Design "Beijing" Exclusive interview with BJ60 design team

  [Autohome David Aesthetics] The recently released BJ60 can be said to be a landmark new car for Beijing Off-Road. It represents the design of the "Beijing Off-Road" brand, entering a new era, and the last time was (|). What kind of value can the design work of this medium and large hardcore SUV bring to users? David Aesthetics, tells the value of design.


  This issue of "David Aesthetics" was exclusively invited by Beijing Off-Road to chat with the main design leaders of the BJ60 design team in the evaluation hall of the Beijing Automotive Research Institute about the design of the new car.


What kind of styling design can bear the weight of the word "Beijing"?

  The design center of Beijing Automotive Research Institute is of course responsible for more than just Beijing off-road brand. The work involves many models of the entire BAIC Group, but in the face of such a heavyweight new model as BJ60, the senior management and the design and development team have maintained considerable caution.


  The BJ60 project started in 2019 and will be released in June 2022. In the context of the ultra-fast pace of Chinese brand design and development, the design and development cycle like BJ60 undoubtedly means more investment. Designers at all levels face more challenging work and greater pressure.


  The pressure faced by the design team led by Shan Wei may be comparable to that ** the director team ** CCTV ****** Festival Gala. After all, even people who don’t know cars, as long as they are not "Nine Leaky Fish" or have not watched the news broadcast, will be aware ** the extraordinary status ** the word "*******" as a brand logo. So what kind ** design concept can accurately express the understanding ** the word "*******" among the general public? In the end, they sorted out the impression ** "*******": inheritance, stability and modernity.


  Based on this perceptual cognition, the design team proposed Beijing Off-Road Design Concept 3.0 – "emotional hard core", the hard core should reflect the masculinity and reliability of the off-road vehicle, and the emotion should reflect more warmth and comfort.

  The most important core feature of the family language finally has a direction – the classic five-hole grille, the more eye-catching and optimized five-hole grille.


  Each rectangle of the five-hole grille is also exquisite. The rectangular elements are derived from the classic feature of Beijing city – the gate tower, which takes the shape of the shooting hole of the Zhengyangmen Arrow Tower. The rounded rectangles give people a hard and warm look, while conforming to the design language of "emotional hard core" and the product positioning of BJ60’s "home and play".


  As for why there are five holes, it comes from traditional culture. In traditional Chinese culture, we often say that "nine" is the extreme number, and "five" is the most positively balanced number, representing a balanced, stable and reliable intention.


  At present, the overall trend of car design is biased towards exaggeration, or bigger and bigger mouth grilles, or bizarre headlights, which give consumers a stronger stimulus with more eye-catching shapes, in order to stand out among many competitors. However, the overall shape of BJ60 did not follow this exaggerated trend.


Become an off-road vehicle user and discover the hidden wildness and tenderness

  The positioning of BJ60 is "home and play", and the design of such a set of styling styles is an in-depth analysis of the target users during the market survey at the beginning of the project. The positioning of BJ60 is higher than that of BJ40. The target users are people who like off-road and are willing to take their families to play off-road. The activity radius is large, and of course there will be long-distance self-driving needs.



  Perennial mixing in the off-road group, this experience makes Qiu Xu very familiar with off-road users, he is familiar with the preferences and potential needs of off-road people, and has a lot of insights beyond market surveys.

Gold supporting actor Wu Mengda was admitted to the hospital with cancer, which is not far from us ordinary people

Those who love to watch Hong Kong movies must be familiar with Wu Mengda. The nonsense comedy he once cooperated with Zhou Xingchi swept the Chinese film industry. As an old-timer in the Hong Kong film industry, many peers and juniors respectfully called him "Uncle Da".

On February 20, according to Hong Kong media reports, Wu Mengda was ill and admitted to a cancer hospital in Hong Kong. Tian Qiwen revealed Wu Mengda’s condition in an interview.

"Wu Mengda was found to have liver cancer before the Lunar New Year, and the cancer has begun to spread. He recently completed surgery and entered the chemotherapy stage. He is so weak that he can’t even speak."

Perhaps knowing the danger of liver cancer, Hong Kong media reported that Wu Mengda had made wills for his five children.

When it comes to celebrities suffering from liver cancer, it is actually quite a few. The famous poet Wang Guozhen, the Hong Kong film and television actress Shen Dianxia, Fu Biao, Luo Wen, and the famous musician Zhao Yingjun… They all died of liver cancer.

Liver cancer is not far away from us.

Statistics show that the number of new cases of liver cancer in the world in 2020 is about 910,000, the number of deaths is 830,000, and the number of deaths ranks third among all cancers! In terms of gender, men are far ahead of women in various data!

The scope is narrowed down to domestic,Our country accounts for 55% of the world’s liver cancer patients.Global average liver cancer in 2020The number of new cases is about 410,000, and the number of liver cancer deaths is 390,000, ranking second among all cancers.

