufuda have fallen behind after a short period of demand last week, and the search and order volume of drugs have shown an upward trend this week. At present, Meituan Pharmaceutical has opened a home express inspection service in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Doctors remind a variety of influenza and respiratory diseases during the epidemic period, and it is meaningful to identify the

According to CCTV news client side news, Shanghai Children’s Hospital’s recent outpatient and emergency patient test results show that the total number of influenza patients has not changed in recent times, but the proportion of outpatient and emergency influenza patients has risen from less than 10% in early December to more than 40% in recent days. But overall, there are still more A-stream patients than B-stream patients. Meituan’s health index shows that in addition to the growth of A-stream and B-stream drugs, the search for cough medicine dextromethorphan nationwide has nearly doubled this week. Nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, sore throat, and fever have become high-frequency terms for recent inquiries.

Figure: In the past week, right methorphan has nearly doubled, and nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, sore throat, and fever have become high-frequency words for recent inquiries (Source: Meituan Drug Buying Health Index)

From a city-by-city perspective, the order volume of oseltamivir Shenzhen has nearly doubled in the week; the order volume of Sufuda in Changzhou, Taiyuan, Fuzhou, Dalian and Shantou has more than doubled in the week; the order volume of dextromethorphan in Xuzhou, Taiyuan and Huizhou has more than doubled in the week. Overall, the jump rate in East China and South China is more obvious, and everyone still needs to pay attention to protection.

Figure: Influenza-related drugs as a whole have jumped more significantly in East China and South China (Source: Meituan Buying Drug Health Index)

After the recent B-stream related news frequently appeared on the hot search, many netizens also said: "I thought that the A-stream was about to be sent away, but I didn’t expect the B-stream to come again. After I have symptoms, I don’t know what virus I have been recruited?" In this regard, the person in charge of the Meituan Pharmaceutical Pharmacy Service Center introduced: "Among the several epidemic diseases that have received high attention recently, the A and B stream has the characteristics of urgent onset, hot topic, headache, and muscle soreness all over the body. The body temperature often peaks within a few hours or 24 hours, reaching 39-40 ° C, or even higher; COVID-19 patients usually have fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, headache, sore throat, and myalgia symptoms, and a small number of patients will have abnormal sense of smell and/or taste; while the common cold is mostly caused by viruses, a small part is caused by bacteria, and local symptoms are the main ones, including sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, etc. Generally, there are few fever symptoms, or only low fever. If you can’t tell the difference, you can test the results first and then treat it symptomatically. "

Ms. Fei, who lives in Beijing, has been sneezing frequently recently, has a runny nose, coughs, has a dry and itchy throat, and her whole body is sore. Because she doesn’t know what type of disease she is suffering from, she first ordered the "home express inspection" service on Meituan to buy medicine. She received the test report in about three hours and found that she was not infected with A and B. Then, Ms. Fei asked the doctor at the entrance of Meituan to ask the respiratory physician of Tier 1 hospital how to take medicine. The respiratory doctor who received the treatment asked Dr. Liu in detail about Ms. Fei’s specific symptoms and medication. According to the test results and the patient’s symptoms, it is more likely to consider ordinary influenza. Therefore, she prescribed relevant medicines for Ms. Fei and provided detailed medication instructions and health suggestions.

The relevant person in charge of Meituan Pharmaceutical Pharmacy Service Center specially reminded that antiviral drugs should be taken symptomatically according to the doctor’s instructions. You should not reduce the dosage or blindly stop the drug after the symptoms are relieved. You need to take it in sufficient quantities and for a full course of treatment under the guidance of a doctor. Similar antipyretics cannot be taken together. For example, ibuprofen and acetaminophen are both non-steroidal antipyretic and analgesic drugs. Avoid combining them to avoid overdose or toxic synergy. Do not take cold medicines containing the same ingredients repeatedly. Most compound cold medicines contain acetaminophen to avoid liver damage caused by overdose of acetaminophen. During the medication period, you should avoid smoking, alcohol and spicy, cold and greasy foods. It is not advisable to take tonic traditional Chinese medicine at the same time during the medication.

