Yang Zifan Chengcheng’s "Love for a Long Time" is set for 1.20 mysterious big coffee cameo

1905 movie network news Directed by Niu Chao and Ma Chengcheng, and starring in the youth inspirational drama "Love for a Long Time", the official announcement will be broadcast on the Taiwan Internet from January 20. Based on the novel "Who Do You Like at the Age of Seventeen" by Sakura Sixteen, the drama tells the story of six childhood sweethearts known as "Aerospace City F6" growing up with each other, regaining their original intentions after separation and reunion, and paying tribute to youth with warm and healing memories of the past.

Huang Yingzi (played by Yang Zi), Jiang Yi (played by Fan Chengcheng) and other six people grew up together in Hangtian City. An accident in the year of the college entrance examination made the "Hangtian City F6" who had originally agreed to be together go their separate ways. Time extended, and everyone worked hard and grew up in the adult world. Twelve years later, at the age of 30, they received the message that their friend Guan Chao was about to get married. Under Huang Yingzi’s Zhang, old friends reunited during the wedding, and the past of youth slowly spread out. Only then did they find that the budding feelings at the age of seventeen never dissipated, and there were many misunderstandings behind the accident… In fact, the friendship that stayed in the past has not ended, and a story about youth and growth is being read.

The cast even invited to sing OST! The protagonists in the play were in high school in the 1990s, and Stefanie Sun, as an iconic pop singer at that time, was also their idol in the play. In addition to singing the theme song with Yang Zi, she also made a surprise cameo.

Nongfu Spring shares fell for three days, the market value evaporated nearly 30 billion

  Recently, "holding’Wahaha ‘and stepping on’Nongfu Spring’ storm" has attracted much attention from investors. As of the close on March 5, Nongfu Spring’s share price recorded a decline for three consecutive days. The market value fell from HK $499.30 billion to HK $467.30 billion, and the market value shrank by HK $32 billion (about RMB 29.40 billion).

  According to previous media reports, on February 25, after the death of Zong Qinghou, the founder of Wahaha Group, Nongfu Spring, which was located in Hangzhou with Wahaha, was caught in a whirlpool of public opinion. Nongfu Spring and its founder, chairperson, and general manager, Zhong Shanshan, were questioned and even slandered by netizens.

  On March 3, the official Weibo of Nongfu Spring released the article "Zhong Shanxuan: My Second and Third Things with Zong Lao". In this article, Zhong Shanxuan expressed his admiration for Zong Lao many times, and also disclosed the source of his first pot of gold for the first time, and helped Zong Qinghou develop eight-treasure porridge products. More importantly, he clarified that he was not fired by Wahaha for flushing goods in his early years.

  I thought the article would calm public opinion after it was published, but the results seem to add fuel to the fire.

  On the same day, Zhou Li, deputy general manager of Nongfu Spring, wrote in Moments that perhaps the old gentleman (Zong Qinghou) did not expect that his death would be used by some so-called "melon eaters" to attack another company in the same city and become a hot topic of public opinion; the two companies were in the same city, and although they competed in the early years and even went to court, they still competed openly under the legal framework.

  Since then, Nongfu Spring has not publicly spoken out about the above incident.

  The continuous decline in the share price of Nongfu Spring has also triggered heated discussions among netizens.The reporter saw comments such as "Try to avoid the products of Nongfu Spring in the future" and "Give up the whole series of Nongfu Spring" in "Nongfu Spring Bar", and also noticed "Support Nongfu Spring! Buy firmly!" "Farmer’s big ship is not afraid of small storms" and other posts.

  Nongfu Spring currently ranks second in the popularity ranking of the Hong Kong stock market. Combined with the posting and comments of its stock bar, it can be seen that the discussion of Nongfu Spring by netizens is still ongoing.

How to use Xiaomi smart TV, how to use Xiaomi smart TV [detailed explanation]

  With the development of smart TVs, many families have now replaced them with smart TVs with clearer pictures and more fashionable shapes. Xiaomi, smart TVs are also one of the more popular smart TV brands in the market. The resolution of Xiaomi TVs has reached the level of 1080p, and Xiaomi smart TVs also have high-tech functions such as Bluetooth, WiFi, DTS, Milian, etc.