Understanding liver cancer

Liver cancer was once called the "king of cancers."In China, on average, one person is diagnosed with liver cancer every 67 secondsOn average, one person dies from liver cancer every 74 seconds (2015 data).

In our country, the high incidence of liver cancer has an important pathogenic factor – more than 100 million people with chronic hepatitis B/C patients. More than 80% of liver cancer patients have a history of chronic hepatitis B/C virus infection, and the course of the vast majority of liver cancer patients in our country follows this path:

Chronic hepatitis such as hepatitis Bliver cirrhosisliver cancer

After being infected with the virus, many patients do not receive timely treatment and gradually develop into chronic hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and liver cirrhosis. On the basis of liver cirrhosis, it is found that there are space-occupying lesions or elevated alpha-fetoprotein in the liver, which basically reaches the level of precancerous lesions of the liver.

Liver cancer is very insidious, with fewer early and mid-stage symptoms that are difficult to detect, and once signs such as ascites, abdominal mass, and severe jaundice appear, it is often advanced…

How to cause liver cancer

The following factors can all contribute to liver cancer, including:

Water pollution, hepatitis virus infection, eating moldy food,Long-term mood changes, long-term consumption of high-salt and smoked foods,heredity.Alcoholism, staying up late, taking too many drugs.

Liver cancer symptoms

There may be no obvious symptoms in the early stage of liver cancer. When patients with liver cancer experience uncomfortable symptoms, they are mostly in the advanced stage of liver cancer

Some liver cancers develop from cirrhosis, and the symptoms of cirrhosis are to some extent equivalent to the symptoms before or in the early stages of liver cancer, including:

Loss of appetite, bloating, weight loss, yellowing of skin and white eyeballs, deepening of urine color, bleeding, "liver palms (red on both sides of the palm) ", red moles on the skin of the chest and back, female menstrual disorders, female amenorrhea, decreased male libido, male hair loss, male breast development, dark skin, low fever, edema, varicose veins in the abdominal wall, etc.

Liver cancer survival

In general,Early liver cancer did not spread and metastasize, Surgical resection is a more effective treatment method. After resection, with radiotherapy and chemotherapy,The 5-year survival rate can reach over 60%.

Once advanced, especially after the tumor has metastasized, the surgical effect is much worse. If the patient cooperates with treatment, the survival time is slightly longer, and vice versa.

Liver cancer tests include

Blood test tumor indicators

Abdominal ultrasound

Puncture biopsy – A small sample of liver tissue is taken under a microscope to determine whether it is cancerous.

Liver cancer treatment options

Surgery to remove the cancerous part

Liver Transplantation – Replacing a diseased liver with a healthy liver

Ablation therapy – kills cancer cells in the liver without surgery and can be done with heat, microwaves, lasers, or radiation

Immunotherapy – ready-to-use drugs work with the immune system to block cancer growth

Chemotherapy – using drugs to kill cancer cells or stop their growth

Prevent liver cancer

1. Vaccination against hepatitis B starts with the prevention of chronic hepatitis B to prevent the occurrence of liver cancer.

2. Patients with chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C should receive standard antiviral treatment.

3. Avoid eating moldy foods to reduce aflatoxin exposure.

4. Avoid drinking water containing microcystins.

5. Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption, maintain a healthy weight, and prevent diabetes. If you have diabetes, you should pay attention to chronic disease control and strengthen physical examination.

6. People at high risk of liver cancer should undergo regular screening to test for tumor markers and liver imaging.

The emphasis here is on drinking,Drinking alcohol can be said to be the most damaging thing to the liver!

The main component of alcohol is ethanol. When drinking alcohol on an empty stomach, it only takes 15 minutes for 50% of the ethanol to enter the bloodstream, and 45% of it will go to the liver! It is conceivable how much damage long-term drinking can do to the liver. Over time, fatty liver and alcoholic liver follow one after another. Alcoholic hepatitis is also prone to secondary cirrhosis until the occurrence of liver cancer.

In addition, I would like to say that the elderly must pay attention to their personal health. When we are young, we can do whatever we want with our bodies. However, once we enter the threshold of middle age, our body’s immune function will decline and we will be more susceptible to diseases.

The People’s Daily published an article entitled "How Many People Have Not Survived the Dangerous Period of 45-55?", which states:45-55 years old is a high-risk period in lifeDuring this period, various diseases were highly susceptible to outbreaksThe doctors called it"The Swamp of Life’s Journey"

Doctors divide a person’s life into four important periods:

0-35 years old – healthy period

During the most active period of life, various tissues and organs of the body develop from the beginning to perfection, and their physical functions are at their best.

35-45 years old – the stage of disease formation

People’s physical functions decline, and some organs begin to decline, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, tumors, and diabetes symptoms begin to appear.

45-55 years old – during the outbreak of the disease

Many diseases explode at this stage, especially heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

55-65 years old – a safe transition period

If you are lucky enough to have no obvious symptoms of disease after the age of 65, later life is a relatively safe period.

