Culinary zero-skill fresh meat Chan Weiting joins Nicholas Tse in "Twelve Sharps II"




In the third quarter of 2014, Zhejiang Satellite TV’s food reality show "Twelve Flavors" conquered countless "foodies" with its movie-quality graphics, luxurious guest lineup, and wonderful food journey. After a year, the much-anticipated second season of "Twelve Flavors" finally has new news. Recently, Zhejiang Satellite TV announced that the second season of "Twelve Flavors" will officially return in the third quarter of 2015. In the program, in addition to "Fangwei Chef" Nicholas Tse, a fixed lineup of four star celebrities will also be added to the "Fangwei Family". The first member of the "Fangwei Family" to be exposed is "Instant Noodles Big Brother" William Chan, whose culinary skills are identified as zero. It is reported that in order to learn to cook with his "big brother", Chan Weiting also rejected many movie advertising invitations. According to Nicholas Tse’s network accumulated in the entertainment industry over the years and the "terrifying" guest lineup last season, the identities of the other three family members are also very worth looking forward to.

Rate 4 big coffee friends to "Return to Chinese Food" in the third quarter

Nicholas Tse’s group "Fengwei Family" delicious "Ting" can’t come down

In the interview, Nicholas Tse summed up his vision for the second season of "Twelve Flavors" with "This is a return". After searching for food all over the world, he wants to "return to Chinese food culture". In this mysterious and warm journey of Chinese food, Nicholas Tse will lead the "Fengwei family" to travel all over China, explore rare ingredients of Chinese food, promote the extensive and profound Chinese food culture, and create a unique "Fengge" Twelve Flavors with a combination of Chinese and Western methods.

In the first season of "Twelve Flavors", in addition to the unprecedented cast of super stars and the wonderful multi-national food tour, what left the most profound impression on the audience was the exquisite film-quality pictures. The Academy Award-level photography and lighting brought by Nicholas Tse’s own special effects production company PO Chaoting made every frame of the show extremely beautiful, creating a precedent for film-level reality shows. The second season of "Twelve Flavors" will continue to pursue the extreme of the picture, and the photography, lighting, setting, props, etc. can reach the film-level level.

In the first season of the show, although every episode was accompanied by friends, most of the time "Chef Xie" cooked the food alone. In the second season of the show, Nicholas Tse will invite four star friends to form the "Fangwei Family" to accompany him on this food journey. One of the first family members to be exposed is his junior brother Chen Weiting at Emperor Entertainment. When "Da Xihong" meets "Senior Brother" and "Dark Cuisine" collides with "Top Delicious", the fans of the two can’t hold back before the show starts. And after announcing this delicious combination that can’t be "Ting" at all, the other three members of the "Fangwei Family" have become even more exciting. I believe that with Nicholas Tse’s connections, these three guests will not disappoint everyone.

"Instant Noodle Senior Brother" Chen Weiting becomes the first member of the "Fengwei Family"

Refusing movies and advertising invitations for learning to cook is a huge loss

In the promotional VCR released by Zhejiang Satellite TV, Chen Weiting was named the most handsome "big brother of instant noodles" in the dark cooking industry. Chen Weiting himself also revealed in the VCR: "People who know me know that I can’t cook things, and my best is to cook instant noodles." Therefore, as a member of the "Fengwei family", he was able to participate in the second season of "Twelve Frontiers", learn to cook with "Senior Brother Tingfeng", and get rid of the nickname "Chen who can only cook noodles, etc." It became a very happy thing for Chen Weiting. On Weibo, Chen Weiting happily called out "When dark cuisine and so on meet the top Feng, it is so delicious that he has no friends." He also matched it with a proud expression of a doge, and he turned over many fans. Many fans left messages with anticipation: "Is the king finally going to lift the seal of cooking?"

However, if you want to learn cooking skills with Nicholas Tse, the price you have to pay is not small. In order to ensure the smooth shooting of the second season of "Twelve Sharks", Emperor Entertainment Artist Director Hovinci admitted that he had rejected many invitations for films and TV series from Nicholas Tse and William Chan, and even rejected more than ten advertising contracts for William Chan, resulting in huge losses. And this cruel intention is to allow Nicholas Tse and William Chan, the brothers and sisters, to concentrate on the second season of "Twelve Sharks".