At the same time, the New Year’s Day holiday has ended, and the person in charge of Meituan Pharmacy Service Center also reminded that after the holiday, you should pay attention to the adjustment of work and rest, especially after returning from foreign travel, you should keep warm or take off clothes according to the specific situation. In addition, daily preventive measures are essential to block the spread of B stream. It is recommended that you pay more attention to your own situation and maintain good hygiene habits.

How comfortable is a comprehensive TV box? Comparison and evaluation of three mainstream TV boxes

  Recently, the system that comes with the old TV at home has some cards, and the cost of changing the TV is relatively high. If you add a TV box, the cost will be much lower. But with so many TV boxes on the market, how should you choose?

  If the budget is between 300 and 500, among the mainstream products, the three boxes of Aurora 5S, Tmall Magic Box 8Pro and Dangbei H3S are considered to be close in configuration. Since the general target has been selected, I simply start all at once, and tell you which one is more worth buying through comparison and evaluation.

  In order to save everyone’s time, let’s come to a conclusion this time:

  Tmall Magic Box 8Pro not only has better hardware parameters, but also performs better than Aurora 5S and Dangbei H in actual measurements. 3 S is even better and is the king of the three TV boxes.


  In order to facilitate a more intuitive comparison, I have summarized the hardware parameters of the three TV boxes and some measured data.

  After comparing the parameters in the chart with the actual measurements, you should have a general understanding of the three products. If you want to further understand the detailed process of this comparison, you can continue to read.

  Performance comparison:

  Like all smart devices, the quality of the TV box experience depends first and foremost on "performance", and as a user, the most intuitive perception of "performance" is nothing more than four aspects: one is the score score; the other is the boot speed; the third is the APP loading speed; and the fourth is the video startup speed. I also focused on the comparison test of the three TV boxes from these four aspects.

  [Performance score] Performance score is the most intuitive performance embodiment. The higher the score of a TV box, the stronger its overall performance. Using Antutu score measurement, the score of Tmall Magic Box 8Pro reached 55,812 points, the best score among the three TV boxes, followed by Tencent Aurora 5S, and Dangbei H3S.

  [Summary] Tmall Magic Box 8Pro > Tencent Aurora 5S > Dangbei H3S


  [Boot Speed] In the actual experience, the perception of the performance of a TV box actually starts from the moment you press the "power button". The faster the boot, the shorter the time we need to wait, and the faster we can see the program we want to watch. In the actual boot speed measurement, Tmall Magic Box 8Pro only took 17 seconds to boot, while when Bei H3S took 30 seconds, it was still at the bottom.

  [Summary] Tmall Magic Box 8Pro > Tencent Aurora 5S > Dangbei H3S


  [APP loading speed] APP loading speed is also a side reflection of performance, reflecting the scheduling of TV boxes for "performance". In order to ensure the accuracy of the test, I cleaned the background of each box before the test, and then turned on Kiwi TV, Cloud Audio-Visual Aurora and Mango TV respectively. In the test results, Tmall Magic Box 8Pro still leads in all aspects, even surpassing the second-place Aurora 5S in the loading speed of Kiwi TV and Cloud Audio-Visual Aurora by nearly 1s; while Aurora 5S and Dangbei H3S win or lose each other.

  [Summary] Tmall Magic Box 8Pro > Tencent Aurora 5S > Dangbei H3S


  [Video Startup Speed] The video startup speed reflects the optimization of a TV box for a certain video APP to a certain extent. It is easiest to ignore, but it also tests the TV box manufacturer’s attention to details. Here, Kumeow is used as the test APP to test the opening speed of the same video for three TV boxes. The measured Tmall Magic Box 8Pro took 1.28s, Aurora 5S took 1.72s, and Dangbei H3S took 1.93s.

  [Summary] Tmall Magic Box 8Pro > Tencent Aurora 5S > Dangbei H3S


  [Conclusion] After four rounds of testing, it is not difficult to see that the Tmall Magic Box 8 Pro performs better in all tests, making it the king of performance. Although the price of the Dangbei H3S is similar to that of the other two models, its performance is much worse.