  Compared with many TVs on the market today, Xiaomi Smart TV is very cost-effective, and the configuration is also one of the best. The processor of Xiaomi Smart TV is a quad-core processor of Qualcomm Snapdragon, and the 2GB memory allows you to enjoy high-speed operation efficiency while watching TV. And Xiaomi Smart TV can also be connected to mobile tablets, etc., and the sound effect can also support the very popular Dolby sound effect. But how can Xiaomi Smart TV be used freely?

  What should I do if I don’t know how to use Xiaomi Smart TV?

  First of all, after purchasing the Xiaomi Smart TV and installing it, please upgrade the Xiaomi Smart TV system to the latest version according to the instructions. If you encounter some difficulties during use, you can find the "Xiaomi TV Manual" on the desktop of the Xiaomi Smart TV, where you can find the user’s guide.

  Turn on and off of Xiaomi Smart TV.

  If you want to use Xiaomi Smart TV, the first step to contact is the switch on and off of the TV. First, after plugging in the TV, the state of Xiaomi TV has entered the standby state. Then pick up the remote control, click the switch button on the remote control, or find the breathing light with the mi logo under the Xiaomi Smart TV, and gently touch it to realize the switch on and off. If not, you can press and hold the physical switch in the lower right corner of Xiaomi Smart TV to complete the switch on and off of the TV.

  How to watch live on Xiaomi Smart TV

  If you want to watch live broadcasts with Xiaomi Smart TV, it is actually very simple. As long as the user downloads the third-party video software APK in the software market, and then installs the software into the U disk, that is, the external storage, you can watch live TV. Can you receive more than 600 TV stations across the country?

  How to choose HDMI, AV, VGA, and other modes

  When one of the signal sources is connected to the Xiaomi Smart TV, the icon on the main interface of the Xiaomi Smart TV will be automatically lit, which means that the system will automatically select the signal source without manual operation.

  Overall, the use of Xiaomi smart TVs is still very convenient, and there are also forums for Xiaomi smart TVs. If you want to find some tips for Xiaomi smart TVs, you can often visit the forums. The TV also has instructions for use. I believe users will be able to apply it easily soon.

Gold supporting actor Wu Mengda was admitted to the hospital with cancer, which is not far from us ordinary people

Those who love to watch Hong Kong movies must be familiar with Wu Mengda. The nonsense comedy he once cooperated with Zhou Xingchi swept the Chinese film industry. As an old-timer in the Hong Kong film industry, many peers and juniors respectfully called him "Uncle Da".

On February 20, according to Hong Kong media reports, Wu Mengda was ill and admitted to a cancer hospital in Hong Kong. Tian Qiwen revealed Wu Mengda’s condition in an interview.

"Wu Mengda was found to have liver cancer before the Lunar New Year, and the cancer has begun to spread. He recently completed surgery and entered the chemotherapy stage. He is so weak that he can’t even speak."

Perhaps knowing the danger of liver cancer, Hong Kong media reported that Wu Mengda had made wills for his five children.

When it comes to celebrities suffering from liver cancer, it is actually quite a few. The famous poet Wang Guozhen, the Hong Kong film and television actress Shen Dianxia, Fu Biao, Luo Wen, and the famous musician Zhao Yingjun… They all died of liver cancer.

Liver cancer is not far away from us.

Statistics show that the number of new cases of liver cancer in the world in 2020 is about 910,000, the number of deaths is 830,000, and the number of deaths ranks third among all cancers! In terms of gender, men are far ahead of women in various data!

The scope is narrowed down to domestic,Our country accounts for 55% of the world’s liver cancer patients.Global average liver cancer in 2020The number of new cases is about 410,000, and the number of liver cancer deaths is 390,000, ranking second among all cancers.

Understanding liver cancer

Liver cancer was once called the "king of cancers."In China, on average, one person is diagnosed with liver cancer every 67 secondsOn average, one person dies from liver cancer every 74 seconds (2015 data).

