A round of financing 5 billion, the foreplay of Landmap IPO begins?

Today, two years had passed since the birth of the Lantu brand. However, the sprint speed of Lantu after breaking 10,000 vehicles was obviously slower than expected. Compared to the top several new energy brands, Lantu’s sales were also pulled apart.

For the "slow" at this stage, Lantu has been prescribing the right medicine and gradually resuming the rhythm of rising. At the same time, it seems to be approaching the IPO step by step.

On November 18, Lantu Automotive announced that it had completed the signing and delivery of the financing agreement for the A round.

Lantu Auto’s Series A financing was actually officially launched in December 2021 and has been in the works for a long time. On August 1 this year, the capital increase information began to be pre-disclosed on the Shanghai United Equity Exchange. It was officially listed on September 13 and ended on October 13.

According to the Lantu official, the total amount of A round of financing is nearly 5 billion yuan, and the market valuation of Lantu after financing is nearly 30 billion yuan. After this round of financing, Lantu will choose the opportunity to continue to carry out subsequent rounds of financing. At the same time, Lantu will also consider the follow-up IPO plan based on the market and regulatory policies.

Rare large-scale financing under the "capital winter"

Entering 2022, the automotive industry has gradually shown a trend of major reshuffle, and the capital markets have become more cautious in betting on new energy vehicle brands. The A round of financing of nearly 5 billion yuan by Lantu Automobile is almost the largest first round of financing in the domestic new energy automobile industry.

Specifically, there are 10 investors in this round of financing of Lantu. Among them, the joint leading investors are the state-owned enterprise mixed reform fund and Bank of China assets, while the following investors include three state-owned capitals of ICBC Investment, Agricultural Bank of China Investment, and Jiaoyin Yuanjing, Wuhan Economic Development Fund, Hubei High-quality Development Fund, and Zhongxin High-tech Investment. Three local state-owned assets, Ganfeng Lithium Industry, Xinwangda Two industries and private capital.

As the big owner, the group invested 900 million yuan. After this round of financing, the group held 78.88% of the shares in Lantu, 12.37% of the A round investors, and 8.75% of the Lantu employee stock ownership platform.

On the one hand, through the introduction of strategic investment, industrial synergy is formed in the upstream and downstream industrial chain, especially the three electricity, marketing ecological cooperation, etc. That is to say, the investors in this round of financing of Lantu Automobile have strategic synergy with Lantu Automobile, and will realize complementary advantages and promote the rapid development of Lantu’s business.

On the other hand, on May 31 this year, the three-year action task of the company’s state-owned enterprise reform was fully completed. As a high-end electric brand that the company has made every effort to build, Lantu Automobile’s financing is also to continue to implement the relevant requirements of the "Double Hundred Enterprises" mixed reform, improve the corporate governance structure, and revitalize the system and mechanism.

According to the plan, this round of financing funds will be used to support Landmap technology research and development, digital system construction, capacity building and marketing investment and other matters related to Landmap’s main business operation and expansion, of which more than 40% of the cost is expected to be used for technology research and development.

Unlike new forces, the background of the "national team" has undoubtedly made Lantu much smoother in the capital markets. However, at the same time, Lantu bears the dual mission of the company’s brand upward and exploring new models of independent brand development, which puts more pressure on Lantu. Therefore, it is likely that Lantu will eventually embark on the road of listing and financing.

What impact does Lantu Auto have on its IPO?

It is not just Lantu that is watching the IPO. Among the new energy vehicle brands incubated by independent traditional car companies, GAC’s Ai’an has officially announced that it will choose the opportunity to attack the IPO, and Avita, JK, etc. have also announced plans for IPO.

As important as Landmap was, they were born with a golden spoon, and they were also a weapon used by car companies to attack the high end. It could be seen that the competition for IPOs from high-end brands of traditional car companies had become increasingly fierce.

In the first half of this year, the entire industry faced the impact of unfavorable external factors such as the epidemic, rising raw material prices, and tight chip supply. During this period, Lantu’s sales also declined. It began to grow month-on-month after June.

According to the official data released, in October this year, Lantu delivered a total of 2,553 new cars, an increase of 154% year-on-year. Since June, the average price of bicycles has exceeded 382,000 yuan. Since August 2021, the Lantu brand has delivered a total of 22,963 new cars.

If you want to IPO, the cumulative sales of Lantu 23,000 vehicles, there is obviously huge room for growth. Of course, Lantu is also strengthening its core competitiveness step by step, especially in the near future, the news of new cars and new technologies is particularly intensive.

First of all, Landmap has a complete technology research and development system and leading technology research and development capabilities. At present, all technologies of Landmap are fully self-developed.

In terms of technology, Landmap has just released the dual layout of ESSA native intelligent electric architecture and central centralized SOA electronic and electrical architecture. The official introduction is that the concept and technology of Landmap ESSA native intelligent electric architecture can meet the technical needs of Landmap in the next 8-10 years; the concept and technology of central centralized SOA electronic and electrical architecture can meet the technical needs of Landmap in the next 5 years. In addition, Landmap also deploys technologies such as solid-state batteries, hydrogen power, and autonomous driving above L4 level.

Secondly, Lantu’s high-end products have spanned three categories of SUVMPV sedans. Among them, Lantu FREE is positioned as a 300,000-class luxury SUV; Lantu Dreamer focuses on the electric luxury MPV market; the third sedan Lantu Chasing Light will debut next month. After that, Lantu still plans to continue the strategic layout of a new car for a year.

In terms of sales channels, it is also stepping up construction. As of October 31 this year, Lantu has opened 168 stores across the country, and its sales and service network covers 85 cities across the country.

In addition, Lantu is also exploring the international market. In February this year, Lantu Auto officially announced its entry into the European market, landing in Norway for the first time. In September, Lantu FREE officially shipped to Norway and will be officially delivered to Norwegian users at the end of November. Following the Norwegian market, Lantu Auto is also planning to enter Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Israel.

The A-round financing of Lantu will undoubtedly help Lantu’s future layout, and at the same time, the more important role may be to enhance internal and external confidence. Although behind Lantu, there is the support of the group in terms of resources, technology, capital, talents, etc., as one of the leaders of the national team’s new energy vehicle manufacturing, in the face of the industry reshuffle, Lantu also needs to play a 12-point spirit and sprint again.

After all, both past experience and current facts prove that the road to high-end has never been easy. At present, there are very few examples of domestic independent brands that have achieved their goals. If Lantu wants to break through, it still needs to practice its internal and external skills.

