Two ministries and commissions up the ante network car-hailing special project rectification, comprehensive removal of non-compliant vehicles

  People’s Daily Online, Beijing, September 11 (Reporter Qiao Xuefeng) Recently, the illegal operation of online booking taxis (referred to as online car-hailing), private passenger car sharing (also known as hitchhiking, carpooling), and vicious criminal cases have occurred frequently, especially in Zhengzhou and Wenzhou. The murder case of Didi Hitchhiking driver has attracted widespread attention from the society, seriously endangering the safety of people’s lives and property, and affecting social stability and the healthy and orderly development of the industry.

  The reporter learned from the Ministry of Transport that on the 10th, the General Office of the Ministry of Transport and the General Office of the Ministry of Public Security jointly issued the "Emergency Notice on Further Strengthening the Safety Management of Online Booking Taxi and Private Passenger Car Sharing" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). The notice requires a comprehensive investigation of potential safety hazards and weak links in the industry. If there are potential safety hazards, relevant enterprises should be urged to take effective measures to rectify them. If there are violations of laws and regulations, they should be dealt with according to law. Conduct a comprehensive cleanup of the drivers of the existing online car-hailing and private passenger car sharing services. By December 31, 2018, the vehicles and drivers who do not meet the conditions will be fully cleared, and the compliance of the online car-hailing platform companies, vehicles and drivers will be basically realized.

  Launch an industry safety inspection immediately

  Local transportation authorities, public security organs and other departments should immediately organize a joint safety inspection of locally operated online car-hailing platform companies and private passenger car sharing information service platforms. Through the inspection, comprehensive investigation of industry safety hazards and weak links. Where there are potential safety hazards, relevant enterprises should be urged to take effective measures to rectify them; where there are violations of laws and regulations, they must be dealt with according to law.

  The Ministry of Transport will organize the member units of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference on Coordinated Supervision of New Formats of Transportation to conduct a safety inspection of Didi and other online car-hailing platform companies. Didi and other platform companies should fully carry out self-inspection and rectification of potential safety hazards, and stop private passenger car sharing information services indefinitely before completing the rectification of potential hazards.

  Strengthen the background verification of drivers on online ride-hailing and ride-hailing platforms

  Local transportation authorities and public security organs shall strictly abide by the requirements of the "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Transport and the General Office of the Ministry of Public Security on Practically Doing a Good Job in the Background Verification and Supervision of Taxi Drivers" (Hanobanyun [2018] No. 32), and conduct background checks on drivers who engage in or apply for online car-hailing services to ensure that online car-hailing drivers meet the conditions stipulated in the "Regulations on the Administration of Taxi Drivers’ Qualifications" (Order No. 63 of 2016 of the Ministry of Transport). The private passenger car sharing information service platform shall refer to the relevant requirements of the background verification and supervision of taxi drivers, and conduct background checks on drivers who engage in or apply for private passenger car sharing services. It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive clean-up of the drivers of the existing online car-hailing and private passenger car sharing services, fully remove the vehicles and drivers that do not meet the conditions before December 31, 2018, and basically realize the compliance of the online car-hailing platform companies, vehicles and drivers.

  Strictly urge enterprises to implement the main responsibility for safe production and stability maintenance

  Local transportation authorities and public security organs should urge local online car-hailing platform companies and private passenger car-sharing information service platform service enterprises to implement the main responsibility of enterprise safety production management and maintaining industry stability. Relevant platform companies should strictly regulate the management of dispatching orders, and shall not send orders to drivers without background verification, and shall apply technologies such as facial recognition before dispatching orders to review the consistency of vehicles and drivers; to strengthen operational risk management and control, using big data technology to warn of risks such as route deviation and unreasonable long-term stay, and to deal with abnormal situations in a timely manner; to limit the number of orders received by Hitch to prevent illegal online car-hailing services in the name of ride-sharing; to implement a random dispatch mechanism, prohibiting drivers from selecting passengers, allowing passengers to choose drivers; to establish a complaint freezing mechanism, and shall not send orders to the complained driver if the passenger’s complaint has not been checked and handled; to strengthen passenger information protection, close the social functions of the Hitch platform, block passenger information, and prevent personal disclosure Privacy; It is necessary to standardize vehicle safety requirements, encourage qualified platform companies to paste special signs in prominent positions of online car-hailing, and the light transmittance of the windows should meet the requirements of taxis to ensure that the situation in the car is visible. The child lock should not be opened during the operation of the vehicle, which is convenient for passengers to escape in case of emergencies. It is necessary to regularly randomly check offline operating vehicles and drivers, check the consistency of registration information with the actual situation, and prevent problems such as "license modification and number change" and "impersonation".