In our country, the high incidence of liver cancer has an important pathogenic factor – more than 100 million people with chronic hepatitis B/C patients. More than 80% of liver cancer patients have a history of chronic hepatitis B/C virus infection, and the course of the vast majority of liver cancer patients in our country follows this path:

Chronic hepatitis such as hepatitis Bliver cirrhosisliver cancer

After being infected with the virus, many patients do not receive timely treatment and gradually develop into chronic hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and liver cirrhosis. On the basis of liver cirrhosis, it is found that there are space-occupying lesions or elevated alpha-fetoprotein in the liver, which basically reaches the level of precancerous lesions of the liver.

Liver cancer is very insidious, with fewer early and mid-stage symptoms that are difficult to detect, and once signs such as ascites, abdominal mass, and severe jaundice appear, it is often advanced…

How to cause liver cancer

The following factors can all contribute to liver cancer, including:

Water pollution, hepatitis virus infection, eating moldy food,Long-term mood changes, long-term consumption of high-salt and smoked foods,heredity.Alcoholism, staying up late, taking too many drugs.

Liver cancer symptoms

There may be no obvious symptoms in the early stage of liver cancer. When patients with liver cancer experience uncomfortable symptoms, they are mostly in the advanced stage of liver cancer

Some liver cancers develop from cirrhosis, and the symptoms of cirrhosis are to some extent equivalent to the symptoms before or in the early stages of liver cancer, including:

Loss of appetite, bloating, weight loss, yellowing of skin and white eyeballs, deepening of urine color, bleeding, "liver palms (red on both sides of the palm) ", red moles on the skin of the chest and back, female menstrual disorders, female amenorrhea, decreased male libido, male hair loss, male breast development, dark skin, low fever, edema, varicose veins in the abdominal wall, etc.

Liver cancer survival

In general,Early liver cancer did not spread and metastasize, Surgical resection is a more effective treatment method. After resection, with radiotherapy and chemotherapy,The 5-year survival rate can reach over 60%.

Once advanced, especially after the tumor has metastasized, the surgical effect is much worse. If the patient cooperates with treatment, the survival time is slightly longer, and vice versa.

Liver cancer tests include

Blood test tumor indicators

Abdominal ultrasound

Puncture biopsy – A small sample of liver tissue is taken under a microscope to determine whether it is cancerous.

Liver cancer treatment options

Surgery to remove the cancerous part

Liver Transplantation – Replacing a diseased liver with a healthy liver

Ablation therapy – kills cancer cells in the liver without surgery and can be done with heat, microwaves, lasers, or radiation

Immunotherapy – ready-to-use drugs work with the immune system to block cancer growth

Chemotherapy – using drugs to kill cancer cells or stop their growth

Prevent liver cancer

1. Vaccination against hepatitis B starts with the prevention of chronic hepatitis B to prevent the occurrence of liver cancer.

2. Patients with chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C should receive standard antiviral treatment.

3. Avoid eating moldy foods to reduce aflatoxin exposure.

4. Avoid drinking water containing microcystins.

5. Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption, maintain a healthy weight, and prevent diabetes. If you have diabetes, you should pay attention to chronic disease control and strengthen physical examination.

6. People at high risk of liver cancer should undergo regular screening to test for tumor markers and liver imaging.

The emphasis here is on drinking,Drinking alcohol can be said to be the most damaging thing to the liver!

The main component of alcohol is ethanol. When drinking alcohol on an empty stomach, it only takes 15 minutes for 50% of the ethanol to enter the bloodstream, and 45% of it will go to the liver! It is conceivable how much damage long-term drinking can do to the liver. Over time, fatty liver and alcoholic liver follow one after another. Alcoholic hepatitis is also prone to secondary cirrhosis until the occurrence of liver cancer.

In addition, I would like to say that the elderly must pay attention to their personal health. When we are young, we can do whatever we want with our bodies. However, once we enter the threshold of middle age, our body’s immune function will decline and we will be more susceptible to diseases.

The People’s Daily published an article entitled "How Many People Have Not Survived the Dangerous Period of 45-55?", which states:45-55 years old is a high-risk period in lifeDuring this period, various diseases were highly susceptible to outbreaksThe doctors called it"The Swamp of Life’s Journey"

Doctors divide a person’s life into four important periods:

0-35 years old – healthy period

During the most active period of life, various tissues and organs of the body develop from the beginning to perfection, and their physical functions are at their best.