Gold supporting actor Wu Mengda was admitted to the hospital with cancer, which is not far from us ordinary people

Those who love to watch Hong Kong movies must be familiar with Wu Mengda. The nonsense comedy he once cooperated with Zhou Xingchi swept the Chinese film industry. As an old-timer in the Hong Kong film industry, many peers and juniors respectfully called him "Uncle Da".

On February 20, according to Hong Kong media reports, Wu Mengda was ill and admitted to a cancer hospital in Hong Kong. Tian Qiwen revealed Wu Mengda’s condition in an interview.

"Wu Mengda was found to have liver cancer before the Lunar New Year, and the cancer has begun to spread. He recently completed surgery and entered the chemotherapy stage. He is so weak that he can’t even speak."

Perhaps knowing the danger of liver cancer, Hong Kong media reported that Wu Mengda had made wills for his five children.

When it comes to celebrities suffering from liver cancer, it is actually quite a few. The famous poet Wang Guozhen, the Hong Kong film and television actress Shen Dianxia, Fu Biao, Luo Wen, and the famous musician Zhao Yingjun… They all died of liver cancer.

Liver cancer is not far away from us.

Statistics show that the number of new cases of liver cancer in the world in 2020 is about 910,000, the number of deaths is 830,000, and the number of deaths ranks third among all cancers! In terms of gender, men are far ahead of women in various data!

The scope is narrowed down to domestic,Our country accounts for 55% of the world’s liver cancer patients.Global average liver cancer in 2020The number of new cases is about 410,000, and the number of liver cancer deaths is 390,000, ranking second among all cancers.

Understanding liver cancer

Liver cancer was once called the "king of cancers."In China, on average, one person is diagnosed with liver cancer every 67 secondsOn average, one person dies from liver cancer every 74 seconds (2015 data).

In our country, the high incidence of liver cancer has an important pathogenic factor – more than 100 million people with chronic hepatitis B/C patients. More than 80% of liver cancer patients have a history of chronic hepatitis B/C virus infection, and the course of the vast majority of liver cancer patients in our country follows this path:

Chronic hepatitis such as hepatitis Bliver cirrhosisliver cancer

After being infected with the virus, many patients do not receive timely treatment and gradually develop into chronic hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and liver cirrhosis. On the basis of liver cirrhosis, it is found that there are space-occupying lesions or elevated alpha-fetoprotein in the liver, which basically reaches the level of precancerous lesions of the liver.

Liver cancer is very insidious, with fewer early and mid-stage symptoms that are difficult to detect, and once signs such as ascites, abdominal mass, and severe jaundice appear, it is often advanced…

How to cause liver cancer

The following factors can all contribute to liver cancer, including:

Water pollution, hepatitis virus infection, eating moldy food,Long-term mood changes, long-term consumption of high-salt and smoked foods,heredity.Alcoholism, staying up late, taking too many drugs.

Liver cancer symptoms

There may be no obvious symptoms in the early stage of liver cancer. When patients with liver cancer experience uncomfortable symptoms, they are mostly in the advanced stage of liver cancer

Some liver cancers develop from cirrhosis, and the symptoms of cirrhosis are to some extent equivalent to the symptoms before or in the early stages of liver cancer, including:

Loss of appetite, bloating, weight loss, yellowing of skin and white eyeballs, deepening of urine color, bleeding, "liver palms (red on both sides of the palm) ", red moles on the skin of the chest and back, female menstrual disorders, female amenorrhea, decreased male libido, male hair loss, male breast development, dark skin, low fever, edema, varicose veins in the abdominal wall, etc.

Liver cancer survival

In general,Early liver cancer did not spread and metastasize, Surgical resection is a more effective treatment method. After resection, with radiotherapy and chemotherapy,The 5-year survival rate can reach over 60%.

Once advanced, especially after the tumor has metastasized, the surgical effect is much worse. If the patient cooperates with treatment, the survival time is slightly longer, and vice versa.

Liver cancer tests include

Blood test tumor indicators

Abdominal ultrasound

Puncture biopsy – A small sample of liver tissue is taken under a microscope to determine whether it is cancerous.

Liver cancer treatment options

Surgery to remove the cancerous part

Liver Transplantation – Replacing a diseased liver with a healthy liver

Ablation therapy – kills cancer cells in the liver without surgery and can be done with heat, microwaves, lasers, or radiation

Immunotherapy – ready-to-use drugs work with the immune system to block cancer growth

Chemotherapy – using drugs to kill cancer cells or stop their growth

Prevent liver cancer

1. Vaccination against hepatitis B starts with the prevention of chronic hepatitis B to prevent the occurrence of liver cancer.

2. Patients with chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C should receive standard antiviral treatment.

3. Avoid eating moldy foods to reduce aflatoxin exposure.

4. Avoid drinking water containing microcystins.

5. Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption, maintain a healthy weight, and prevent diabetes. If you have diabetes, you should pay attention to chronic disease control and strengthen physical examination.

6. People at high risk of liver cancer should undergo regular screening to test for tumor markers and liver imaging.

The emphasis here is on drinking,Drinking alcohol can be said to be the most damaging thing to the liver!

The main component of alcohol is ethanol. When drinking alcohol on an empty stomach, it only takes 15 minutes for 50% of the ethanol to enter the bloodstream, and 45% of it will go to the liver! It is conceivable how much damage long-term drinking can do to the liver. Over time, fatty liver and alcoholic liver follow one after another. Alcoholic hepatitis is also prone to secondary cirrhosis until the occurrence of liver cancer.

In addition, I would like to say that the elderly must pay attention to their personal health. When we are young, we can do whatever we want with our bodies. However, once we enter the threshold of middle age, our body’s immune function will decline and we will be more susceptible to diseases.

The People’s Daily published an article entitled "How Many People Have Not Survived the Dangerous Period of 45-55?", which states:45-55 years old is a high-risk period in lifeDuring this period, various diseases were highly susceptible to outbreaksThe doctors called it"The Swamp of Life’s Journey"

Doctors divide a person’s life into four important periods:

0-35 years old – healthy period

During the most active period of life, various tissues and organs of the body develop from the beginning to perfection, and their physical functions are at their best.

35-45 years old – the stage of disease formation

People’s physical functions decline, and some organs begin to decline, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, tumors, and diabetes symptoms begin to appear.

45-55 years old – during the outbreak of the disease

Many diseases explode at this stage, especially heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

55-65 years old – a safe transition period

If you are lucky enough to have no obvious symptoms of disease after the age of 65, later life is a relatively safe period.