  So what is the reason for the "performance gap"? In fact, it mainly comes from three aspects: the processor chip, the random access memory and the storage space.

  The first is the processor chip. It is the core hardware of the TV box’s performance, and its performance not only determines the running speed of the TV box, but also determines the decoding ability of the TV box. Among the three TV boxes, Tmall Magic Box 8Pro uses Amlogic S905x4, and its theoretical performance is the strongest among the three boxes, while the RK3566 used by Dangbei H3S, whether it is 22nm process or 512K cache, is far behind the other two TV boxes.

  Secondly, random access memory and storage space. The random access memory determines the fluency of the APP during continuous operation, and the storage space, as the hub of data storage and transmission, determines to a certain extent the number of APPs that can be installed on the TV box and the speed of reading and writing content. These two also have an important impact on the performance and user experience of the TV box, so generally when purchasing smart devices, the same price, we should tend to choose these two configurations larger. Among the three TV boxes, Aurora 5S and Tmall Magic Box 8Pro both give 4GB random access memory + 64GB storage space configuration, while Dangbei H3S is only 3GB + 32GB, which is also an important reason why Dangbei H3S is lagging behind as a whole.

  Audio-visual performance comparison

  As a TV box, its "audio and video performance" is more a test of the decoding ability of the processor chip and the support for audio standards.

  In terms of decoding capabilities, in the past, due to outdated technology, some old TV boxes could only support 1080P video decoding at most, so we had no way to output some 4K film sources through it. The three TV boxes tested this time were able to support 8K video decoding, which is completely sufficient for the mainstream 4K and even 8K source videos currently on the market.

  In terms of clarity, this time using an external U disk to play the local 4K 60fps Blu-ray original video to test, by comparing the three TV boxes to play the same frame of the same film source, it can be seen that the three TV boxes all support HDR 10 + Under the premise, the difference in image quality is actually not big.

  In addition to the image quality experience, the sound experience is equally important. Among the three TV boxes, Aurora 5S and Tmall Magic Box 8Pro have comprehensive support for audio standards. At present, Dolby Audio and DTS audio in mainstream movies can be output perfectly. When Bei H3S lacks support for these, when playing some movies using DTS audio, there will be only pictures and no sound, which will greatly affect the use experience.

  [Conclusion] In the audio-visual comparison, Tmall Magic Box 8Pro = Aurora 5S > Dangbei H3S, if you like to watch some original movies or videos, then Tmall mill box The 8Pro and Aurora 5S would be better options.


  Other comparisons

  In addition to performance and sound and picture, these three TV boxes also have some differentiated experiences in other aspects. As part of the overall experience, I have included them here to illustrate.

  [Network Support] A major application scenario of the TV box is to play videos on major video APPs or other networks. In addition to performance, it also has a strong dependence on the network. In terms of wireless network, Tmall Magic Box 8Pro adopts an omnidirectional three-antenna module design, which is better than the other two network signal stability In addition, Tmall Magic Box 8Pro and Aurora 5S provide an RJ45 standard gigabit wired network port more than Dangbei H3S, which is more stable than wireless network transmission. We use TV boxes every day. If possible, it is recommended that you choose a wired network for networking as much as possible, so that it is more stable when watching online videos or using a home NAS to watch local videos.

  [Summary] Tmall Magic Box 8Pro > Tencent Aurora 5S > Dangbei H3S


  [Remote Control] In addition to supporting Bluetooth connection, The remote control of Tmall Magic Box 8Pro also supports the "infrared learning" function, which can learn the infrared signal of the TV remote control, so that only the remote control of Tmall Magic Box 8Pro can realize the functions of turning on and off the TV and the TV box respectively, adjusting the volume, etc., which well solves the trouble of controlling the TV and the TV box to switch back and forth using two remote controls. This is also more user-friendly than the other two TV boxes.