35-45 years old – the stage of disease formation

People’s physical functions decline, and some organs begin to decline, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, tumors, and diabetes symptoms begin to appear.

45-55 years old – during the outbreak of the disease

Many diseases explode at this stage, especially heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

55-65 years old – a safe transition period

If you are lucky enough to have no obvious symptoms of disease after the age of 65, later life is a relatively safe period.

This age group happens to be at the peak of life and career. They often work overtime and are in a state of sub-health. They are burdened with family responsibilities, old and young, and bear both mental and economic pressures. During this period, they have the most frequent interpersonal relationships, social entertainment, frequent drinking and smoking, and are most susceptible to illness.

Therefore, don’t neglect your own health just because you are young and strong, and wait until some diseases are diagnosed at an advanced stage.

Therefore, remember one truth:Never make fun of your health!

Meta is hard and OpenAI, and the domestic "small model" official announces open source. Where is the "Hundred Models War" going?

  Since the beginning of this year, the global Internet giants have set off a "hundred-model war", and Microsoft, Google, Baidu and Ali have come to the end one after another. After more than half a year of competition, technology giants are welcoming a new round of road disputes around the big model ecology: facing the parameter "ceiling", will the future of the big model be closed or open?

  The open source model can run on a home computer.

  On August 3rd, two open source models, Qwen-7B and Qwen-7B-Chat, were put on the domestic AI developer community "ModelScope", which were Alibaba Cloud Tongyi Qianwen’s 7 billion parameter general model and dialogue model respectively. Both models were open source, free and commercially available.

  According to reports, Tongyi Qianwen Qwen-7B is a pedestal model that supports many languages such as Chinese and English, and it is trained on more than 2 trillion token (text unit) data sets, while Qwen-7B-Chat is a Chinese-English dialogue model based on the pedestal model, which has reached the cognitive level of human beings.In short, the former is like a "foundation" and the latter is a "house" on the foundation.

  The actual test shows that the comprehensive performance of Qwen-7B model is good. Among them, on the English proficiency evaluation benchmark MMLU, the score is generally higher than that of the mainstream models with the same parameter scale, even surpassing some models with 12 billion and 13 billion parameter scales. On the Chinese evaluation C-Eval verification set, the model also achieved the highest score of the same scale. Qwen-7B model is also among the best in evaluating GSM8K in mathematical problem solving ability and HumanEval in code ability.

  That is to say,In the tests of Chinese and English writing, solving mathematical problems and writing codes, Qwen-7B model is properly a "master of learning", and its score even exceeds the international mainstream model with the same parameter level.

  Besides, the industry is more concerned about the usability of Qwen-7B model. As we all know, the training and operation of mainstream large models need special AI training chips (such as NVIDIA A100), which are not only expensive, but also as high as 10,000 — per NVIDIA A100; 15,000 dollars, and it is monopolized by countries such as Europe and the United States, and it is almost impossible to buy it in China.The domestic Qwen-7B model supports the deployment of consumer graphics cards, which is equivalent to a high-performance home computer to run the model.

  Thanks to free commercialization and low threshold, the Qwen-7B model has been put on the shelves, which has attracted the attention of AI developers.In just one day, on the code hosting platform GitHub, the Qwen-7B model has been collected by more than a thousand developers, and most of the questioners are Chinese developers.As Alibaba Cloud said in the statement: "Compared with the lively AI open source ecology in the English-speaking world, the Chinese community lacks an excellent pedestal model. The addition of Tongyi Qianwen is expected to provide more choices for the open source community and promote the open source ecological construction of AI in China. "

  Open source or closed?

  In fact, Qwen-7B model is not the first big open source model. In fact, GPT-2, the predecessor of ChatGPT, is also completely open source. Its code and framework can be used for free on the Internet, and related papers can be consulted. However, after ChatGPT spread all over the world, OpenAI chose closed-source development, and the model codes such as GPT-3 and GPT-4 have become the trade secrets of OpenAI.