This age group happens to be at the peak of life and career. They often work overtime and are in a state of sub-health. They are burdened with family responsibilities, old and young, and bear both mental and economic pressures. During this period, they have the most frequent interpersonal relationships, social entertainment, frequent drinking and smoking, and are most susceptible to illness.

Therefore, don’t neglect your own health just because you are young and strong, and wait until some diseases are diagnosed at an advanced stage.

Therefore, remember one truth:Never make fun of your health!

Galaxy L7 was delivered in the second quarter, and the Geely Galaxy series was released, fully improving the dimension from product to technology

        In this year’s new energy vehicle market, there is a kind of momentum that the mountains and rains are about to come. On the one hand, the "price war" is hot, and on the other hand, the voices are rising one after another.

        The survival experience of the market tells car brands that simple price "PK" cannot make car brands go further and further. Only strong system capabilities can enhance the combat effectiveness of car brands, resist the impact of the market and the attack of opponents, and run their own acceleration on the new energy track.

        In the second stage of breaking the new energy vehicle market, Geely Automobile once again "shines its sword". On February 23, Geely Automobile released a new mid-to-high-end new energy series in Hangzhou – "Geely Galaxy", as well as a series of electrification technologies such as the Aegis battery safety system, the Raytheon Electric Hybrid 8848, and the new automotive operating system "Galaxy N OS".

1. jpg        For competitors, this is a fiercer response than a "price war". From products to technology, to channels, to services, to value, all-round upgrades to new dimensions. Next, let’s see how hard Geely’s brand is fighting in the new energy market?

New technology clusters are released, supporting the brand’s continued growth

        Some people say that "core technology is a unique secret for brand improvement". Only with deep technical internal strength can one be proud of the car market. This time, Geely Automobile released a series of new technologies, including battery technology to intelligent technology.

        Among them, the Raytheon Electric Hybrid 8848 is a blockbuster "bomb" for Geely Automobile to attack the new energy market. Today, compared with pure electric models, electric hybrid models are growing faster and easier for consumers to accept. It is reported that the Raytheon Electric Hybrid 8848 is based on the evolution of "Raytheon Electric Hybrid" and has made new breakthroughs in hot-selling rate, performance and intelligent control.

10. jpg        Taking thermal efficiency as an example, the new generation of Raytheon electric hybrid engine B-Plus has a maximum thermal efficiency of 44.26%, achieving a breakthrough in transmission dual-motor drive, which is proud enough to be placed in the new energy market. It is reported that this technology will be first used in Geely Galaxy’s intelligent electric hybrid series models.

2. jpg        The Aegis battery safety system is also a key technology of the Geely brand. For a long time, battery safety has been the painpoint of new energy models. This time, Geely launched the Aegis battery safety system to give the "optimal solution" for this pain point of the car. It is reported that this safety system covers the level of cells, modules and battery packs. The industry is the first to integrate radiation protection safety technology deep into the cell level to solve battery safety problems at a deep level.

4. jpg        Nowadays, "intelligent driving" is a must-have label for new energy models, and it is also a "selling point" for many new car-making forces. In terms of intelligent driving, Geely Automobile has also made a big move, releasing the "heaven and earth integrated" version of the Galaxy intelligent driving solution, which can realize an end-to-end full-stack self-research system, covering cross-layer memory parking, high-speed emergency antelope obstacle avoidance, low-speed exploration and crossing and other latest intelligent driving technologies, and doing "subtraction" for traditional driving.

       In addition, the new Galaxy N OS is Geely’s full-stack self-developed distributed operating system. This car system is more proficient in application, with a new UI style and beautiful and silky Galaxy micro-motion graphics, giving users an immersive experience.

6. jpgGalaxy L7 debuts, aiming at the 200,000 smart electric hybrid market

        At the event, the first mass-produced model of Geely Galaxy series – Galaxy L7 was officially unveiled. It is reported that this is a 200,000-class intelligent electric hybrid SUV model, which has begun to accept reservations and is expected to be delivered in the second quarter of this year.

        It can be seen that Geely Automobile is rushing to a new rhythm with its technological advantages. As the first SUV model of the Galaxy series, the Galaxy L7 is built with a world-class e-CMA architecture. At the press conference, the relevant person in charge of Geely Automobile said that "this new car will enter the 200,000-class SUV market". The new car is equipped with Geely’s most advanced technology.

8. jpg        The first Aegis battery safety system, Raytheon Electric Hybrid 8848 and Galaxy N OS system are all three blockbuster technologies that appear on this model. The application of these three technologies ensures that Galaxy L7 is even better in terms of hardware and software, distancing itself from competitors.

        In terms of design, the new car adopts the Galaxy Ripple aesthetic, the front face is closed air intake grille, both sides are equipped with slender double headlights, the fog lamp is designed with geometric shape, and the front face is equipped with a trapezoidal windshield on the lower side, making the entire front face look more fashionable. The side of the body is suspended with a roof, the tail is penetrated with taillights, and the cyclone wheel hub makes it sporty and fashionable.

        In addition, the interior layout can compete with the new forces of car manufacturing. The car is equipped with four large screens, 10.25-inch instrument + 13.2-inch central control screen + 16.2-inch auxiliary driver screen + 25.6-inch AR HUD, and, with the blessing of the Galaxy N OS system, the intelligent experience is worth looking forward to. It is reported that the length, width and height of the new car are 4700/1905/1685mm, and the wheelbase is 2785mm, which is more advantageous in size than the compact SUV.

9. jpg        In addition, under the new generation of Raytheon hybrid 8848 system empowered, the Galaxy L7 hardware system is efficient and effective. Looking at a set of data, the Galaxy L7 accelerates 6.9 seconds for 100 kilometers, the fuel consumption for 100 kilometers is 5.23L, and the CLTC comprehensive cruising range is 1370 kilometers. In the 200,000-class new energy SUV market, it is very lethal.

        Of course, the Galaxy series is more than just a new L7. According to Geely’s product plan, seven models will be launched within two years. The first electric hybrid coupe Galaxy L6 will be delivered in the third quarter of this year, and the pure electric model Galaxy E8 will be delivered in the fourth quarter. This will accelerate the launch of new cars into the new energy vehicle market.

7. jpgGhost Douche Viewpoint: At the press conference, Gan Jiayue, CEO of Geely Automobile Group, said: "Geely Galaxy will lead China’s new energy into the second’new stage ‘of value development." In the new energy vehicle market, Geely Automobile has been fully upgraded, and has come up with new methods in terms of products, technologies, channels and services, rejecting new bottles of old wine. As sung in the song "Good Morning, Geely", the Galaxy series is the most beautiful "star" in the new energy vehicle market, illuminating Geely’s progress.