  [Summary] Tmall Magic Box 8Pro > Tencent Aurora 5S = Dangbei H3S


  [Interface] In terms of interfaces, although all three TV boxes come standard with HDMI interfaces, Tmall Magic Box 8Pro and Dangbei H3S support HDMI 2.1 protocol, which is faster and more comprehensive in terms of transmission rate, resolution, and HDR and audio support than the HDMI 2.0 protocol supported by Aurora 5S.

  Although the USB ports on the three TV boxes "seem" to be 3.0 standard, in fact, only Tmall Magic Box 8Pro and Dangbei H3S are USB 3.0 standard, and the blue USB port of Aurora 5S is only USB 2.0 standard, which is reflected in daily use. If external storage is connected, then obviously the data transfer rate of Tmall Magic Box 8Pro and Dangbei H3S is much faster, and the video and file opening speed is also faster.

  [Summary] Dangbei H3S > Tmall Magic Box 8Pro > Tencent Aurora 5S


  [Appearance design] In terms of design, Tmall Magic Box 8Pro is the smallest of the three TV boxes, and it borrows the design style of vinyl record player, which looks very delicate. In contrast, Tencent Aurora 5S and Dangbei H3S are not only larger in size, but also relatively simple in design.

  experience summary

  In these three TV boxes, Tmall Magic Box 8Pro is better in terms of hardware configuration and real-world experience, and the price is lower than the other two. If you want to buy a TV box at this price, Tmall Magic Box 8Pro is undoubtedly a better choice.

219,800 BYD Tang EV/Tang DM-p Glory Edition was listed.

Tang DM-i Glory Edition has been selling well since its listing. In March, the Tang family sold 14,079 vehicles. Recently, BYD’s medium-sized SUV Tang EV Glory Edition, Tang DM-p Glory Edition and 2024 Tang DM-p Ares Edition were officially listed, with the price range of 21.98-26.98 million yuan.

Wandering stars

It is reported that this car comes standard with Yunqi -C and intelligent cockpit advanced version -DiLink 100, and Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system, which can realize millisecond adjustment of suspension damping, improve suspension hardness when the vehicle is accelerating rapidly, decelerating rapidly and cornering at high speed, effectively restrain body pitch and roll, and improve vehicle handling.

The configuration has been fully upgraded, providing 10-point seat massage, intelligent fragrance system, HiFi-level customized Dana audio, tactile LED reading light, 6-nanometer 5G smart chip, wireless charging of 50W mobile phone, 3D car control, parking unlocking, UWB digital key, W-HUD head-up display, intelligent voice interaction of the whole car, etc.

Wandering stars

Wandering stars

Overburning ~ "the hometown of football"

The football field is full of smoke.

Competing for the best in the world.

Blessed are the fans who love football ~

November 4th.

Sponsored by Yunnan Sports Federation and Yunnan Football Association.

Chuxiong Municipal People’s Government and Kaiyuan Municipal People’s Government

Qujing City Education and Sports Bureau and other 14 units to undertake.

Kunming, Honghe, Qujing, Banna, etc.

Eight football club teams participated.




2023“玉昆”云南省职业足球联赛是我省深入贯彻习近平总书记关于体育的重要论述和关于足球工作的重要指示批示精神,贯彻好《中国足球改革发展总体方案》等足球改革发展方针战略和国家体育总局振兴发展 “三大球”系列决策部署,落实好《云南“三大球”高质量发展行动方案(2022—2035)》《云南省足球协会十年发展规划 2022—2031)》等文件要求,推动我省竞赛表演业市场繁荣,扩大体育消费,搭建竞赛平台促进足球运动的普及与提高的重要体现。


图为开远市体育中心 陶家淇 摄



■ 持续关注“美丽开远”,我们明天公布领取办法~




文 | 舒冰雁

Year of the loong’s first day at work? These three tips will help you to be full of energy tomorrow