  The so-called open source is open source code.For example, once the big model is declared open source, anyone can publicly obtain the model source code, modify it or even redevelop it within the scope of copyright restrictions. To make a simple analogy,The source code is like the manuscript of a painting, and everyone can fill in the colors according to the manuscript to create their own artistic paintings.

  Closed source is just the opposite of open source.Only the source code owner (usually the software developer) has the power to modify the code, others can’t get the "manuscript" and can only buy the finished product from the software developer.

  The advantages and disadvantages of open source and closed source are very obvious. After open source, the big model will undoubtedly attract more developers, and the application of the big model will be more abundant, but the corresponding supervision and commercialization will become a difficult problem, which is prone to the embarrassing situation of "making wedding clothes for others".After all, open source considers ecological co-prosperity, and it is difficult to figure out the economic account of how much money can be earned at this stage, and these problems happen to be opportunities to close the source.

  Open source or closed source, this is a big model of life and death, the international giants have given the answer.

  Meta, the parent company of Facebook, released the big model Llama2 last month, which is open source and free for developers and business partners, while OpenAI firmly chose GPT-4 closed source development, which not only can maintain OpenAI’s leading position in the generative AI industry, but also can earn more revenue. According to the authoritative magazine Fast Company,OpenAI’s revenue in 2023 will reach 200 million US dollars, including providing API data interface services and subscription service fees for chat bots.

  Domestic big models have gradually begun to "go their separate ways".Alibaba Cloud’s General Meaning ModelAs early as April this year, it was announced to be open to enterprises, and the open source of Qwen-7B model will go further.ERNIE Bot of BaiduIt has also recently announced that it will gradually open the plug-in ecosystem to third-party developers to help developers build their own applications based on the Wenxin model.

  In contrast, Huawei does not take the usual path. When the Pangu Big Model 3.0 was released, Huawei Cloud publicly stated that,Pangu modelThe full stack technology is independently innovated by Huawei, and no open source technology is adopted. At the same time, Pangu Big Model will gather numerous industry big data (involving industry secrets, etc.), so Pangu Big Model will not be open source in the future.

  The big parameters are still small and beautiful.

  In addition, the open source of Qwen-7B model brings another thought:How many parameters do we need a big model?

  There is no denying that,The parameter scale of the large model is constantly expanding.Take the GPT model under OpenAI as an example. GPT-1 only contains 117 million parameters, and the parameters of GPT-3 have reached 175 billion, which has increased by more than 1000 times in a few years, while the parameters of GPT-4 have exceeded the trillion level.

  The same is true of large domestic models. Baidu Wenxin model has 260 billion parameters, Tencent mixed-element model has reached 100 billion parameters, Huawei Pangu model has been estimated to be close to GPT-3.5, and ali tong Yida model has officially announced 10 trillion parameters … …According to incomplete statistics, there are at least 79 large-scale models with over 1 billion parameters in China.

  Unfortunately, the larger the parameter, the stronger the capability of the large model. At the World Artificial Intelligence Conference, Wu Yunsheng, vice president of Tencent Cloud, has a very appropriate metaphor: "Just like athletes practicing physical strength, weightlifters need to lift 200 kilograms of barbells, and swimmers need to lift 100 kilograms. Different types of athletes don’t need everyone to practice 200 kilograms of barbells."

  As we all know,The higher the parameters of the large model, the more resources and costs are consumed.However, it is not necessary to blindly pursue "large scale" or "high parameters" to deepen the vertical large-scale model of the industry, but to formulate relevant model parameters according to customer needs. For example, the BioGPT-Large model has only 1.5 billion parameters, but its accuracy in biomedical professional tests is better than that of the general model with 100 billion parameters.

  Sam Altman, co-founder of OpenAI, also publicly stated that OpenAI is approaching the limit of LLM (Large Language Model) scale. The larger the scale, the better the model is, and the parameter scale is no longer an important indicator to measure the quality of the model.

  Wu Di, the head of intelligent algorithm in Volcano Engine, has a similar view. In the long run, reducing costs will become an important factor in the application of large models. "A well-tuned small and medium-sized model may perform as well as a general large model in a specific job, and the cost may be only one tenth of the original."

  At present, almost all domestic science and technology manufacturers have got tickets for big models, but the real road choice has just begun.