This age group happens to be at the peak of life and career. They often work overtime and are in a state of sub-health. They are burdened with family responsibilities, old and young, and bear both mental and economic pressures. During this period, they have the most frequent interpersonal relationships, social entertainment, frequent drinking and smoking, and are most susceptible to illness.

Therefore, don’t neglect your own health just because you are young and strong, and wait until some diseases are diagnosed at an advanced stage.

Therefore, remember one truth:Never make fun of your health!

2020 Jackie Chan leads the team "Pioneer", really happy to welcome the National Day!

2020 has indeed endured too much, just like that online joke said, I really hope that when I wake up, it is still the Spring Festival of 2020! Of course I can’t do this in reality, but I seem to be able to do it in the cinema! Originally supposed to be a strong competitor of the Spring Festival in 2020, "Pioneer", met you on this special National Day schedule! With the domestic epidemic gradually under control, the audience can finally enter the theater with confidence, just like the Chinese New Year, enjoy the action audio-visual feast brought to us by Jackie Chan, Yang Yang and Alan!

"Rapid Pioneer" is the ninth action blockbuster that Jackie Chan has collaborated with director Tang Jili in the past 30 years. As the Chinese director who knows Jackie Chan’s style best and has the most international vision, Tang Jili directed "Rapid Pioneer" without leaving its roots. It has traveled to 5 countries and 9 cities. Under different cultural atmospheres and city beauty, it still tells the most Jackie Chan and most Chinese stories.

The first is the story and character definition. The international security "vanguard" team composed of Jackie Chan, Yang Yang, Alan, Maiya and Zhu Zhengting in "Vanguard" actually shows the traditional Chinese spirit of justice and justice. From a certain perspective, it is the same as the people’s confidence shown in "Wolf Warrior" and "Operation Red Sea", but this confidence from the people is obviously more acceptable to the audience.

On the other hand, the most unexpected thing in "The Pioneer" is Yang Yang. For the first time in an action movie, he boldly challenged the scale of Jackie Chan’s movie. All the action scenes are played in person, and there is a good style in every move, especially the performance of firearms tactics, which is very suitable for the tutorial. In addition, the character played by Yang Yang is unsmiling, and he has a handsome and cold male temperament, which is completely different from his previous role. It can be said that it has completely opened up a new way of acting, which is eye-catching. And from the perspective of the play arrangement, Jackie Chan seems to also intend to give more roles to young people, so the role played by Yang Yang can be regarded as his successor inside and outside the play.

In addition, Alan also played his strengths from Happy Twist in addition to the action scenes, inheriting the essence of Jackie Chan’s big brother’s vaudeville comedy very well. He not only showed humor through lines and figures, but also integrated this humor into the action scenes, and took on most of the laughs in the whole film. Plus the beauty and handsomeness of the mother and Zhu Zhengting. "Pioneer" from characters to scenes, taking into account the preferences of all audiences, can be said to be a real family entertainment blockbuster, there is always a suitable one for you!

Jackie Chan movies, director Tang Jili’s works, or the golden age of Hong Kong movies have always adhered to the mass line of coming from the audience to the audience. In addition to the design of action scenes, there is never a threshold for viewing movies, always ensuring a smooth and clear story line, the most concise and clear emotional expression, in addition to the ultimate images and fancy and lively action scene design, so that the audience can experience the most direct Chinese-style human feelings. Watching a movie, for the vast majority of audiences, what they want is a relaxation, a cool word, and these are precisely what Jackie Chan is best at, and these are also the most significant characteristics of "Pioneer"!

So, don’t say anything! During the 2020 National Day holiday, hurry up and go to the cinema, watch a Jackie Chan big brother’s "Pioneer", and let yourself have enough fun!

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The spy war is never over, the spy is around, and the Chinese version of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" is so good at acting.

After "Undercover" and "Mask", Zhang Haidong’s third spy war drama "Opponent" came!

There are spoilers in this article.


The market in the old city of Xiazhou, the most mixed place, has many pickpockets committing crimes.

No, a pickpocket accidentally put his hand into the policeman’s trouser pocket, and it was too late for him to see the photo of the policeman. Li Tang (Guo Jingfei) chases quickly and ties the thief to a telephone pole.

Then Li Tang wore a police uniform and walked into a dirty rental house. Under Li Tang’s torture, Brother Hei admitted that Yaoji owed three million usurers, but he didn’t know the whereabouts of Yaoji. At the same time, Black Brother also noticed that Li Tang was not a policeman.

In fact, Li Tang is an overseas spy. He usually travels as a taxi driver, and when he finishes his task, he will disguise himself as a variety of roles.

Li Tang’s wife Ding Meixi (Tan Zhuo) is also an overseas spy and a teacher. Ding Meixi repeatedly used her body to lure people into the water in order to obtain information. The two men will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, and as for the little secret between them, they will only see through it.