Ask the world to respond to the online query: Huawei has invested more than 1,000 people in R&D team, and the new M7 model has a loading capacity of over 630kg.

On September 22 nd, AITO asked Jiejie Automobile to respond to a series of online queries today, mainly focusing on space performance, chassis suspension and safety.

Previously on IT House: According to "Electric Planet", a staff member from LI conducted a series of "popular science" for M7, a "friendly product", when recommending his own L7 model.The performance of the M7 non-new platform development, "oil-to-electricity" vehicle type, suspension chassis, shock absorber and ultimate load-bearing are questioned..

The response given by the industry is as follows:

Hong Kong Morning Post | Netease Blizzard talks about the collapse of New Oriental online revenue surged 6 times

  [yesterday’s review]

  On January 17, Hong Kong stocks surged in early trading, but their stamina was insufficient. Bears launched a counterattack, and major indexes turned down one after another. The Hang Seng Index closed down 0.78% and the Hang Seng Technology Index fell 0.14%.

  Large-scale technology stocks fell, JD.COM, Baidu, Xiaomi, Netease and Meituan all fell, while Alibaba and Tencent rose nearly 1% against the trend; Biomedical stocks pulled back significantly, while gambling stocks and auto stocks generally fell.

  On the other hand, online education stocks, sporting goods stocks and semiconductor stocks are active.

  [capital flow]

  The net inflow of southbound funds yesterday was HK$ 4.288 billion. Simcere ranked first in net purchases, and China Construction Bank ranked first in net sales.

  In terms of short-selling data, Far East Hongxin, Meidong Automobile and Prudential ranked in the top three; Alibaba, Tencent Holdings and China Ping An ranked the top three in short selling amount.

  [breaking news]

  Talk about collapse completely! The negotiation between Blizzard and Netease broke down, and the national service game service was terminated on January 23rd.

  On January 17th, Blizzard China official Weibo announced that it contacted Netease again last week and sought assistance to discuss extending the existing agreement based on the agreed terms of Netease in 2019 for six months. However, Netease did not accept the proposal to postpone the existing game service agreement, so it will have to stop the national service game service on January 23 in accordance with Netease’s notice of stopping service.

  Blizzard China also mentioned the progress in finding new partners in the announcement. Blizzard said that it has held talks with a number of potential partners, and its preferred potential partners should be able to provide players with high-quality and stable game services and create a positive game environment inside and outside the game.

  Netease has previously announced that after the game server is closed, all game data such as account data and character data in each game will be sealed. Netease will properly handle game data in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations to protect the legitimate rights and interests of users.

  Gorgeous turn! New Oriental’s live online delivery is quite effective, and its revenue has soared by 590% in half a year.

  After the Hong Kong stock market closed yesterday, New Oriental Online (to be renamed Oriental Selection) announced its results for the six months ended November 30, 2022 (that is, the first half of fiscal year 2023).

  The data shows that the revenue of New Oriental’s continuing business during the online period was 2.08 billion yuan, a year-on-year surge of 590.2%; Even if the income from terminated business in the same period of last year was 272 million yuan, there was a year-on-year growth rate of 262.7%.

  The gross profit of New Oriental during the online period was 982.5 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 467.9%, and the gross profit rate was 47.2%. The net profit was 585.3 million yuan, compared with a loss of 108.7 million yuan from continuous operation in the same period of last year, which successfully turned losses into profits.

  New Oriental Online also disclosed for the first time the performance of Oriental Selection within six months:

  In the first half of fiscal year 2023, the total revenue of the self-operated products and live broadcast e-commerce division of the representatives selected by Dongfang was 1,765.8 million yuan, accounting for 84.9% of the total revenue of New Oriental Online, with a gross profit margin of 42.5%.

  The total transaction volume (GMV) of the business of Dongfang Selection Office reached 4.8 billion yuan, with 35.2 million followers in Tik Tok and 70.2 million orders paid in Tik Tok.

  More than 60 kinds of self-operated agricultural products have been selected by the East, bringing in more than 1 billion yuan in revenue. The orders for self-operated agricultural products plus orders for third-party products totaled 70.2 million.

  In 2023, the first batch of domestic online games were released! Tencent Netease’s heart is in the air.

  On the evening of January 17th, official website, the State Press and Publication Administration, announced the approval information of domestic online games in January 2023, and a total of 88 domestic online games were successfully registered. Tencent and Netease, the two major head game manufacturers, have gained something.

  Tencent was awarded the titles of Dream Star, Dawn Awakening: Vitality and Aurora at White Night respectively. Netease won a version number, and its survival shooting mobile game "Extraordinary Pioneer" appeared in this approval list.

  In addition, Netease’s MMORPG "Going Against the Water" was added to the mobile version, which means that its key product "Going Against the Water" was officially approved.

  In addition to the two major head game manufacturers, the games of Mihayou and Heartbeat Company also appeared in this approval list.

  Junshi Bio: COVID-19 oral medicine VV116 new drug application was accepted.

  Junshi Bio announced that its holding subsidiary, Shanghai Wangshi Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd., received the Notice of Acceptance approved and issued by the Food and Drug Administration, and the application for the listing of a new drug for treating novel coronavirus infection (hereinafter referred to as "COVID-19"), an oral nucleoside anti-novel coronavirus (SARSCoV-2) drug jointly developed by Juntuo Bio and Suzhou Wangshan Wangshui, was accepted.

  New energy car companies start another round of price war? Xpeng Motors announced a price cut.

  Driven by Tesla’s price reduction, some domestic new energy brands choose to follow suit, and the latest one to join the price war is Xpeng Motors.

  On January 17th, Xpeng Motors announced that the new New Year price system for G3i, P5 and P7 would be launched from 14: 00 on that day. The starting prices of the three models were 148,900, 156,900 and 209,900 respectively, with the biggest drop of 36,000 yuan.

  At the same time, Xpeng Motors said that the first car owner who ordered G3i/P5/P7 within one year before the announcement will also give back in the Spring Festival at the same time, including extending the vehicle warranty to 10 years/200,000 kilometers and giving four years of basic maintenance.

  Strong alliance! Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and Weilai signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement

  On January 17th, () signed a five-year comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with Weilai in Ningde.

  Officially, the signing of the comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement is another deepening and upgrading of the strategic cooperation relationship between the two sides, involving technical cooperation in new brands, new projects and new markets.

  It is understood that on the basis of giving full play to their respective resource advantages, the two sides will build an efficient and coordinated battery supply system based on advanced battery technology to enhance innovation capability and efficiency.