[Video] The Lantern Festival party will debut tonight. Watch it first.

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"The news knew" that the latest judgment on the weather on New Year’s Eve came; Summary of opening hours of Hangzhou stadiums during the Spring Festival; A number of courier companies announced that t

Today is Saturday, February 3rd, 2024.
[Weather] Light rain, 4 ~ 6℃
[Restricted] None
[Air quality] Urban AQI:36, air quality grade: excellent.
hot spot
(1) fall back to below zero! Hang in there for a few more days! The latest judgment on the weather on New Year’s Eve is coming!
Hang in there, the sunshine will return soon!
② Four docks, such as Wulinmen Wharf, can go up and down for free with the bracelet!
In addition to the special dragon boat, there are also interesting activities such as Dragon Drum Opening Year and Long Lin Sign-in at Wulinmen and Native Products Wharf, with three different seals, which can be exchanged for unique Chinese New Year gifts after completing the stamp collection and punching.
(3) Eighteen literary and art workers in Zhejiang Province were commended.
The Second Commendation Meeting of Young and Middle-aged Writers and Artists in Zhejiang Province was held in Hangzhou.
What are the opening hours of Hangzhou stadiums during the Spring Festival?
Do you have any plans for exercise and fitness during the Chinese New Year?
Spring Festival travel rush return train tickets are being robbed! Pay attention to this information when traveling.
Is it good to buy tickets for Spring Festival travel rush this year? What’s the change in the weather? What preparations should be made for travel?
From March 1st, you may earn more money!
The 2023 annual settlement processing time is from March 1 to June 30, 2024.
Gao Weidong, the former chairman of Maotai, was sentenced to life imprisonment for accepting bribes of more than 110 million yuan.
The illegal receipt of property directly or through relevant personnel amounted to more than 110 million yuan, of which 46.56 million yuan was not actually obtained.
(4) A number of courier companies announced that "the Spring Festival will not be closed in 2024"
Post, SF Express, Yunda, Debon, JD.COM and many other courier companies have announced the service policy of "No Closing during the Spring Festival".

Breaking into Schumacher’s garage, Ferrari’s dream begins with F50 (Figure)

  Backed by the Alps and facing Lake Geneva, the home of michael schumacher, the seven-time F1 world champion, is located in the Swiss mountains and green waters. Under the aerial view of the helicopter, the "ancient pagoda" of "Shumi Castle" is conspicuous, which is the "indoor climbing ground" of Schumacher’s family. In addition, people can vaguely guess that the big house is Shumi’s indoor swimming pool with Schumacher’s championship trophy hidden in that small window. But Schumacher’s favorite thing is hidden under the "Shumi Castle", which is Schumacher’s parking garage with two floors, enough to park 19 luxury cars.

  As a former driver and current consultant of Ferrari, Schumacher always drives only cars from Ferrari and its parent company Fiat Group in public. Although there are many Mercedes-Benz and BMW with pure German descent in Schumacher’s private garage, it is a pity that "professional" Schumacher never reveals only those stories about him and Ferrari …



  fiat 500

  Dedicated to Fiat 500 for the first time.

  Up to now, recalling the story about Fiat 500, Schumacher will smile sweetly, because it was the first time Schumacher drove a car in his life. Can you imagine such a picture? Little Schumacher sat in the driver’s seat of Fiat 500, his ass barely touched the seat, and his hands and feet just reached the steering wheel and brake pedal, so he rushed out with excitement. As a result, before driving far, the car directly hit the lamppost, and little Schumacher was almost bruised.

  Perhaps, Schumacher’s love affair with racing car and Ferrari was doomed at that time. Up to now, the Schumacher Museum in Coppen, Germany still houses the first car of Che Wang. Of course, it was not the one that Schumacher crashed when he was a child. After Schumacher came to Ferrari, Fiat President Montezemolo specially sent a brand-new red Fiat 500 to Schumacher for collection. With round headlights and a small and lovely predecessor, Fiat 500 is like Italian chocolate, which will always be an Italian classic and hidden in the sweetest place of Schumacher’s childhood.