On the other hand, Duan Yingjiu (Yan Bingyan), a national security officer, is also looking for the spy Yaoji. By looking up the phone records and comparing the take-away orders, she has locked the most likely hiding place of Yaoji. However, the national security personnel were still late. After seeing Li Tang, Yao Ji committed suicide after saying his last words …

However, the investigation of Yaoji still didn’t stop. Duan Yingjiu began to arrange Ding Xiaohe, a newcomer to Guoan, and his party to collect the information that Yaoji might have left in the bank and analyze who Yaoji left the money to.

Ding Xiaohe is Ding Meixi’s younger brother. Ding Xiaohe announced that he had officially joined Guoan, and the couple were terrified. Ying Jiu had long been suspicious of the couple, which undoubtedly put them in deep danger.

It wasn’t long before Mr. and Mrs. Li Tang received the task of killing Bao Ping, a spy. They switched Bao Ping’s asthma medicine to spray to induce asthma, which led to Bao Ping’s death. The couple will try to explain to Ding Xiaohe why they bought a heart spray that the whole family can’t use. So Li Tang sacrificed his health and directed and performed a heart attack recurrence.

He and Ding Meixi also staged a divorce storm in which the husband found out that his wife had broken a whore, so as to divert the attention of the national security personnel, and a catch me if you can began.


A good script is the foundation, and the actor is the soul of the play. From the realistic "I am Yu Huanshui", the audience will feel Guo Jingfei’s control over the inner complex drama of the little people.

In this play, Guo Jingfei plays a spy who walks on the tip of a knife every day, and I don’t know when he dies. But at the same time, he is also an ordinary person, who will bend his back for five buckets of rice and worry about his daughter’s puppy love. When his wife didn’t come home late at night, Guo Jingfei was lying in bed counting condoms and found that one was missing. She was silent and lost in thought.

The wife found that her daughter always stole her cosmetics and counted condoms for fear that her daughter would have an accident. Clearly missing one, Guo Jingfei paused for a few seconds, eyes flashing, covering up the past. In this performance, Guo Jingfei vividly interprets the forbearance of a spy husband.

The reason why Guo Jingfei can show the fragility and powerlessness of the little people so vividly is that he devoted himself to the script study and really realized the sense of bringing in. The producer of "Opponent" said in an interview: "Guo Jingfei was deeply moved when he got the script. After watching 10 episodes, he couldn’t put it down and decided to participate. " It is not so much that Guo Jingfei is chosen in this play as that they have achieved each other.

Tan Zhuo is also highly compatible with the role of Ding Meixi. Ding Meixi is a glamorous female teacher, an unscrupulous female spy, and a wife and mother. For multiple identities, Tan Zhuo’s performance is very layered.

When she was blocked at home by Duan Ying-jiu, the other party kept asking her for soul torture, and Tan Zhuo ignited the female spy’s inner anxiety, habitually clasping her hands and fidgeting. I’m afraid that a spy with a good psychological quality will panic when encountering this kind of attack.

When her husband broke into the house with a belt to help clear the gap, Tan Zhuoming was relieved. He glanced at Duan Yingjiu timidly, but his heart was exulting. The detailed handling was too skillful.

It was the first time for several actors in the play to cooperate, but they entered the role faster than expected. The producer revealed: "This is due to the trust and tacit understanding they have established when they read the script around."


The content of Opponent is unrepeatable, mainly because the form of spy war is connected with life, involving many bridges that need to be kept secret.

This drama starts from the daily life of spies and national security personnel and reveals their unknown side. For ordinary people, watching a group of mysterious workers fight against each other is a different experience.

"Opponent" doesn’t have the high-tech and enviable work of others. What I feel is that the anti-espionage work is not easy, and the spies are not glamorous on the surface, but extremely dangerous.

The spy couple in the play are faced with the tempering of life. Ding Meixi was found by the school to make up lessons outside, and the bonus was deducted. The original economy was stretched, and she also strayed into the illegal fund-raising trap and lost all her money. Li Tang accidentally broke his tooth in the pursuit mission, and went to the hospital for treatment, but he was scared out by the high medical expenses. The handling of this comedy shows the fact that spies are "smarter than they are" and "being spies is not glamorous".

There is also a positive image of Duan Yingjiu, who sacrificed his life for his mission and responsibility. Not only did family conflicts continue and he could not lead a normal life, but even his body turned red. However, the drama does not use a lot of pen and ink to describe the emotional side, but presents the greatness and selflessness of the national security personnel through life scenes.

Wang Xiaoqiang, the screenwriter of "Opponent", said when he turned on the phone: "I put my views on the world, my emotional experience and my understanding of faith in this story over the years." Because of this, the play is more warm. And a work with temperature can make the audience resonate.

In today’s era of development and peace, anti-espionage work has always existed in various forms that we don’t know. An unconscious word, a casually discarded courier, may reveal secrets. Perhaps "the spy may be around you"-as the drama is broadcast, the context becomes clearer, and the dispute between the national security personnel and the spy becomes more intense. They will continue to compete for victory in the sun. We will wait and see!

The picture in this article comes from the Internet.