Two ministries and commissions up the ante network car-hailing special project rectification, comprehensive removal of non-compliant vehicles

  People’s Daily Online, Beijing, September 11 (Reporter Qiao Xuefeng) Recently, the illegal operation of online booking taxis (referred to as online car-hailing), private passenger car sharing (also known as hitchhiking, carpooling), and vicious criminal cases have occurred frequently, especially in Zhengzhou and Wenzhou. The murder case of Didi Hitchhiking driver has attracted widespread attention from the society, seriously endangering the safety of people’s lives and property, and affecting social stability and the healthy and orderly development of the industry.

  The reporter learned from the Ministry of Transport that on the 10th, the General Office of the Ministry of Transport and the General Office of the Ministry of Public Security jointly issued the "Emergency Notice on Further Strengthening the Safety Management of Online Booking Taxi and Private Passenger Car Sharing" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). The notice requires a comprehensive investigation of potential safety hazards and weak links in the industry. If there are potential safety hazards, relevant enterprises should be urged to take effective measures to rectify them. If there are violations of laws and regulations, they should be dealt with according to law. Conduct a comprehensive cleanup of the drivers of the existing online car-hailing and private passenger car sharing services. By December 31, 2018, the vehicles and drivers who do not meet the conditions will be fully cleared, and the compliance of the online car-hailing platform companies, vehicles and drivers will be basically realized.

  Launch an industry safety inspection immediately

  Local transportation authorities, public security organs and other departments should immediately organize a joint safety inspection of locally operated online car-hailing platform companies and private passenger car sharing information service platforms. Through the inspection, comprehensive investigation of industry safety hazards and weak links. Where there are potential safety hazards, relevant enterprises should be urged to take effective measures to rectify them; where there are violations of laws and regulations, they must be dealt with according to law.

  The Ministry of Transport will organize the member units of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference on Coordinated Supervision of New Formats of Transportation to conduct a safety inspection of Didi and other online car-hailing platform companies. Didi and other platform companies should fully carry out self-inspection and rectification of potential safety hazards, and stop private passenger car sharing information services indefinitely before completing the rectification of potential hazards.

  Strengthen the background verification of drivers on online ride-hailing and ride-hailing platforms

  Local transportation authorities and public security organs shall strictly abide by the requirements of the "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Transport and the General Office of the Ministry of Public Security on Practically Doing a Good Job in the Background Verification and Supervision of Taxi Drivers" (Hanobanyun [2018] No. 32), and conduct background checks on drivers who engage in or apply for online car-hailing services to ensure that online car-hailing drivers meet the conditions stipulated in the "Regulations on the Administration of Taxi Drivers’ Qualifications" (Order No. 63 of 2016 of the Ministry of Transport). The private passenger car sharing information service platform shall refer to the relevant requirements of the background verification and supervision of taxi drivers, and conduct background checks on drivers who engage in or apply for private passenger car sharing services. It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive clean-up of the drivers of the existing online car-hailing and private passenger car sharing services, fully remove the vehicles and drivers that do not meet the conditions before December 31, 2018, and basically realize the compliance of the online car-hailing platform companies, vehicles and drivers.

  Strictly urge enterprises to implement the main responsibility for safe production and stability maintenance

  Local transportation authorities and public security organs should urge local online car-hailing platform companies and private passenger car-sharing information service platform service enterprises to implement the main responsibility of enterprise safety production management and maintaining industry stability. Relevant platform companies should strictly regulate the management of dispatching orders, and shall not send orders to drivers without background verification, and shall apply technologies such as facial recognition before dispatching orders to review the consistency of vehicles and drivers; to strengthen operational risk management and control, using big data technology to warn of risks such as route deviation and unreasonable long-term stay, and to deal with abnormal situations in a timely manner; to limit the number of orders received by Hitch to prevent illegal online car-hailing services in the name of ride-sharing; to implement a random dispatch mechanism, prohibiting drivers from selecting passengers, allowing passengers to choose drivers; to establish a complaint freezing mechanism, and shall not send orders to the complained driver if the passenger’s complaint has not been checked and handled; to strengthen passenger information protection, close the social functions of the Hitch platform, block passenger information, and prevent personal disclosure Privacy; It is necessary to standardize vehicle safety requirements, encourage qualified platform companies to paste special signs in prominent positions of online car-hailing, and the light transmittance of the windows should meet the requirements of taxis to ensure that the situation in the car is visible. The child lock should not be opened during the operation of the vehicle, which is convenient for passengers to escape in case of emergencies. It is necessary to regularly randomly check offline operating vehicles and drivers, check the consistency of registration information with the actual situation, and prevent problems such as "license modification and number change" and "impersonation".