  Tencent’s withdrawal of the 15-storey office building of Netac Technology belongs to the normal adjustment of office buildings.

  A-share listed company () announced that Tencent intends to terminate the lease contract of Netac Building in advance.

  In response, Zhang Jun, the public relations director of Tencent, said that the rent withdrawal was a normal adjustment of office buildings.

  The major shareholder of Yaoming Bio plans to place 56 million shares and cash in HK$ 4 billion.

  Yaoming Bio announced on January 17th that its major shareholder, WuXi Biologics Holdings Limite, plans to place 56 million shares of the company at HK$ 71 per share, and cash out nearly HK$ 3.98 billion.

  According to the announcement, Morgan Stanley will act as the agent for this placement. If the placement is completed, the shareholding ratio of Biologics Holdings will be reduced from 15.14% to 13.82%.

  According to public information, behind Biologics Holdings is Li Ge, chairman of Yaoming Bio and founder of ().

  Xiaomo reduced its holdings of Vanke by about 1,658,400 shares and cashed in nearly HK$ 30 million.

  According to the latest data of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, on January 11th, Xiaomo reduced its holdings of 1,658,392 H shares of Vanke, with a price of HK$ 170,095 each, and cashed in about HK$ 28,208,400.

  After the reduction, the latest shareholding of Xiaomo is about 114 million shares, and the latest shareholding ratio is 5.96%.

  At the same time, the auditor of Evergrande III listed platform will be replaced, and the meeting will sincerely succeed PricewaterhouseCoopers.

  On the evening of January 16th, China Evergrande, Evergrande Property and Evergrande Automobile announced at the same time that PricewaterhouseCoopers resigned as auditors at the suggestion of the above-mentioned companies, with effect from that day. To appoint Shanghui Baicheng Certified Public Accountants Limited as the new auditor, which is a member of Shanghui Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership) in Hong Kong.

  In his resignation letter, PricewaterhouseCoopers pointed out that it had not obtained the audit materials and evidence needed for the audit in 2021, including the fact that the deposit pledge guarantee of 13.4 billion yuan disclosed by Evergrande Property on July 22, 2022 was transferred by relevant banks.

  In addition, PricewaterhouseCoopers said that it is impossible to determine the scope of the audit work to be carried out in the future, and it is difficult to reasonably estimate the time required to complete the audit work in 2021. Therefore, Luo Bingxian agreed to resign as the auditor of the Company.

  Aauto Quicker CTO Chen Dingjia resigned and two senior vice presidents shared relevant responsibilities.

  Aauto Quicker announced that Chen Dingjia would resign as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) due to his intention to devote more time to his family and personal affairs, with effect from January 18th. In view of Chen Dingjia’s great contribution, after his resignation, he will be transferred to the company as a lifelong honorary consultant and continue to provide guidance and support for the company.

  The announcement shows that after Chen Dingjia resigned, two senior vice presidents in related fields will share the relevant management responsibilities of the previous CTO and report to CEO Cheng Yixiao.

  Hansen Pharmaceutical: Covid-19 oral small molecule 3CL protease inhibitor obtained notice of clinical trial.

  Hansen Pharmaceutical announced on the evening of January 17th that the first-class new drug "HS-10517 Tablet" against novel coronavirus oral 3CL protease inhibitor, which was jointly developed by the Group and Beijing Huayi Health Drug Research Center (also known as Global Health Drug R&D Center for short), has been approved and issued by China Food and Drug Administration, and it is intended to be used for the treatment of mild and moderate adult novel coronavirus infection patients.

  [financial data]

  1. () (02601.HK): In 2022, the accumulated original insurance business income of CPIC Life Insurance was 222.342 billion yuan, up 6.1% year-on-year; CPIC Property Insurance accumulated 170.824 billion yuan of original insurance business income, up 11.6% year-on-year.

  2. China Resources Power (00836.HK): In 2022, the cumulative electricity sales of affiliated power plants reached 185 million MWh, up 4.1% year-on-year. Among them, the cumulative electricity sales of affiliated wind farms reached 35.2555 million MWh, an increase of 10.4% year-on-year; The cumulative electricity sales of affiliated photovoltaic power stations reached 1,351,900 MWh, up 17.8% year-on-year.

  3. China Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (00386.HK): In 2022, the oil-gas equivalent output was about 489 million barrels, up by 1.94% year-on-year; The output of crude oil was about 280 million barrels, up by 0.39% year-on-year; Natural gas production was 1.25 trillion cubic feet, up 4.11% year-on-year.

  4. () (01186.HK): Recently, 12 major projects were awarded, with a total project amount of 103.295 billion yuan, accounting for 10.13% of the company’s audited operating income in 2021.

  5. CGNPC Nuclear Mining (01164.HK): In the fourth quarter, a total of 771.9tU of natural uranium was produced, with a planned completion rate of 94.3%.

  6. China Xinlianxin Chemical Fertilizer (01866): On January 16th, the second phase DMF project of Jiangxi Xinlianxin Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. was successfully put into production, and the DMF production capacity of the group increased to 200,000 tons/year.

  Jiangxi base has planned three phases of DMF project, of which the first, second and third phases are all DMF with an annual production capacity of 100,000 tons.

  7. Chizicheng Technology (09911): In 2022, the cumulative download volume of social services reached 481 million, up 5% year-on-year; The total revenue of the annual delivery business is estimated to be 540 million yuan to 2.57 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20%; The average monthly activity of social business reached about 22.91 million, a year-on-year increase of about 20%. In addition, the total annual revenue of innovative business is expected to be 230-260 million yuan.

  The decline in revenue from the Group’s innovative business narrowed quarter by quarter, mainly due to the smooth progress of the boutique game business.

  8. Yongda Automobile (03669.HK): It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders will decrease by no more than 43% in 2022, mainly due to the repeated COVID-19 epidemic during the reporting period, which affected sales.

  9. Chanyou Technology (02660.HK): It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders in 2022 will increase by about 30% to 42% compared with that in 2021, mainly due to the group’s iterative product innovation and sustained and steady channel growth.

  10. Fenmei Packaging (00468.HK): It is estimated that the comprehensive profit will be 168-188 million yuan in 2022 and 285 million yuan in the same period in 2021. Mainly due to the pressure of profit margin brought by the rising cost of raw materials.

  [investment operation]

  1. () (00564.HK): Signed an asset management plan with Zhongtai Asset Management at a cost of 200 million yuan.

  2. Chunli Medical (01858.HK): entered into an agreement with Bank of Beijing to subscribe for 525 million yuan of structured deposit products.