  Improve the complaint alarm and rapid response mechanism

  Local transportation authorities and public security organs should take various measures to vigorously strengthen safety education and reminders for ride-hailing passengers. It is necessary to urge online ride-hailing platform companies and private passenger car sharing information service platforms to set up a safety prompt interface on the homepage of the APP launch, prompting passengers that the 110 alarm phone is the most effective way to ask for help in an unexpected emergency. When the safety of life and property is threatened, they should immediately call 110 for help. At the same time, they should set up "one-click alarm" in a prominent position of the APP, so that drivers and passengers can promptly alert the platform when there is an unexpected emergency. Relevant platform companies should provide technical interfaces, real-time push platform drivers, vehicle registration data, vehicle location, driving track, passenger information and other data to the public security organs in accordance with the law. It is necessary to set up a special 24-hour operation of safety management and emergency response team, identify and deal with the first time after receiving the warning, and immediately report to the public security organs as appropriate. Local transportation authorities shall take the initiative to accept and quickly verify and deal with all kinds of complaints from all walks of life involving online ride-hailing and ride-hailing through their own portals or by opening complaint phone numbers. Local public security organs, transportation authorities and relevant platform companies shall establish a working mechanism for rapid response and joint handling of illegal and criminal activities of online ride-hailing and ride-hailing. After receiving the alarm, the public security organs shall organize the police force to respond quickly and effectively. Transportation authorities and relevant platform companies shall make every effort to provide technical, information and other service support. The relevant platform companies and their directly responsible supervisors and other directly responsible personnel that obstruct the people’s police from performing their duties according to law and refuse to provide technical support to the public security organs shall be investigated in strict accordance with the provisions of the People’s Police Law, the Public Security Administration Punishment Law, the Cyber security Law, the Anti-Terrorism Law and the Criminal Law.

  Strictly crack down on illegal business operations

  Illegal operations threaten the personal safety and legitimate rights and interests of passengers, and seriously disrupt the order of market competition. Local transportation authorities and public security organs should attach great importance to it, give full play to their respective functions, carry out joint law enforcement, and strictly investigate and punish all kinds of illegal operations. Those who carry out illegal operations on online ride-hailing platforms and private passenger car sharing information service platforms should increase the penalties for platform companies and other enterprises. It is necessary to establish a "double random" spot check mechanism to effectively perform statutory supervision duties. It is necessary to promote the system of publicizing administrative law enforcement, the system of recording the whole process of law enforcement, and the system of legal review of major law enforcement decisions, so as to achieve strict, standardized, fair and civilized law enforcement. Acts that hinder the staff of the transportation department from performing their duties according to law shall be investigated and punished by the public security organs according

  The notice also requires that from now until December 31, a special project rectification action to combat illegal taxi business will be organized nationwide. The action will be carried out in three stages:

  ① Arrange the deployment stage (from now until September 30): All local transportation departments and public security organs should arrange the deployment of special project rectification actions, clarify the importance of cracking down on illegal operation, widely publicize the harm of engaging in illegal operation activities and taking illegal operation vehicles, educate and guide the general public to consciously resist illegal operation vehicles, and publish the reporting phone number and website, and encourage the exploration of the establishment of reporting reward system. It is necessary to supervise the online car-hailing platform companies to speed up the cleaning up of non-compliant vehicles and drivers on the online car-hailing platform.

  ② Centralized rectification stage (October 1 to November 30, 2018): Local transportation authorities and public security organs should establish a joint law enforcement mechanism, organize joint law enforcement, and implement rectification by combining fixed-point inspections and mobile inspections. Strictly investigate and punish acts such as engaging in taxi business activities without obtaining a business license, inconsistent online and offline vehicles and drivers, and illegal operations in the name of private passenger car sharing. It is necessary to increase online supervision of online car-hailing, regularly inspect online car-hailing platform companies, strengthen the investigation and judgment of non-compliant vehicles and drivers on the platform, and highlight key points to improve law enforcement efficiency. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision of key time periods, key areas, and key enterprises, and strengthen law enforcement inspections during key time periods such as morning and evening passenger traffic peaks, bad weather, and important holidays, as well as key areas such as city hubs, business districts, and tourist attractions. Measures such as night law enforcement, staggered law enforcement, and fixed-point law enforcement are used to strictly investigate illegal operations. All provincial-level transportation departments and public security organs are encouraged to strengthen organization and coordination, and guide cities to carry out joint rectification to form a deterrent effect.