  Improve the complaint alarm and rapid response mechanism

  Local transportation authorities and public security organs should take various measures to vigorously strengthen safety education and reminders for ride-hailing passengers. It is necessary to urge online ride-hailing platform companies and private passenger car sharing information service platforms to set up a safety prompt interface on the homepage of the APP launch, prompting passengers that the 110 alarm phone is the most effective way to ask for help in an unexpected emergency. When the safety of life and property is threatened, they should immediately call 110 for help. At the same time, they should set up "one-click alarm" in a prominent position of the APP, so that drivers and passengers can promptly alert the platform when there is an unexpected emergency. Relevant platform companies should provide technical interfaces, real-time push platform drivers, vehicle registration data, vehicle location, driving track, passenger information and other data to the public security organs in accordance with the law. It is necessary to set up a special 24-hour operation of safety management and emergency response team, identify and deal with the first time after receiving the warning, and immediately report to the public security organs as appropriate. Local transportation authorities shall take the initiative to accept and quickly verify and deal with all kinds of complaints from all walks of life involving online ride-hailing and ride-hailing through their own portals or by opening complaint phone numbers. Local public security organs, transportation authorities and relevant platform companies shall establish a working mechanism for rapid response and joint handling of illegal and criminal activities of online ride-hailing and ride-hailing. After receiving the alarm, the public security organs shall organize the police force to respond quickly and effectively. Transportation authorities and relevant platform companies shall make every effort to provide technical, information and other service support. The relevant platform companies and their directly responsible supervisors and other directly responsible personnel that obstruct the people’s police from performing their duties according to law and refuse to provide technical support to the public security organs shall be investigated in strict accordance with the provisions of the People’s Police Law, the Public Security Administration Punishment Law, the Cyber security Law, the Anti-Terrorism Law and the Criminal Law.

  Strictly crack down on illegal business operations

  Illegal operations threaten the personal safety and legitimate rights and interests of passengers, and seriously disrupt the order of market competition. Local transportation authorities and public security organs should attach great importance to it, give full play to their respective functions, carry out joint law enforcement, and strictly investigate and punish all kinds of illegal operations. Those who carry out illegal operations on online ride-hailing platforms and private passenger car sharing information service platforms should increase the penalties for platform companies and other enterprises. It is necessary to establish a "double random" spot check mechanism to effectively perform statutory supervision duties. It is necessary to promote the system of publicizing administrative law enforcement, the system of recording the whole process of law enforcement, and the system of legal review of major law enforcement decisions, so as to achieve strict, standardized, fair and civilized law enforcement. Acts that hinder the staff of the transportation department from performing their duties according to law shall be investigated and punished by the public security organs according

  The notice also requires that from now until December 31, a special project rectification action to combat illegal taxi business will be organized nationwide. The action will be carried out in three stages:

  ① Arrange the deployment stage (from now until September 30): All local transportation departments and public security organs should arrange the deployment of special project rectification actions, clarify the importance of cracking down on illegal operation, widely publicize the harm of engaging in illegal operation activities and taking illegal operation vehicles, educate and guide the general public to consciously resist illegal operation vehicles, and publish the reporting phone number and website, and encourage the exploration of the establishment of reporting reward system. It is necessary to supervise the online car-hailing platform companies to speed up the cleaning up of non-compliant vehicles and drivers on the online car-hailing platform.

  ② Centralized rectification stage (October 1 to November 30, 2018): Local transportation authorities and public security organs should establish a joint law enforcement mechanism, organize joint law enforcement, and implement rectification by combining fixed-point inspections and mobile inspections. Strictly investigate and punish acts such as engaging in taxi business activities without obtaining a business license, inconsistent online and offline vehicles and drivers, and illegal operations in the name of private passenger car sharing. It is necessary to increase online supervision of online car-hailing, regularly inspect online car-hailing platform companies, strengthen the investigation and judgment of non-compliant vehicles and drivers on the platform, and highlight key points to improve law enforcement efficiency. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision of key time periods, key areas, and key enterprises, and strengthen law enforcement inspections during key time periods such as morning and evening passenger traffic peaks, bad weather, and important holidays, as well as key areas such as city hubs, business districts, and tourist attractions. Measures such as night law enforcement, staggered law enforcement, and fixed-point law enforcement are used to strictly investigate illegal operations. All provincial-level transportation departments and public security organs are encouraged to strengthen organization and coordination, and guide cities to carry out joint rectification to form a deterrent effect.