  3. Kangxinuo Bio (06185.HK): purchased a structured deposit with a principal of 200 million yuan from Bohai Bank.

  4. Xinneng Low Carbon (00145.HK): We are negotiating with several potential strategic business partners in China and Europe on potential cooperation, and exploring business opportunities in Asia (including China) for energy-saving equipment and low-carbon service product supply, carbon sink resource development and management, and agricultural and forestry development.

  5. () (02196.HK): The drug registration of roxatidine acetate hydrochloride for injection was accepted by National Medical Products Administration, which is mainly used to treat upper gastrointestinal bleeding. According to the latest data of IQVIA CHPA, in 2021, the sales of roxatidine acetate hydrochloride for injection in China was about RMB 1.44 billion.

  6. Fosun Pharma (02196): FCN-016 eye drops have been approved by the clinical trial of drugs. This new drug is an innovative small-molecule chemical drug independently developed by the Group, which is a Rho kinase (Rock) inhibitor, and is intended to be mainly used to reduce the intraocular pressure of patients with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension.

  7. Fudan Zhangjiang (01349.HK): The FDA022 antibody coupling agent for injection developed by the company was used in the phase I clinical study of drugs for the treatment of advanced solid tumors, and the first subject was successfully enrolled recently. This drug is the first new generation ADC drug on BB05 platform, and it is intended to be used to treat advanced solid tumors with positive HER2 expression, such as breast cancer, gastric cancer, lung cancer and colorectal cancer.

  8. Fuhong Hanlin (02696.HK): National Medical Products Administration approved the application for listing and registration of Hans-like combination carboplatin and etoposide as new indications for first-line treatment of extensive small cell lung cancer.

  [Repurchase cancellation]

  1. Tencent Holdings (00700.HK): It spent HK$ 351 million to buy back 950,000 shares at a repurchase price of HK$ 366.2-375.4.

  2. AIA (01299.HK): It spent about HK$ 225 million to buy back 2,608,600 shares at a price of HK$ 85.4-87.3.

  3. Zhongjiao Holdings (00839.HK): 147 million shares were issued on January 17th at an issue price of HK$ 10.94 per share.

Beijing announced that the proportion of drugs with bimonthly effectiveness in medical reform dropped by nearly 7%.

Since the implementation of the comprehensive reform of Beijing medicine separation on April 8, it has attracted much attention from all walks of life. On June 9, the Beijing Municipal Health Planning Commission held a symposium on medical reform. The health sector learned from the symposium that in the past two months, the total drugs in major hospitals in Beijing accounted for 36.6%, a decrease of 6.87 percentage points compared with the same period last year. Gao Xiaojun, spokesman of the Beijing Municipal Health Planning Commission, said that there was no general decline in the income of large hospitals after the start of medical reform in Beijing. "If the medical reform makes the hospital’s income drop, then it means that the reform policy design is a failure." Gao Xiaojun said.

The total number of outpatients in medical institutions in Beijing decreased.

The medical reform made it clear that public medical institutions in Beijing canceled drug addition (excluding Chinese medicine drinks), registration fees and medical treatment fees, and set up medical service fees, with the goal of getting rid of medicine to supplement medicine. From April 8 to June 2, Beijing monitored the progress of medical reform in 373 tertiary and secondary hospitals, some first-class hospitals and community health service institutions. It shows that in the past two months, the total number of outpatient and emergency services in monitoring units has exceeded 20 million, which is 8.46% lower than the same period of last year. The total number of outpatient and emergency services in tertiary hospitals has decreased by 12.58%, that in secondary hospitals has decreased by 4.54%, and that in primary hospitals and community health service institutions has increased by 7.6% compared with the same period of last year.

The data shows that the number of visits to secondary and tertiary hospitals in Beijing has decreased correspondingly, while the number of visits to primary hospitals and community health service institutions has increased. The relevant person in charge of the Beijing Municipal Health Planning Commission said that since the reform, the situation of graded diagnosis and treatment in Beijing has gradually emerged.

Compared with the same period of last year, the number of outpatients in monitoring medical institutions decreased by 7.58%. Among them, the number of visits by deputy chief physicians decreased by 9.3%, the number of visits by chief physicians decreased by 20.8%, and the number of visits by well-known experts decreased by 14.8%. This shows that the problem of difficulty in seeing experts generally tends to be alleviated.

In terms of the number of discharged patients, the total number of discharged patients in the monitoring unit was 510,000, a decrease of 0.24% compared with the same period of last year. This data has not changed much compared with the same period of last year. Gao Xiaojun believes that the number of discharged patients has not changed much, indicating that the medical reform has not affected the diagnosis and treatment of hospitalized patients.

Drug procurement is one of the important contents in this medical reform. By June 7th, the cumulative expenditure of Beijing Pharmaceutical Sunshine Procurement was 10.27 billion yuan, saving 842 million yuan and 8.2%.

After the medical reform, has the medical expenses been effectively controlled? According to the data provided by the relevant person in charge of the Beijing Municipal Health Planning Commission, medical expenses are generally stable. Compared with the same period of last year, the average drug cost of outpatient and emergency departments in monitoring units decreased by 6.38%. Since the reform, the average drug cost of outpatient and emergency departments has shown a gradual decrease trend.

The proportion of drugs decreased by nearly 7%, and the hospital income did not drop.

This medical reform canceled the drug addition, aiming at changing the income structure of medical institutions. The data shows that in the two months after the medical reform, the proportion of drugs in monitoring units was 36.6%, a decrease of 6.87 percentage points compared with the same period last year. The proportion of drugs in tertiary hospitals was 33.84%, a decrease of 7.31 percentage points compared with the same period of last year; The proportion of drugs in secondary hospitals was 40.07%, a decrease of 7.14 percentage points compared with the same period last year. The proportion of first-class and community drugs was 72.53%, which was 4.06 percentage points lower than the same period of last year. The proportion of discharged drugs in monitoring units was 26.29%, a decrease of 6.05 percentage points compared with the same period of last year.

At the symposium, individual hospitals mentioned that the total income of hospitals decreased by nearly 20% after the reform. Gao Xiaojun believes that the reform requires medical institutions to carry out refined management, thus improving their operational capabilities. "There is no general decline in the income of large hospitals in Beijing." Gao Xiaojun stressed.

Encourage large hospitals to independently set up comprehensive outpatient clinics for geriatric diseases.

At present, major hospitals in Beijing have shut down simple prescription clinics one after another, and some patients feel that it is inconvenient to seek medical treatment.