Recommend reading

The State Council client version 2.0 is online! -What changes is service, but what remains unchanged is feelings.

  China Daily Online, January 20th (Reporter Zhang Tongtong) On January 20th, 2017, 11 months after the launch of the "the State Council" client, version 2.0 was officially launched.

  In the new version, sections such as "Simple Administration and Decentralization, I Come to @ the State Council" and "Handheld Government Service Hall" are added to the home page, providing a more convenient and quick service guide for handling inquiries.

  The new version also adds the function of switching the English version with one button, and adds English news, prime minister, policies, departments, data, topics, pictures and video channels. Release the authoritative information of China government to the whole world for the first time.

  The new version of the English service tab also adds the function of government service for foreigners, which is convenient for foreigners’ life and work.

"the State Council client version 2.0 is online! <BR

  "Premier Li Keqiang pointed out at last year’s press conference that openness in government affairs and decentralization are the key to promoting the transformation of government functions." Zhao Jianqing, director of the China Government Network Operation Center, told reporters, "The the State Council client is an important channel for the openness of government affairs in internet plus and a bridge between the central government and ordinary people. We hope to be a &lsquo; in the field of government affairs; Taobao &rsquo; 。”

  Shi Li quan fen

  In February 2016, a government APP named "the State Council" was officially launched. This APP was built by the China Government Network Operation Center of the State Council General Office and built by China Daily. Rich content, warm-hearted service and grounded language have made this client "circle" a big wave of fans.

  The data shows that in the past 10 months, the cumulative download volume of clients has exceeded 20 million, and the number of active users has exceeded 7 million. In the first half of 2016, the number of free APP products in Apple App Store ranked first for many times.

  In the TOP1000 list of monthly active users released by Analysys Qian Fan, a third-party data platform, the State Council client always ranks among them, ranking first in government affairs APP, and it is not inferior to news and information clients. According to the monthly activity data of Analysys Qian Fan, the average monthly active users of the State Council clients in the past six months are slightly lower than those of CCTV news clients and higher than those of Xinhua News Agency, Economic Daily and other media clients.

  "Very close to the people, very good, rich and timely." Some netizens commented.

  "Set the push notifications of all other apps to &lsquo; &rsquo; is not allowed. , only your setting is &lsquo; Good &rsquo; Leaving a star is afraid of your pride. " Some netizens commented like this.

  Everything starts from the user experience

  "The era of disintermediation of social media has arrived, and the openness of government affairs in new media also needs to be changed," Lin Yan, the head of the "two micro-ends" of the Chinese government network and the new media department of the Chinese government network operation center, told reporters. "We operate new government media with the thinking of product managers, and everything starts from the user experience. A button, a hinge, and a moving picture will be repeatedly scrutinized and tested. "

  In addition to the intuitive experience of using APP, the State Council’s client operation team continues to innovate in government services. From the traditional online announcement to the "title, text and form", we pay attention to the reading experience, study the release time, and reply to background messages. The research report alone has written more than 100,000 words, covering international excellent APP benchmarking, domestic excellent new media products research, government short video content research and other aspects.

  In 2016, the State Council client launched more than 20 government service products, such as "H5 series for you" and "the most comprehensive practical manual library", covering the reform of the camp, social investment, food safety, social security, entrepreneurship, education and other aspects. Among them, the reading volume of the manuscript "Unqualified food inquiry H5" exceeded one million.

  "As an Internet PM (product manager), I used this product, and I feel really hard. I hope to continue my efforts!" An Internet product manager commented.

"the State Council client version 2.0 is online! <BR

"the State Council client version 2.0 is online! <BR

"the State Council client version 2.0 is online! <BR

  Some government service products of the State Council client.

  "the State Council client has innovated the way of information dissemination in the State Council, and our goal is to be in the field of government affairs &lsquo; Taobao &rsquo; Let the people do things as conveniently and quickly as visiting Taobao. " Zhao Jianqing said.

  Close the distance between the government and the people.

  "Brother Jun, what have you done recently?" "This is not the pilot program for the reform of the camp, but it has been fully promoted immediately. I have been busy with this."

  This policy interpretation picture, which has been forwarded by nearly 100 websites and WeChat WeChat official account, is called "WeChat Vernacular Reform", which is the product of the brainstorming of the State Council’s client operation team, and it received nearly one million hits on the day it was pushed. "The small series that speaks grounded gas is a good small series," one user left a message.

  Easy-going language, topics close to life, and making people feel the warmth of the government have always been the planning concept of the the State Council client team. On May 1, 2016, the the State Council client released a product called "Have you seen a city at four o’clock in the morning? Short film of ". In this short film, the State Council client reporters recorded the figure of ordinary workers with the lens: the first subway started, the first street lamp was lit, and the first fried dough sticks were put into the pot &hellip; &hellip;

  As soon as the college entrance examination was over, the the State Council client published a piece that read "To candidates &mdash; &mdash; Play songs during the day, keep company with youth ". "the State Council can’t stop literature and art," commented the netizen.