  ③ Summarize and consolidate the stage (December 1 to December 31, 2018): All local transportation authorities and public security organs should summarize and promote the work experience and results obtained, explore long-term measures to standardize the order of the taxi market, and gradually establish a long-term working mechanism for unified government leadership, joint law enforcement by transportation and public security departments, and active participation of the general public in combating illegal operations. It is necessary to continue to strengthen daily supervision and law enforcement, consolidate the results of special project rectification actions, and prevent illegal operation activities from rebounding.

  The provincial transportation authorities shall, together with the public security organs at the same level, report the implementation and results of the special project rectification actions within their jurisdiction to the Ministry of Transport (Transportation Services Department) before January 15, 2019, and copy them to the Ministry of Public Security (Transportation Administration). During the special project rectification actions, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Public Security will supervise the implementation of special project rectification actions in various regions.

The morning newspaper is super promising. Leung Ka-hui Koo Tianle will star in "Dragon Chasing 2" Wang Sicong is on fire eating hot dogs

Fresh information morning call is all in the morning newspaper


Good morning, melon-eating netizens! The November calendar has turned over, and there are only two or three days left before the New Year’s Eve. These days, Beijing has made people feel the cold of winter, so I have a girl to send warmth to the bosses. All the hot news in the movie industry that happened in the past 24 hours will be given to you!

Preview: Wang Jing will push "Dragon Chasing 2"? "Detective Conan: Zero’s Executor" China and Japan have the same lineup


According to "Hong Kong Film Bar" Weibo, Wang Jing is about to release the movie "Dragon Chasing 2", starring Leung Ka Fai and Koo Tianle, and posted a poster of the film in English. The poster clearly shows Leung Ka Fai and Koo Tianle as the two stars. Leung Ka Fai is wearing a suit and Koo Tianle is holding a gun. The two look serious and nervous. In front of them, there is an unknown figure tied to a chair and facing the picture. It can be said that it is very exciting~

At the beginning of this year, the poster and actor information of Wang Jing’s new film were exposed at the Hong Kong International Film and Television Festival. The film starred the four best actors Leung Ka Fai, Koo Tian Le, Lin Jiadong, and Ren Dahua. The English name of the film is "Master of Ransom", and the poster of "Chasing the Dragon 2" also shows the same English name. Therefore, if nothing else, "Chasing the Dragon 2" and "King of Thieves" are the same film~ SO, Wang Jing invited the four best actors to star in "Chasing the Dragon 2" this time, which is simply making things happen! It’s really hard not to attract attention~

Continue to pay attention to the new film information! The 22nd Conan theatrical version, which will be released nationwide this Friday, recently completed an unprecedented grand assembly of the lineup at the Beijing Station of "Five Cities and Ten Games". Director Tachikawa Rao, and the voice actors who acted as the Mandarin voice for the major stars attended the scene, and "Father of Conan Animation" Suwa Michihiko led the major producers to escort, and was shouted by fans: "The strongest lineup in the universe". As the most anticipated Japanese anime movie this year, the film previously grossed up to 9 billion yen in Japan, making it the highest-grossing theatrical anime in history~ Conan is stable this time!

Since the release of the Conan theatrical version 22 years ago, mainland audiences have rarely had the opportunity to walk into the theater to enjoy the Conan story on the big screen, so the reputation of the first wave of early adopters in the mainland is even more eye-catching~ Audiences have cried out after watching it: "When watching it, I was so excited that the whole process of groundhog screaming" "It turns out that watching Conan in the cinema is such a cool thing" "Devil-level handsomeness" "The long wait before the release is worth it" and other fancy confession movies, those of us who have not seen the movie are just jealous~

Box office trumpet Shu 10 days box office only exceeded 10 million, Wu Kequn: I lost!


Singer Wu Kequn’s self-directed and self-starred new film "Writing Poems for You" has been released for ten days, and the film has only accounted for 0.2% of the films. The cumulative box office has only exceeded 10 million, and the Douban score is 4.1. Compared with the (box office 379 million) and (box office 1.361 billion) that are also changed into movies through classic songs, Wu Kequn’s film can be said to be a double "hit the street" by word of mouth and box office.

Wu Kequn wrote on Weibo in the early morning of the 4th that "I have completely lost this battle". In fact, before the film started filming, Wu Kequn’s mother was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. He revealed to the Beijing News that he had thought about giving up filming "Writing Poems for You", but his mother’s encouragement made him insist on finishing the project. It’s just a pity that his mother didn’t see it on the day of the release. At the premiere, he specially left a seat for his mother, and "Writing Poems for You" is even more of a memorial to his mother. In short, no matter whether the movie is good or not, any girl will add oil to the filial Wu Kequn and give him a thumbs up!