  Love at first sight for "Super Bugatti"

  Now there is no such car in Schumacher’s garage, but it must be mentioned that the Bugatti supercar is actually Schumacher’s first private car. In 1995, Schumacher was the driver of Benetton. In that summer, he took his wife Corinna to Campogalliano, a small town in Modena, Italy, to visit the factory of Bugatti, a top super-running brand. The boss of Bugatti, Romano Attioli, decided to give Schumacher the latest work EB110 SS.

  It was a yellow EB110SS. When Schumacher took the car keys from Attioli, he was still very dissatisfied with this car. Unique design and color matching is Bugatti’s consistent style. Schumacher got the EB110SS with a blue leather seat configuration, and the center console is also uniform blue. However, Schumacher raised some questions about the design of EB110SS hollow platform, and Attioli’s answer was that it was the most fashionable at that time.

  Car king’s affection for Bugatti didn’t change until after driving. The 3499ml V12 engine has five valves per cylinder. With the help of four superchargers, it can output the maximum power of 611 horsepower (which was quite advanced at that time), accelerate for 3.2 seconds from 0 to 60 miles (about 96.5km) and have a top speed of 350km/h. All these indicators finally make Schumacher’s face smile. Unfortunately, this Mohamme Bourkadi has only been in Schumacher’s hands for less than a year. After joining Ferrari, Schumacher quickly found a reason to ask this car out of his garage.

  Spyder will always be like a lady

  In October 2003, Schumacher bought a new toy in Italy-the blue Masalati Spyder. Like Enzo, before getting this new car, Schumacher gave a rigorous test to Maserati Spyder at Maranello. The car king, who has always been plain-spoken, used gorgeous words to describe this car: "This is a great sports car, with outstanding design and cutting-edge fashion. The engine provides endless power. Maserati Spyder is like a lady who can surprise you at any time …"

  Like other cars, the biggest feature of Schumacher’s car is that it is fast enough. It takes only 5 seconds for the Spyder with 390 horsepower to accelerate from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour. In addition, the biggest feature of this car is that it has no clutch and no shift lever. When you want to hang the AUTOmatic gear, just press the "auto" button at the lower part of the center console. If you choose to change gears manually, you don’t have to leave the steering wheel, and you can shift gears with your fingers, which is very similar to Schumacher’s F1 car.

  Luxury gift FXX has only 20 cars in the world.

  This is a gift from Ferrari to the car king after Schumacher retired. On Ferrari Racing Day in 2006, Fiat President handed the Ferrari FXX to Schumacher in front of more than 30,000 fans.

  Ferrari FXX was built in the factory of Maranello, the base of Ferrari racing department, on the basis of Enzo sports car. Its engine displacement has been expanded to 6,262 ml, and its maximum power and peak torque have reached an astonishing 800 HP and 690 N/m respectively, which is also a super GT sports car closest to F1 racing car so far.

  Schumacher’s FXX is painted in all black, and the car king undoubtedly likes this car very much. During his stay in France this year, Schumacher attended a charity event. He took Zidane, a famous French football player, for a wild ride on the Magney circuit, and the car he chose was his own Ferrari FXX.

  This Ferrari’s top sports car is limited to only about 20 cars in the world. FXX customers will join Ferrari as its test drivers and drive the car under the supervision of Ferrari experts. Ferrari regards FXX as the basic framework of the top-class models to be produced in the future, but FXX is neither a legal streetcar nor a racing car, and it will only become the car of the first customer test drivers on the track in history.

  Ferrari’s dream begins with F50.

  In 1996, Schumacher joined the Ferrari team. Since then, King Che’s garage has almost only added the brand of Fiat Group, and the F50 is just the beginning of Schumacher’s dream of Ferrari.

  The 27-year-old Schumacher is sharp-edged and unruly. When he first appeared in front of the Italians in a black suit embroidered with Ferrari’s prancing logo, the German looked arrogant. Ferrari’s performance at that time was not good, and they needed a car to dispel Schumacher’s suspicious eyes. The F355 is not fashionable enough, and the 456GT is not sporty enough. In the end, Schumacher took a fancy to the fiery red F50. The F50 is an early model launched by Ferrari to celebrate its 50th anniversary. It was designed by local designer Pininfarina. It uses a 4.7-liter naturally aspirated V12 engine with a maximum power of 513 horsepower, and a 6-speed manual gearbox with a rear drive in the middle, which can achieve a performance of 3.7 seconds for 100 kilometers and a top speed of 360 kilometers per hour. The style is divided into convertible and hardtop, and Schumacher chose convertible at that time.