  On Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, the the State Council client launched a message collection activity for netizens, editing the touching messages of netizens into articles and publishing them for ordinary people to tell their stories.

  Whenever 24 solar terms arrives, the State Council clients will put on "new clothes" &mdash; &mdash; Play a warm poster on the boot screen and send a reminder to the user at the first time.

"the State Council client version 2.0 is online! <BR

"the State Council client version 2.0 is online! <BR

"the State Council client version 2.0 is online! <BR

  Some original works of the State Council client

  From online to offline

  "We must not only release our feelings, but also release and interpret the government’s policies, and also respond to the concerns of the people and collect their suggestions." Zhao Jianqing stressed.

  In October, 2016, the the State Council client launched the "Simple Administration and Decentralization, I Come to the State Council" campaign. The activities covered 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, 472 prefectures, and 2,838 districts and counties, and went deep into 4,206 government service halls and 11,902 service points, listening to the voices of ordinary people and transmitting opinions and research to relevant departments.

  A few weeks after the activity, some netizens who participated in the activity unexpectedly received a phone call from the editorial department of the State Council client. Yes, the State Council client operators selected user messages and made a telephone call back, and specially sent exclusive postcards for them from Zhongnanhai Post Office.

  An APP worth having.

  Premier Li Keqiang once stressed at a the State Council executive meeting: "Our government officials at all levels should &lsquo; Use your mobile phone well &rsquo; , well designed &lsquo; Internet &rsquo; Channels to continuously improve the ability to handle government information, sense the warmth of the masses and respond to social public opinion. "

  The State Council Client 2.0, which was launched on January 20th, not only improved the government functions such as government service and data query, but also added the function of switching English version reading with one button. It is not only close to the people, but also increases the "international style."

  At present, users can download the State Council clients through Apple, 360 Mobile Assistant, Baidu Mobile Assistant, Tencent App Store, pea pods, Huawei App Market, Xiaomi and other app stores.

"the State Council client version 2.0 is online! <BR

Soldiers and teenagers join hands in football matches to increase friendship

Recently, a youth football friendly match was held in Wenquan County, Xinjiang. The football teams from town primary schools in Wenquan County and the teams from the Central School of the 88th Regiment of the Fifth Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps participated in the competition.

The scene of the youth football friendly match between the army and the land (photo by Wuyun Geli)

In the game, the young football players competed with each other, and their tacit passing and wonderful steals instantly "ignited" the whole pitch.

Under the stadium, shouts and cheers came one after another, and everyone enjoyed the warmth and joy brought by this sports "feast".

The scene of the youth football friendly match between the army and the land (photo by Dai Lige)

"In this friendly match, I met many good friends and was very happy. I hope that schools can often carry out such activities. " Daren, a member of the team of the 88 th Central School, said.

In recent years, schools, kindergartens and Corps schools in Wenquan County have regularly carried out various sports competitions, educational, teaching and research exchanges and research activities, further promoting exchanges and integration between the two sides, realizing complementary advantages and deep integration, and promoting the common development of education in the two places. (Wu Yun Ge Li Dai Li Ge)

Worms, spyware … What weapons are there in the US network arsenal?

  A few days after the ransomware "Want to Cry" raged around the world, the tracing behind the scenes finally got a little clue: Kaspersky Lab in Russia and Symantec in the United States said on the 15th that this ransomware may be related to a hacker organization called lazarus. In this cyber attack, they made malicious ransomware by using the hacking tool "Eternal Blue" leaked from the National Security Agency (NSA) network arsenal.

  Reuters once reported that 90% of the expenditure on network projects in the United States was used to develop hacker attack weapons, which could invade the "enemy’s" computer network, monitor people, and paralyze or block infrastructure. Cyber security experts accuse the United States of investing heavily in developing hacking tools instead of self-defense mechanisms, making the global network environment "more insecure".

  Compiled by Wen Junhua, all-media reporter of Guangzhou Daily

  "The ransomware is not developed by the US National Security Bureau, but by criminal gangs, which may be criminals or foreign governments." Bossert, Assistant to the US President for Homeland Security and Counter-Terrorism, said in response to the "Want to Cry" ransomware incident on 15th, but he evaded the question whether the hacking tools leaked by US intelligence agencies would lead to more cyber attacks in the future.

  In fact, the leak of the NSA network arsenal that caused the ransomware rampage was disclosed as early as last August. At that time, a hacker organization named "Shadow Intermediary" claimed to have broken into the "Formula Organization" hacker organization under the NSA and stolen its network arsenal. The "shadow middleman" leaked some of the hacking tools and data through social platforms, and publicly auctioned the complete data package at a high price of 1 million bitcoins (worth about 568 million US dollars), but the hawking did not attract response and widespread attention, and eventually it was auctioned.