The star thing Shu IG won the championship and Wang Sicong sent benefits! Xiao Yang accidentally hit the hot search


In the past few days, the fat circle of friends who have material girls has been swiped by IG to win the championship. League of Legends S8 season IG3:0 swept FNC, and the whole people are congratulating on the exciting moment! The first world championship, everyone is quite excited, this excitement doesn’t matter, Xiao Yang was sent to the hot search, and the response of the deity is simply confused! The thing is like this: Rookie of the IG team looks too much like the singer Xiao Yang!! netizens ridiculed the two for bumping faces and caused "Congratulations Xiao Yang" to reach the top of the hot search. Emmmm~ It really looks like a brother who has been lost for many years!

In addition to the fans who were very happy to win the championship, the happiest person was the boss Wang Sicong. After the game, the national husband sent Weibo to solicit what everyone wanted, and the lucky ones would be selected! Some netizens ridiculed: "Hot dogs?" Wang Sicong replied: "You are poisonous, blocked"

Movie Calendar | Yang Zi was born

(The specific broadcast content is subject to TV)

Want to get more fresh movie information, one-hand love beans, exclusive live video, don’t hurry to download CCTV6 movie channel app, there are materials waiting for you to make an appointment!

High definition beautiful pictures are coming! Let’s take a look at the kindergarten after "people to public", and stage super changes!

In the past year

Have you found any kindergartens in Longgang?

"Quietly" upgraded~

Kindergarten teachers are stronger

The environment in the park has become better


Many kindergartens in Longgang

The road of "people to public" has been completed

What changes have been made to the kindergarten after the transfer?

Let’s take a look.


Longcheng Street New Asia Kindergarten

Longcheng Street New Asia Kindergarten was established in 2002 and has a history of 19 years. It is a provincial-level kindergarten that has always pursued development with characteristics. After years of accumulation, it has formed a good new Asian management culture and shared curriculum culture.

After the transfer, the kindergarten takes health, comprehensiveness, nature, harmony, autonomy and cooperation as its educational philosophy, and strives to establish a kindergarten with stories and dreams.

The activity rooms and function rooms of the park are fully equipped, the outdoor activity venues are wide, and the equipment and facilities are advanced, which fully reflects the ingenious integration of "children and nature". Children have sand pools, water pools, mud pools, football fields, plantations, climbing frames, music areas and other outdoor play areas to meet the needs of children’s outdoor play. At the same time, the kindergarten has also replaced class tables, chairs, beds and other hardware facilities, adding rich regional materials and teaching toys to meet children’s activities and learning needs, providing excellent conditions for children’s growth and development.

All along, New Asia Kindergarten has also paid attention to teacher team building, provided a teacher development platform, paid attention to teacher professional training, and gave full play to the professional leading role of key teachers in education and teaching. The improvement and development of the teacher team has laid a good scientific research foundation and team support for the construction of the curriculum system.


Baolong Street Baolong No. 1 Kindergarten

Baolong No. 1 Kindergarten, Baolong Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, was founded in 2009 and has been in operation for more than ten years. It is a new type of public park transformed from a private Yadi Baolong Kindergarten in June 2020.

The kindergarten covers an area of 3500 square meters, with a construction area of 4148 square meters and an outdoor activity area of 1296 square meters. The garden is shady with trees, full of flowers, warm and childlike, and has a beautiful environment. The garden is spacious and bright, safe and comfortable, with reasonable layout and complete facilities.

In 2013, it passed the first-level assessment of Longgang District in Shenzhen, the first-level kindergarten in Shenzhen in 2014, and successfully applied for the high-quality demonstration area park in Longgang District in 2016. In 2019, it passed the re-evaluation of the municipal first-level kindergarten, and in 2020, it passed the canteen A-level assessment.

Since Baolong No. 1 Youth transferred to public office, it has always aimed to "run a high-quality public kindergarten with new concepts, high standards and excellent quality", constantly improving hardware facilities, improving the conditions for running the kindergarten, beautifying the appearance of the garden, and striving to create a healthy, safe and natural garden-style kindergarten for children.

The kindergarten adheres to the concept of "Let education be as natural as breathing, and childhood bloom like flowers", and adheres to the educational concept of "love, respect and freedom", so that children can feel the beauty of childhood in a natural environment full of vitality, in a life-oriented course full of change and fun, and grow up here!