In this regard, Liu Ying, deputy director of the Medical Administration Department of the Beijing Municipal Health Planning Commission, believes that government departments hope that the functional orientation of tertiary hospitals is to diagnose and treat difficult and severe diseases, rather than to deal with common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases. Only by strengthening the grass-roots units can patients truly appreciate the convenience of seeking medical treatment. "Large hospitals can independently set up comprehensive outpatient clinics for geriatrics according to the development of their own disciplines to provide services for patients." Liu Ying said.

"Doctors no longer work for pharmaceutical companies"

Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital is the only third-class hospital specializing in obstetrics and gynecology in Beijing. As a hospital with a small amount of drugs, Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital has benefited greatly from this round of medical reform. According to Chen Jing, secretary of the Party Committee of the hospital, the income of the hospital has been slightly improved by canceling the registration fee and medical treatment fee and setting up the medical service fee. Outpatient medical income increased by 9.68% from 54.14 million yuan in May 2016 to 59.38 million yuan in May 2017; In-patient medical income increased by 9.73% from 24.24 million yuan in May 2016 to 26.6 million yuan in May 2017.

It is worth mentioning that, while the income of Beijing Maternity Hospital has increased, the increase in the average outpatient expenses has slowed down, which is due to the fact that the hospital has promoted and reduced the burden on patients after canceling the drug addition.

This round of medical reform emphasizes that medical institutions should strengthen refined management. Following the "baton" of reform, Beijing Maternity Hospital adopted a new version of performance distribution scheme on June 1, improving internal performance appraisal and establishing a performance appraisal distribution mechanism suitable for medical reform.

Chen Jing said that the new performance appraisal index system includes four dimensions: work quality, work efficiency, cost control and annual special projects. "Doctors are no longer people who work for pharmaceutical companies, but earn money by trying to improve their services."

Highlights of other medical institutions

Beijing Aviation General Hospital

Two months after the implementation of the "Beijing Edition" medical reform, the drug sales of Beijing Aviation General Hospital decreased by 6.72% compared with the same period of last year, the prescription amount decreased by 14% compared with the same period of last year, the inspection income decreased by 13.25%, the total number of outpatient and emergency visits decreased by 16.31%, and the total hospital income decreased by 20%.

Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University

For two consecutive months, the number of outpatients in the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University decreased by 10.86% year-on-year, and the number of outpatients in six departments kept increasing, while the number of outpatients in other departments decreased. Medical beauty, dermatology, cardiovascular medicine, endocrinology, Chinese medicine, general surgery, neurology and other departments have dropped significantly.

Nanmofang community health service center

Since the reform of separating medicine from medicine, the community and large hospitals have achieved unity in the variety of drugs that can be purchased. After purchasing sunshine, patients also enjoy the benefits brought by drug price reduction. For example, the use of "Gehuazhi" by patients decreased by 8.9%.

Just ST Line! 2022 Fox Car Handbook

  [car home Car Handbook] During the Chongqing Auto Show that ended last month, the 2022 (|) was officially launched, with 7 models with different configurations, with the guide price range of 119.8-145.8 million yuan, slightly adjusted compared with the 2021 model. The appearance of the new car has changed greatly, the interior has been modified for details, and all models have returned to the four-cylinder 1.5T engine. Today, let me show you which model of the 2022 Focus is more cost-effective.

Home of the car

  The 2022 Focus still has hatchback and sedan models to choose from. Except for the entry-level version of EcoBoost 180, which only has sedan models, the other three versions, EcoBoost 180, automatic racing version, automatic ST-Line and automatic S version, can choose hatchback or sedan models according to their own preferences. The hatchback and sedan models of the same version have the same overall configuration level, with only slight differences, which will be briefly explained in this paper.

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Home of the car

  Although the new Focus has all returned to the four-cylinder engine, you must have noticed carefully that the transmission system of the new Focus has become a 6-speed automatic gearbox, while on the old models, the 8AT gearbox is matched with the 1.5T engine. Such a wave of operation is the reduction of the guiding price. However, after comparing the new and old two EcoBoost 180 automatic ST Line, it will be found that in addition to the gearbox becoming 6AT, the 10-speaker B&O audio has also become an option, and the rear armrest with cup holder and the rear air outlet are gone. Therefore, the extent of the decrease in the guide price … You can experience it yourself.

Home of the car

  Here’s a brief introduction to the new Focus. If you want to know more about the static experience of the new car, you may wish to click on the picture link above. Next, let’s take a look at the configuration performance of various models of the 2022 Focus.

EcoBoost 180 automatic competition edition

Recommended index: ★★★

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  As the entry-level version of the new Focus, the automatic competition version is the only one without a hatchback. From the configuration point of view, all-LED headlights and 8-inch all-LCD instruments are among the available configurations, while others belong to the mainstream level of the same class. Of course, one thing to be said here is that the automatic racing version is also the only model in the whole department that uses the rear torsion beam non-independent suspension. I believe that friends who choose to buy Fox still attach great importance to the rear wheel independent suspension, so this entry-level version still lowers the guide price threshold.

EcoBoost 180 automatic racing edition

Recommended index: ★★★

Home of the car

  Compared with the automatic racing version, the automatic racing version with a guide price of 10,000 yuan has replaced the rear multi-link independent suspension, and also added practical configurations such as keyless entry/start, reversing image, 12.3-inch central control panel and automatic air conditioning. This 10,000 yuan can be regarded as a "comfortable sports bag". So we might as well increase the budget a little and change to an automatic racing version with improved driving comfort.

EcoBoost 180 automatic ST Line

Recommended index: ★★★

Home of the car

  Focus is a compact car that focuses on sports, so this time I chose the automatic ST Line as the most recommended model, because I think the exterior sports kit is necessary, and the 18-inch rim with Michelin PS4 tires is also quite attractive. In addition, the automatic ST Line is also equipped with shift paddles, which can provide more driving pleasure; At the same time, the driver’s assistance function is more comprehensive, and it is also the only optional L2 driver’s assistance in all models. Of course, if your budget is limited, the automatic racing version is also a relatively good choice, but I think the automatic ST Line is a more "real" Fox.

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EcoBoost 180 automatic s version

Recommended index: ★★★

  In all the new Focus models, an EcoBoost 180 automatic S version has been added, and the guide price is 2000 yuan higher than that of the automatic ST Line. If we only look at the configuration table, the configuration difference between the two cars is only the different seat materials, and the latter uses leather/fabric to mix and match seats, while the former is leather/suede mix and match seats. So let’s talk with new car pictures.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  Whether you are willing to spend an extra 2000 yuan to get this lace, seat material and blue seat belt depends on you. I don’t think the automatic S version of the flower-pulling is meaningful, but the fur-turning seat should be liked by some friends. One more thing, the automatic S version can’t be equipped with B&O stereo and L2 driver assistance, so friends who want to install these can only choose automatic ST Line.