Today is the eighth day of the Lunar New Year.
It is also the last day of the Spring Festival holiday.
An important reminder:
I will go to work tomorrow!
Everyone is about to start from
Switch "Vacation Mode" to "Work Mode"
How to adjust the state
Welcome to the first day of construction
Please check these tips.
It is very important to return to work.
There are ways to deal with "post-holiday syndrome"
Going to work after the holiday is worried that you can’t find the state?
Feeling listless?
Difficulties in getting up, anxiety, excessive internal heat, fatigue and irritability.
What should we do?
Don’t panic!
maybe"Postholiday syndrome"Incoming
"Postholiday syndrome"
Is "sign"Not a "disease"
"Post-holiday syndrome" refers to a series of problems that arise when people suddenly enter the tense state of work from the relaxed state of holidays, and the balance between physiology and psychology is broken.
But it is called "sign" rather than "symptom" because it is a functional disorder, not an organic lesion, and it is not a disease. Everyone can return to normal work and life after a little recovery, so don’t worry too much ~
How to deal with "post-holiday syndrome"
Try the following methods.
Yue Xiaodong, a professor at the School of Psychology of Capital Normal University, pointed out
Going to work after the holiday is not in the state
It is inappropriate to attribute it to "laziness"
Because the whole rhythm of life in the early stage was out of order.
The autonomic nerve is also messed up.
It’s not that the motive is not in place
But energy can’t keep up.
Most people need a transition period.
You can try these methods to find your status.
Adjust sleep schedule
Three meals diet rule
Moderate sports activities
Actively adjust mentality, etc.
Set the alarm clock to check the road conditions.
The first working day in year of the loong never starts late.
Tomorrow (February 18th) is Sunday.
But it’s also a working day.
Pay attention to setting the alarm clock.
Don’t be late tomorrow ~
The first day to work
Morning and evening peak road conditions need attention
Spring Festival travel rush Return+First Day of Resumption of Work
Increased traffic pressure
Traffic control departments of several cities have released
Early warning and travel tips for congested road sections
There is no limit to the tail number of motor vehicles tomorrow
8:00 to 9: 00 and 17: 30 to 19:30 are the peak hours.
The peak period is from 7:30 to 8:30 tomorrow morning.
Four types of roads have high risk of traffic congestion.
Pay attention to the release of the local traffic control department
Get road information
Please plan ahead for work.
Travel modes and routes
Try to avoid construction and easy-to-slow sections.
Start working healthily, don’t ignore the cold wave, keep warm.
From today (February 17th)
Year of the loong’s first cold wave
Will affect our country from west to east.
Many areas will have severe ups and downs.
Accompanied by a wide range of rain and snow
There is freezing rain in Henan, Hubei, Hunan and Guizhou.
There is heavy snowfall in Xinjiang and Heilongjiang.
Don’t worry about collecting thick clothes.
Add clothes in time to guard against colds!
a new year
Let’s start together when we are full of energy.
I wish everyone a good start.
(Source: CCTV News)

A hundred years after the end of World War I: the grief of the war has not disappeared, and the international community urges to learn from history.

  Zhongxin. com, November 11 (Zhang Aijing) November 11 is the centenary of the end of the First World War. One hundred years ago today, representatives of the German government and the Allies signed an armistice agreement in Compiè ne, France, thus ending the First World War.

  This unprecedented war has brought profound disasters to mankind and profoundly affected the historical development of Europe and even the world. On the centenary of the end of World War I, looking back at history and commemorating the "armistice" is not only to mourn Qian Qian’s life lost in the war, but also to impress the present and future generations that war is cruel and peace is priceless.

  On August 25, 2018, hundreds of volunteers from 18 countries gathered in Verdun, France, put on the uniforms of soldiers in World War I and re-enacted the scene of the Battle of Verdun as one of a series of activities to commemorate the centenary of the end of World War I.

  A brief history of the First World War

  At the end of 19th century and the beginning of 1920s, western imperialist countries launched fierce struggles around the struggle for world hegemony and colonies, and the contradictions among European powers were complicated.

  Before World War I, major European countries formed two potentially hostile alliances, Germany and Austria-Hungary on one side, France, Britain and Russia on the other. On June 28th, 1914, Archduke Ferdinand of Austro-Hungarian Empire was assassinated in Sarajevo, which triggered a series of reactions and eventually ignited a full-scale war between the two alliances — — The first world war.