  ③ Summarize and consolidate the stage (December 1 to December 31, 2018): All local transportation authorities and public security organs should summarize and promote the work experience and results obtained, explore long-term measures to standardize the order of the taxi market, and gradually establish a long-term working mechanism for unified government leadership, joint law enforcement by transportation and public security departments, and active participation of the general public in combating illegal operations. It is necessary to continue to strengthen daily supervision and law enforcement, consolidate the results of special project rectification actions, and prevent illegal operation activities from rebounding.

  The provincial transportation authorities shall, together with the public security organs at the same level, report the implementation and results of the special project rectification actions within their jurisdiction to the Ministry of Transport (Transportation Services Department) before January 15, 2019, and copy them to the Ministry of Public Security (Transportation Administration). During the special project rectification actions, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Public Security will supervise the implementation of special project rectification actions in various regions.

Gemini Man’s China press conference Ang Lee builds the most expensive actor.

On October 14th, the film "Gemini Man" held a huge China press conference in Shanghai. Not only did the film director Ang Lee, producer Jerry Bruckheimer and starring will smith all appear, but also the film’s heavyweight guest, young Will Smith Junior with special effects, came to the scene in a special way.

This is a digital character created by Ang Lee through special effects in movies, which can be called "the most expensive actor in Hollywood" and also the most painstaking role of Ang Lee. At the scene, Ang Lee also revealed that in fact, after he made a tiger with special effects from The Fantasy Drifting of Pi, he came up with the idea of creating "people". In order to make Junior look more real, Ang Lee not only watched the images of Will when he was young, but also studied Will’s face with a magnification of 6,000 times, and learned every detail by heart, which also made Ang Lee confidently say, "I know his face better than his mother. “

The production process is difficult, and will’s acting is not easy. It is reported that Junior is based on motion capture technology, which requires Will to play Junior from beginning to end. As a n experienced person, it’s so difficult to go back and play an ignorant young man that director Ang Lee can’t help feeling, "This is not through what you say, but through your eyes, so you should get rid of the sense of maturity and leave a sense of innocence. It is even more difficult to play a virgin if you are not a virgin. " While talking, I also asked Will to demonstrate on the spot, such as how to play the difference between a virgin and a virgin. Will’s vivid performance made everyone laugh, and the atmosphere was very happy.

Zoom in 6000 times and study Will’s face.

Ang Lee is confident: he knows better than his own mother.

On that day, the most important guest was 23-year-old Will Smith Junior, a fully digital character created by Ang Lee with 100% special effects. In order to win the trust of the audience, Ang Lee watched almost all the images of Will when he was young. "We magnified his face 6,000 times. I dare not say anything in life, but when it comes to face, I know more about it than his biological mother." Will, who met Junior for the first time, admitted that he was scared by the truth of Junior, a special effects person, and was "completely shocked and surprised".

It is a difficulty that the industry doesn’t want to touch to change into a real person on the big screen. Ang Lee also admitted that "this is the most difficult difficulty in special effects, and it takes a lot of money and effort this time." He even revealed that Junior is very expensive, two or three times more expensive than Will Smith, and can be regarded as the most expensive actor in Hollywood.

Will Smith succeeded in Ang Lee, idolize

"Working with him is my lifelong dream."

As early as 2013, Will Smith called Ang Lee for cooperation from a distance, and idolize’s dream finally came true for many years, which also made Will Smith unable to help but feel, "Working with Ang Lee is my lifelong dream, and it has finally come true this time." The excitement is beyond words, and he is a idolize teenager, very cute.

So how did the two cooperate this time? On-site Will revealed that director Ang Lee got rid of him with a phone call. "Ang Lee called me, and I didn’t listen to what I was going to play on the phone, so I said yes! yes! ",said more, there are some directors in this world, you don’t need any reason, at his name will be promised. Ang Lee also said that the chemical reaction between the two was very good. He bluntly said, "He is not only an excellent actor, but also a big star. I am very moved by his willingness to invest unconditionally."

Playing the innocence of young people "stumps" Will.