  Since then, the "shadow middleman" has tried several times to sell the NSA network arsenal without success. Its latest exposure of NSA network weapons was released in mid-April this year. The organization said that NSA had invaded the international banking system to monitor the capital flow between some banks in the Middle East and Latin America. The hacking tool "Eternal Blue" of NSA network arsenal is believed to have been leaked by "shadow middleman".

  Although the profit-making purpose of the "shadow middleman" has not been realized, the statement that the hacking tools it stole originated from NSA is considered to be highly reliable. Last year, when the "shadow middleman" released some hacking tools and data, Snowden, the exposer of the "Prism Gate" incident, provided an NSA "malware implantation operation manual" to prove that the cyber weapons peddled by the "shadow middleman" carried NSA’s virtual fingerprints. For example, NSA’s "Malware Implantation Operation Manual" instructs operators to use a special 16-bit string "ace02468bdf13579" when using a malware program SECONDDATE. Among the dozens of hacking tools leaked by "Shadow Broker", the tool SECONDDATE is one of them, and its related code contains a large number of this string.

  When it comes to the NSA network arsenal, you can’t avoid the "equation organization". This hacking organization is considered to be a "unwilling to admit" department of NSA, similar to the "fantasy bear" hacking organization in Russia. Before being caught by Kaspersky Lab in 2015, Equation Organization was secretly active for 15 years. According to media reports, because the time and money spent on malware development, mobile technology breakthrough and target blockade are all funded by the state, the project resources are almost unlimited, and Equation Organization has become the "best" hacker organization in the world.

  Iran, Russia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Syria, and Mali are among the top 500 infections in 42 countries made by Formula Organization previously announced by Kaspersky Lab. Due to the built-in self-destruction mechanism of malware, the attack of Equation Organization is difficult to be tracked. Therefore, the hacker tools leaked from this arsenal and some previously exposed attack methods can only represent the tip of the iceberg of the NSA network arsenal.

  Some NSA cyber weapons

  The "Equation Organization" under NSA was discovered and named by Kaspersky Lab. The name comes from their preference for using powerful encryption methods in cyber attacks. In the previous network attacks, they used various attack methods, such as worms, hard disk viruses, spyware, and network-based attacks.

  Fanny worm virus

  Fanny worm is the most powerful worm, which can invade the network isolated by the gateway. Fanny worm virus uses a unique USB-based control mechanism, which is mainly realized by USB disk infection.

  There is a hidden storage area in the U disk to collect basic system information from the isolated network. When the U disk infected with worms is inserted, the collected information can be immediately sent to the attacker in the networked state. If attackers want to run instructions on the network environment isolated by the gateway, they can store the instructions in the hidden space of the U disk through a worm. When the U disk is inserted into the target computer, the worm will automatically recognize and run the instructions.

  "Shenzhen" virus

  It is reported that "Shenzhen" is the first destructive virus specially written for industrial control system, which contains the vulnerability intrusion technology of Fanny worm virus, and can attack Windows system and Siemens SIMATIC WinCC system by using seven vulnerabilities. It is said that it was jointly developed by the United States and the Israeli government.

  The structure of "Shenzhen" virus is extremely complicated and its concealment is super strong. After the computer operator inserts the infected U disk into the USB interface, this virus will gain control of the industrial computer system without any operation.

  During the attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, the virus suddenly changed the engine speed in the centrifuge. This sudden change was enough to destroy the centrifuge’s operation ability and could not be repaired. After the centrifuge was out of control, the virus still sent a report of "working normally" to the control room, so that the centrifuge was destroyed without anyone knowing. spyware

  Regin spyware is an advanced stealth malware discovered by Symantec in 2014, which can avoid the detection of conventional anti-virus software. The malware has been accused of being used to monitor the government, companies and individuals since 2008 and is considered to be associated with the NSA.

  Symantec pointed out that Regin spy tool uses a number of stealth technologies, which requires a lot of time and resources, indirectly indicating that it is a product developed by a "country". Regin malware allows hackers to launch a series of remote Trojan attacks, including stealing users’ passwords and data, intercepting users’ mouse clicks, capturing screenshots from infected computers, monitoring network traffic, and analyzing emails from Exchange databases. Hard disk virus

  A report by Kaspersky Lab has revealed that NSA may have implanted a virus in the hard disk firmware to rewrite the hard disk firmware of the infected computer.

  According to the report, because the virus is written into firmware, it can be activated after the hard disk is powered on. This malicious firmware creates a secret information repository, which can effectively prevent military-level disk erasure and reformatting, so that sensitive data stolen from victims can still be used even after reformatting the driver and reinstalling the operating system.

  PHP intrusion code

  Equation organization has been found to use malicious PHP intrusion code to attack loopholes in Oracle’s Java software framework or IE browser, ranging from scientific and technological product evaluation to various websites of Islamic Jihad forum. This invasion is as precise as surgery, which can ensure that only one specific target is infected. In an invasion case, the PHP script of Equation Organization also paid special attention to avoid infecting the IP addresses of Jordan, Turkey and Egypt.

The earliest beauty of spring flowers! Come to Zhongshan Park to watch the Spring Festival.