  After the war, the allies (Germany, Austria-Hungary, etc.) and the allies (France, Britain, Russia, etc.) fought on the European battlefield. But soon, the war went beyond the scope of Europe and involved the whole world in the whirlpool of war.

  World War I lasted more than four years, and finally ended in the defeat of the Allies. During the war, wars spread all over Europe, Asia and Africa, more than 30 countries and regions with a population of about 1.5 billion were involved in the war, 65 million people participated in the war, and the number of casualties exceeded 30 million, resulting in economic losses of about 170 billion US dollars.

  On November 2, 2018, in Maize, Belgium, the local botanical garden used thousands of poppies made of red bottle caps to pose as pigeons.

  Change the historical trajectory of the world

  World War I brought great disasters to mankind and had a profound impact on world history.

  After the war, the balance of power among imperialist countries changed. Germany was defeated and ceded land for compensation; The Austro-Hungarian Empire completely collapsed; Although Britain and France won, they were weakened and weakened in the war. The United States made huge profits in the war and became an economic power.

  On the other hand, through the Paris Peace Conference and the Washington Conference, the imperialist powers established the "Versailles-Washington System" and established the ruling order in Europe, West Asia, Africa, East Asia and the Pacific.

  However, this new system used to carve up the world did not eliminate the fundamental contradiction between imperialist countries, but was broken with the rise of fascism in Germany, Italy and Japan. Only 20 years after the end of World War I, World War II broke out.

  On November 6, 2018, in London, England, thousands of torches were lit around the Tower of London to welcome the centenary of the armistice in the First World War and to commemorate the fallen soldiers.

  Many countries commemorate the centenary of armistice.

  From 1918 to 2018, it has been a hundred years since the end of World War I. A century of history has given this year’s Armistice Day more commemorative significance.

  Recently, with the approach of November 11th, many countries have held different forms of commemorative activities. In Maize, Belgium, the local botanical garden made "poppies" with thousands of red bottle caps and used them to pose as doves of peace. In London, England, thousands of torches were lit around the famous Tower of London to commemorate the fallen soldiers.

  In France, French President Macron and British Prime Minister Theresa May visited Albert, a town in northern France, on the 9th to mourn the officers and men killed in the Battle of the Somme in World War I.. On the 10th, Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the Compiè ne Forest, north of Paris, and visited the train carriages that signed the armistice agreement a hundred years ago.

  The official week-long commemoration in France will reach its climax on the 11th. Leaders of about 70 countries, including the United States, Russia, Germany and Britain, will gather in Paris to attend the centenary of the end of World War I and the peace forum.

  Reflection on war and peace are priceless.

  World War I has become history, but the discussion on World War I has not ended. On the centenary of the end of World War I, the French ambassador to Japan and the German ambassador to Japan also published articles together, reflecting on the history of the war and reviewing the post-war reconciliation process between France and Germany.

  According to the article, the First World War spread to most parts of the world, and many continents ignited wars. For Europeans who lost their loved ones, this war is a terrible tragedy. The long war devoured the population and economic strength of Europe. However, the end of World War I did not bring about permanent peace. Twenty years later, a more tragic war broke out again, which claimed more lives.

  "France and Germany understand the suffering and cost of war. In order not to repeat past mistakes, the two countries are committed to developing close and friendly relations." Ambassador France and Germany said in the article.

  Remembering the painful lessons of history is for mankind to enjoy a peaceful and beautiful future. In today’s world, there are still countless people suffering from war. The international community should draw profound lessons from history, cherish and safeguard the hard-won peace situation, persist in resolving international disputes through dialogue and consultation, strengthen and improve global governance, and safeguard lasting world peace.

  A hundred years after the end of World War I, people put poppies on their chests to mourn the soldiers killed in World War I and remember those who died in the war. And this "little red flower" that has passed through a hundred years is constantly reminding people that war is cruel and peace is priceless!