Demonstrate how a virgin walks on the spot

Of course, the "cost" behind Will’s success in Ang Lee, idolize is not small. "Gemini Man" can be said to be the most challenging performance of Will since he started filming. He wants to play himself at the same time at two different ages, one is a mature and steady middle-aged man and the other is a young man. Will also said that the most difficult thing this time is to perform two people’s different eyes. "Different people have different eyes. How to convey the young and ignorant state with their eyes is the most difficult thing to grasp."

Ang Lee also stamped Will, which is not easy this time. "As a n experienced person, you should remove the sense of maturity from your eyes and perform innocence. It is really difficult to play a virgin without being a virgin. " Will, who was visited by Ang Lee cue, demonstrated the different ways of walking between virgins and non-virgins, and the performance in place made everyone laugh and admired the powerful actor.

The layout of the scene on that day was also very innovative, and the crisscross of blue and red colors complemented the brilliance of BFC Bund Financial Center. At the red carpet scene at night, many mirrors were put in a more ingenious way. It turns out that the killer played by Will Smith in the movie is afraid to look in the mirror and face himself. But that night, when he walked down the red carpet, he shined in front of the mirror, and the charm of the big star came to his face. Other guests present also signed their names in front of the mirror, and everyone saw their second self in the mirror, echoing the theme of "Gemini". The film Gemini Man will be shown nationwide on October 18th.

The gang illegally dismantled more than 18,600 tons of waste lead batteries and earned more than 10 million yuan.

  Do you know where the waste lead batteries on electric bicycles and electric cars are? In Huai ‘an, Chen Mou and others bought waste lead batteries from Shanghai, Nanjing, Gaoyou, Siyang and Huai ‘an for illegal dismantling and refining lead ingots without any qualifications. According to the investigation by the Qingjiangpu District Procuratorate of Huai ‘an City, in less than one year, Chen Mou and others illegally purchased and dismantled more than 18,600 tons of waste lead batteries, and refined more than 9,349 tons of lead ingots, involving more than 100 million yuan, making illegal profits of more than 10 million yuan. According to the appraisal, it takes at least 20 million yuan to damage virtual treatment cost’s ecological environment. On the 7th, as the largest lead-acid battery environmental pollution case supervised by the Ministry of Public Security, 14 suspects, including Chen Mou and Zhang, were prosecuted by the Qingjiangpu District Procuratorate for alleged environmental pollution, and suggested that the court sentence Chen Mou and Zhang to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from one year to six months to seven years respectively.

  When Chen Mou, 33, returned to his hometown in Huai ‘an for the Spring Festival in 2016, he hit it off with Zhang, who was also working in other places, and each contributed 300,000 yuan to start the recycling business of used lead batteries.

  At the beginning, Chen Mou and others sold the purchased waste lead-acid batteries to a renewable resources company in Xuzhou to earn the difference profit. Later, Chen Mou and Zhang discovered that by doing so, not only did they not earn much money, but also the funds were slowly withdrawn. Chen Mou invited his fellow villager Hu to invest 500,000 yuan each to buy, disassemble and refine lead ingots. Because their business is illegal and they are afraid of being discovered by others, Chen Mou and Hu rented a remote abandoned factory in Yuanji Township, Huaiyin District, and used it as a dismantling factory for waste lead batteries. Then, they went to Matou Town, Huaiyin District and rented an abandoned brick factory to be a lead ingot refining workshop for waste lead batteries. Chen Mou and Hu bought stoves, blowers, models of lead blocks and other equipment together, and then contacted their fellow villagers to help, so that a one-stop production line of battery acquisition, disassembly and refining was built. Up to the time of the crime, Chen Mou and others illegally purchased and dismantled more than 18,600 tons of waste lead batteries, and refined more than 9,349 tons of lead ingots, involving more than 100 million yuan and making illegal profits of more than 10 million yuan.

  In order to avoid the investigation by the environmental protection department and the public security organs, they covered the windows of each factory building with shielding nets, so that the inside could not be seen from the outside.

  In September last year, the Huaiyin District Environmental Protection Bureau received a report from the masses that a factory emitted an unpleasant smell. After the staff of the Environmental Protection Bureau seized it on the spot, they felt that the case was serious. The Environmental Protection Bureau immediately contacted the public security organ, and the public security organ filed a case for investigation that day. More than 100 tons of waste lead batteries were seized on site. The case subsequently became the largest environmental pollution case of lead-acid batteries in the province supervised by the Ministry of Public Security. (Yangzi Evening News/Yangyan reporter Zhu Dingzhao correspondent Wei Congjin Zhang Chaoyun Cao Yanan)

At the press conference of iQiyi’s "China Rap Peak Confrontation", Rapper released each other’s materials, and Real was in the end.