  Since Schumacher joined Ferrari, almost every new Ferrari car has been "personally tested" by Schumacher before it came out. In addition to being a driver of Ferrari, Schumacher has gradually become the image ambassador of Fiat Group. At all kinds of large-scale international auto shows, Schumacher often appears next to Fiat’s brands, whether Ferrari or Maserati. Schumacher also often shoots various car advertisements for Ferrari. Of course, no matter which new car Schumacher likes, he can drive it straight home at any time.

  ENZO belongs to Schumacher’s "Red Rabbit"

  In 2002, Ferrari launched Enzo, a model to commemorate Ferrari founder Enzo Ferrari, and Schumacher, as the soul of Ferrari, naturally ranked among the first customers of this car. For Che Wang, ENZO is definitely a "red rabbit horse".

  Enzo uses a 5998ml V12 engine with a maximum output of 660 horsepower. It takes only 3.6 seconds to accelerate from 0 to 60 miles. The biggest breakthrough it brings is to learn from the aerodynamic design of F1 racing cars. The body design puts functionality in the first place. Although it has been criticized in aesthetics, it is definitely the super sports car with the best performance in its generation. In order to show Enzo’s king position in civil super-running, Ferrari also put it together with F2002 for Schumacher to test drive. Of course, Schumacher came to an ideal conclusion: "Enzo’s high-speed state is very stable, and the turn is neutral and very powerful. It is the most powerful road model."

  The fastest track, the safest road.

  Schumacher used to be the fastest man on F1 track, but in real life, Schumacher is a good citizen who abides by traffic rules. As the image ambassador of UNESCO and the FIA’s road safety ambassador, Schumacher has always been active in promoting driving safety.

  In 2005, the United Nations held the first "Safe Driving Week" with the theme of "Young People on the Road". As the father of two children, Schumacher looked a little uneasy after the event. "I didn’t know that every day, thousands of children around the world died in car accidents." Schumacher said, "As a father, I can understand the grief of parents when they lose their children. Just this morning, I read a news that a father took his daughter out for a walk and her daughter died in a car accident. Now I can live happily with my children-and if there were not so many car accidents, there would be more happy families in the world like me. "

  Schumacher’s driving record never recorded speeding. The only exception was that Schumacher himself took the initiative to admit his mistake. "An interesting thing happened before the race in the United States in 2002. I drove to Indianapolis on the highway. Maybe time was a little urgent and I seemed to drive faster. Then I suddenly found a police car behind me. I think it’s too bad, because I heard that it’s hard to find an excuse to meet a traffic policeman in America. He stopped my car and said very seriously,’ Do you think you are Mansel? Even if it is, you will be fined. I said,’ OK, but I’m michael schumacher.’ "Schumacher said.

  According to the reporter’s interview with the policeman afterwards, Schumacher actually didn’t tell the whole story because the policeman didn’t know him, and then said, "Sorry, I don’t know who Schumacher is." Schumacher’s response was even better: "Then, I don’t understand what speeding is."

  Send children to school without driving a luxury car.

  Schumacher will drive his youngest son Mick to see his favorite idol, Barak, and will drive a Ferrari to accompany Corinna to travel, but in daily life, Schumacher insists on driving the most humble Lancia. The reason is simple. Schumacher wants to live like an ordinary person, and he wants his children to grow up like ordinary children.

  At home, Schumacher is a good father. He will personally take his two children to and from school, play their favorite songs on the way and even sing with them. When the whole family goes out, Schumacher is the obligatory driver: "I am a loyal and relaxed driver, and we will laugh and laugh all the way like ordinary families." On long trips, Gina and Mick are very cooperative passengers, and they usually fall asleep in a short time. " However, at Schumacher’s house, Corinna is also willing to be her husband’s driver. "I absolutely believe in her driving skills," Schumacher said.

Editor: Shuo Yang