Editor’s comment:

  In this mid-term change, it is undoubtedly the most important point that Fox will return to the four-cylinder engine. The change of design is still a matter of opinion. I think it is not bad, and my colleagues will think it is not as good as the old one. As far as the configuration of all models of the new Focus is concerned, the automatic ST Line is undoubtedly the most comprehensive one. The exterior sports kit, 18-inch rim, shift paddles and rear multi-link independent suspension are all elements that sports cars should have; Of course, if your budget is so poor, it is not bad to choose the automatic racing version. (Text/car home Zhou You)

The earliest beauty of spring flowers! Come to Zhongshan Park to watch the Spring Festival.

In order to enrich the cultural life of citizens and tourists and set off the festive atmosphere, Zhongshan Park will hold a series of cultural activities for the Spring Festival. The flower shows in Tanghuawu and Huifang Garden will open to welcome guests, and citizens can also enjoy the earliest beautiful spring flowers in the dead of winter.

A traditional flower boutique exhibition with the theme of "Longteng Shengshi" has met with citizens and tourists in Tanghuawu. More than 70 varieties and more than 1,000 pots of various flowers and plants appear at the same time, and visitors can enjoy the unique charm of spring flowers and winter appreciation.

It is reported that in addition to the special flowers for controlling the flowering period in the park, such as plum blossom, peach blossom, rhododendron, bauhinia and Xifu begonia, there are also festive flowers such as Zhu Dinghong, Cymbidium grandiflorum, giant pumpkin, North American holly and autumn fruit-viewing plants, which are matched with foliage-viewing plants such as dragon’s blood tree and bird’s nest fern, so that visitors can see the four-season flowers with different shapes and charms at one time. In addition, in recent years, the newly cultivated and trial-produced wisteria and Jiexiang in Zhongshan Park will achieve the best display effect, providing different flower viewing experiences for citizens and tourists.

During the Spring Festival, in the quaint and elegant Huifang Garden, the "Four Seasons Fragrance" Beijing Celebrity Orchid and Chunlan Exhibition also welcomes citizens and tourists. More than 90 kinds and more than 200 pots of famous orchids, such as Chunlan and Chunjian, cultivated in Zhongshan Park are exhibited in the exhibition.

Orchids are elegant and fragrant, and Zhongshan Park has a long history of orchid cultivation and a unique orchid culture. Here, citizens and tourists can enjoy the famous orchids such as Haiyan Qi Fei, Hutoulan with Red Tongue, Chunlan, Longzi, Wangzi and Satisfied with Sumei.

In addition, in order to create a "prosperous New Year" flavor, Zhongshan Park has set up five landscape sketches outside Sanmen District and Xitan Gate. In the south gate, the theme scene of "Holding Yang and Ningrui" takes the IP "rumbling" of the Year of the Dragon as the main body of the installation, and combines traditional sectors, lanterns, windmills and other elements to set off a auspicious and peaceful atmosphere of the New Year. The auspicious theme of the Year of the Dragon in the East Gate and the theme of "Happy Plum Blossoms" and "Long Life" in the West Gate are mixed with various traditional China elements, expressing the beautiful New Year wishes to tourists.

Source Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Ren Shan Cheng Gong

Editor Hu Decheng

Liu Weili, Process Editor


Fashion trend: the evolution of personality customization and aesthetic concept. Fashion focus: Wang Si …

Fashion Trend: Personalized Customization and the Evolution of Aesthetic Concept

Fashion Focus: Social Reflection Caused by Wang Sicong’s Custom Hairstyle Event

Wang Sicong booked Tony, a famous hairdresser, with a price of 18,800 yuan. Every hair was carefully crafted in 2 minutes, and the working hours were as high as 90 yuan per hour. This seemingly absurd move has aroused deep thinking about the attitude towards new luxury life. The change of aesthetic concept and consumption attitude is highlighted in this incident, which pushes people’s pursuit of fashion and individuality to a new height.

The new trend of fashion: the integration of aesthetics and consumption

In modern society, fashion is no longer a simple external expression, but a life attitude of both internal and external cultivation. Wang Sicong’s hairstyle incident is not only a beauty, but also a redefinition of individual image, which has triggered a profound reflection on aesthetic and consumption concepts. Aesthetics plays an important role in consumption, and people tend to measure the quality of life by aesthetic standards. Hairstyle customization is no longer just the carving of hair, but the presentation of personality and taste, thus demonstrating the pursuit of quality of life.

Personality shaping: a new realm of fashion

Fashion has gone beyond the simple trend and become a symbol of personality and taste. Hairstyle is no longer a simple haircut, but a manifestation of self-style and personality. Wang Sicong’s hairstyle incident made people start to think that the value of life may lie not only in money, but also in the pursuit of quality life. This pursuit of individuality and uniqueness leads to the change of aesthetic concepts and consumption patterns, and people begin to pay more attention to the life value brought by individuality and uniqueness.

Fashion trend of thought: the rise of aesthetic economy

The creativity and diversity contained in hairstyle design is not only the modification of hair, but also the respect for individual aesthetics. The rise of this aesthetic economy makes the fashion industry pay more attention to creativity and individuality. People are beginning to realize that aesthetics is not only a taste, but also an expression of value. Wang Sicong’s hair style incident has become a fashion topic, which has triggered in-depth discussions on aesthetic and consumption concepts and promoted the development of the fashion industry in a more diversified and open direction.

Future Trend: Personalized Customization and Quality Life

In the future, personalized customization will become an important development trend of fashion industry. People’s pursuit of quality of life is no longer limited to the material level, but more reflected in the demand for individuality and creativity. This emphasis on aesthetics will lead to the change of consumption patterns, and the fashion industry will also pay more attention to the provision of personalized and customized services. Therefore, personalized customization will become an important development direction of fashion industry in the future, leading the continuous change of consumption concepts and aesthetic standards.

Wang Sicong’s hairstyle incident is just a microcosm of the fashion industry, but it reflects the change of people’s aesthetic and consumption concepts behind it. Personalized customization is no longer just a luxury consumption, but also the pursuit and presentation of quality life. In the future, with the continuous development of fashion industry, personality and aesthetics will be more integrated, leading the society to a new definition of quality life.

What do you think?