In order to enrich the cultural life of citizens and tourists and set off the festive atmosphere, Zhongshan Park will hold a series of cultural activities for the Spring Festival. The flower shows in Tanghuawu and Huifang Garden will open to welcome guests, and citizens can also enjoy the earliest beautiful spring flowers in the dead of winter.

A traditional flower boutique exhibition with the theme of "Longteng Shengshi" has met with citizens and tourists in Tanghuawu. More than 70 varieties and more than 1,000 pots of various flowers and plants appear at the same time, and visitors can enjoy the unique charm of spring flowers and winter appreciation.

It is reported that in addition to the special flowers for controlling the flowering period in the park, such as plum blossom, peach blossom, rhododendron, bauhinia and Xifu begonia, there are also festive flowers such as Zhu Dinghong, Cymbidium grandiflorum, giant pumpkin, North American holly and autumn fruit-viewing plants, which are matched with foliage-viewing plants such as dragon’s blood tree and bird’s nest fern, so that visitors can see the four-season flowers with different shapes and charms at one time. In addition, in recent years, the newly cultivated and trial-produced wisteria and Jiexiang in Zhongshan Park will achieve the best display effect, providing different flower viewing experiences for citizens and tourists.

During the Spring Festival, in the quaint and elegant Huifang Garden, the "Four Seasons Fragrance" Beijing Celebrity Orchid and Chunlan Exhibition also welcomes citizens and tourists. More than 90 kinds and more than 200 pots of famous orchids, such as Chunlan and Chunjian, cultivated in Zhongshan Park are exhibited in the exhibition.

Orchids are elegant and fragrant, and Zhongshan Park has a long history of orchid cultivation and a unique orchid culture. Here, citizens and tourists can enjoy the famous orchids such as Haiyan Qi Fei, Hutoulan with Red Tongue, Chunlan, Longzi, Wangzi and Satisfied with Sumei.

In addition, in order to create a "prosperous New Year" flavor, Zhongshan Park has set up five landscape sketches outside Sanmen District and Xitan Gate. In the south gate, the theme scene of "Holding Yang and Ningrui" takes the IP "rumbling" of the Year of the Dragon as the main body of the installation, and combines traditional sectors, lanterns, windmills and other elements to set off a auspicious and peaceful atmosphere of the New Year. The auspicious theme of the Year of the Dragon in the East Gate and the theme of "Happy Plum Blossoms" and "Long Life" in the West Gate are mixed with various traditional China elements, expressing the beautiful New Year wishes to tourists.

Source Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Ren Shan Cheng Gong

Editor Hu Decheng

Liu Weili, Process Editor


At the end of National Highway 318: the reunion dinner for guardians and builders.

China Tibet Net News February 11th is the 30th day of the twelfth lunar month (New Year’s Eve), which is also the 30th day of the Tibetan calendar. At the end of National Highway 318, two people with different identities have spent a different year together.
It is reported that the workers who built National Highway 318 at Zhangmu Port in nyalam county, Shigatse City, Tibet Autonomous Region actively responded to the call of the country to celebrate the New Year on the spot and decided to celebrate the New Year at Zhangmu Port. After learning this news, the police at Nyalam Entry-Exit Frontier Inspection Station offered them Chinese New Year materials and invited them to celebrate the New Year together.
The picture shows the police at Nyalam Entry-Exit Frontier Inspection Station preparing Spring Festival pendants for the construction workers of National Highway 318 at Zhangmu Port.
The picture shows the police at Nyalam Entry-Exit Frontier Inspection Station sending Spring Festival pendants to the construction workers of National Highway 318 at Zhangmu Port.
The picture shows the police at Nyalam Entry-Exit Frontier Inspection Station and the construction workers of National Highway 318 at Zhangmu Port posting Spring Festival couplets together.
"This is the happiest New Year we have spent in Tibet. The police at the border checkpoint are like our neighbors. We feel the taste of home in their big family." The construction workers of National Highway 318 at Zhangmu Port told reporters.
The picture shows that on the New Year’s Eve of February 11th, the police at Nyalam Entry-Exit Frontier Inspection Station invited the construction workers of National Highway 318 at Zhangmu Port to celebrate the New Year together.
The picture shows that on the New Year’s Eve of February 11th, the police at Nyalam Entry-Exit Frontier Inspection Station had a reunion dinner with the construction workers of National Highway 318 at Zhangmu Port.
The picture shows the police at Nyalam entry-exit frontier inspection station playing games with the construction workers of National Highway 318 at Zhangmu Port at the reunion dinner.
The picture shows that after a short gathering, the police at Nyalam entry-exit frontier inspection station waved goodbye to the construction workers of National Highway 318 at Zhangmu Port.
One is the guardian of the sacred land, and the other is the builder of a happy home. They are all using their own practical actions to write a touching patriotic chapter in this lonely border town, and jointly contribute silently to the construction of Zhangmu Port. (China Tibet Network Correspondent/ho yuhang)