On June 27th, the first Harbin Cup Basketball Competition was broadcast live to the audience. Iqiyi’s "China Rap Summit" was launched in the first 14 hours, and the in-station index broke 9000. All kinds of topics initiated by the alliance triggered extensive discussions on social platforms. As a result, they had a hearty rap match on the stage two days ago, but today they are divided into two teams, Battle, playing basketball, which is really vigorous on the stage and laughing under the stage.

A sudden rainstorm in Qingdao moved the conference from outdoor to indoor, but no one could stop the enthusiasm of Rapper. Shengyu exploded and claimed that Capper operated TizzyT’s voting machine in a black box, Ai Ge turned into a "big leaky spoon" and the stage behind the spoiler was full of new songs. MC HotDog hot dogs indicated that the competition was under great pressure, and Capper asked the chief director for an own goal … Rappers were more than Real, and the hard-core speech ran through the first Harbin Cup Basketball Competition.

There will be melons at the press conference, KeyNG will settle accounts with people who didn’t vote, and GAI GAI will be "boated" at the press conference.

After the first program, the Rapper in the program were ridiculed by netizens as "too noisy". This time, they participated in the press conference and their skills were not small. They shared their basketball experiences and teased each other. The host bluntly said that "the ears are not enough" is another rhythm of "Harbin Spring Festival Evening". Sheng Yu took advantage of the situation and said that he would bring more pure rap to the Spring Festival Evening.

The attitude of the Rapper at the press conference remains the same, and KeyNG KEYNG’s harsh words will make people who didn’t vote for themselves "wait". Sheng Yu made a lot of contributions at the press conference, poking fun at GAI GAI’s "boating" to Qingdao in a circle of friends, openly questioning Capper’s first round of voting why he grabbed TizzyT’s voter and voted for Psy.P Jun-yi Yang, and even scaring Capper into admitting his mistake with the tutor’s tone in "Youth Rap Planning" last year, which made the scene laugh constantly.

The first "Ha Man Cup Can’t Hold" Competition started after Rappers were divided into two alliances: "Not Friendly" and "Friendly". Unexpectedly, a group of Rappers were still full of winners and losers in the face of interesting basketball games and actively participated. In the end, Kung Fu Fu-Pen won the MVP title awarded by Che Che Che for his perseverance.

2. The league competition system inspired Rapper’s fighting spirit, and Sheng Yu and Wan Nida Vinida put the new album on the stage.

Zuo Jin said at the scene, "I hope to break the industry barriers this year and present the most realistic reality show and diversified music. "China Rap Summit" introduced the common concept of alliance in sports events for the first time, and invited two commentators, Wilber Pan and Chi, to explain the event. The collision between team alliances is also the main line of this season’s purpose, hoping to show everyone a sense of confrontation from fist to flesh. "

League is an important concept of the program competition system, and high-intensity confrontation is inevitable. MC HotDog said that this is the first and last time to participate in the competition. However, the Rapper momentum at the scene is still not lost and full of confidence. KeyNG KEYNG said, "I won’t change songs when I meet anyone, and I want everyone to see that I can do something different"; Ai Ge AIR said that "his music has always been excellent".

Of course, the collision between the strong and the strong also inspired the Rapper’ overwhelming desire to win or lose. 1V1 Stage KEY.L Liu Cong’s "Breeze Tune" brainwashed the audience, saying that the band should be brought to the next stage, and Kung Fu Fu-pen vomited that "everyone rolled up with the band"; Sheng Yu and Wan Nida Vinida have revealed that the songs of the new album will be brought to the stage. It seems that the success of the competition system of China Rap Summit has aroused the "higher, stronger and more REAL" attitude of the sponsors of these alliances. Wang Yitai said that persistence is more important than talent. With the help of iQiyi’s continuous support for the development of rap culture, Rapper will definitely reach the peak. GAI GAI even said that he would come as long as iQiyi invited him.

After the first broadcast, the program received a lot of praise, and the fierce competition system, which went into battle one after another in one go, showed the star-studded style of Chinese rap. From June 25th, every Saturday night at 20:00, the top league of Chinese rappers in iQiyi, China Rap Summit, started as scheduled, and rappers are about to collide with a more cracked stage with the attitude of climbing the peak, looking forward to this rap feast together.