Nanwan Street Xintiandi Jiayuan Kindergarten

Nanwan Street Xintiandi Home Kindergarten is located at No. 451, Shaping North Road, Nanwan Street, Longgang District. Founded in September 2016, it is a municipal first-class public kindergarten. The park covers an area of 2004.4 square meters and has a construction area of 1600.27 square meters. It now offers 7 teaching classes and 38 teaching staff.

Today’s kindergarten has been perfectly transformed and has become another new world in the eyes of children. Xintiandi set sail from the brand new name of the kindergarten, designed a new logo unique to the culture of the kindergarten, added a new publicity column at the entrance of the park, purchased new sports equipment, and remodeled the teacher’s office and function room.

Here there is a "small bridge and flowing water" playing area, a unique art corridor, a big stage to show oneself, and a leisure corner where you can play house with children. This has become a dream paradise for children. Kindergarten has become a new world for children’s life and learning.


Longcheng Street Huilongpu No. 1 Kindergarten

After a comprehensive upgrade during the summer vacation, the environment of Huilongpu No. 1 Kindergarten on Longcheng Street has been greatly rectified, and the upgraded kindergarten has taken on a completely new look!

The fairy tale kingdom-like exterior walls, unique outdoor playgrounds, tall and beautiful slides, gurgling streams, and green football fields create a natural and poetic children’s paradise for children!

The rectified outdoor game venue is unique, with slides, sand pools, small bridges, streams, and grasslands integrated into one, with an elegant environment and natural ecology, providing good conditions for children’s outdoor activities. On weekdays, children’s faces are filled with bright smiles, exploring in the kindergarten together, roaming in the kingdom of childlike fun, and starting a happy childhood journey!


Nanwan Street Shiyaling Kindergarten

From 2020 to 2021, Shiyaling Kindergarten stopped to look back at the time and engraved too many beautiful memories. In this extraordinary year, they have gone through trials and tribulations, and every step they have taken together has become a beautiful scenery on the road to growth!

Kindergarten door, slide to view changes before →

Kindergarten flag-raising platform, slide to view changes before →

Kindergarten playground, slide to view changes before →

New class environment, swipe to see before the change →

Kindergarten gazebo, slide to view changes before →

Outdoor venue, slide to view changes before →

Outdoor venue, slide to view changes before →

Outdoor venue, slide to view changes before →

Sand pool site, slide to view changes before →

Kindergarten restroom, swipe to see before the change →

Kindergarten restroom, swipe to see before the change →

Stair environment, slide to see before changes →


Longcheng Street Hongji Kindergarten

During the summer vacation, Hongji Kindergarten renovated and renovated the gate, publicity board, kitchen, class toilet, security room, etc., making the kindergarten environment more beautiful, childlike and operational. All along, Hongji Kindergarten has been adhering to the concept of "accompanying and guarding with love, inspiring and leading with love, and letting every life fly", so that children can enjoy the most intimate care and care.

Kindergarten door, slide to view changes before →

Kindergarten door, slide to view changes before →

The renovated class bathroom is equipped with an induction faucet, which effectively avoids bacterial cross-infection and saves water.


Buji Street Keyuan Second Kindergarten

After the second kindergarten of Keyuan on Buji Street was "converted from people to public", the renovated venues include: playground environment including grass, equipment placement room, slide, climbing frame, etc., book corner, etc.

Children have a more comfortable environment for outdoor activities and reading sharing, so that their bodies and minds are on the road.

Kindergarten after "people to public"

Whether it is hardware facilities or faculty

Have been significantly improved

Create better conditions for students

It has always been the direction of our efforts

Let’s look forward to a better tomorrow together.

Source | Shenzhen Longgang District Education Bureau

Thank you to the above schools for providing materials

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Aauto Quicker -W spent HK$ 12.3 million to buy back the stock price of HK$ 48.9-49.15, which affected the market value structure.

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Geely Xingyue L extended-range electric version of the intelligent driver assistance system experience, the original driving is so easy.

Many people feel that there is a big difference between the current vehicle design and the traditional fuel vehicle, but it is really helpful in improving practicality and driving safety. Take the intelligent driving assistance system equipped with the L extended range electric version, which can not only reduce the driver’s driving burden, but also ensure driving safety.

I believe that many old drivers, like me, always drive by themselves in the daily driving process, but drivers are always in a bad state or tired. In this case, it is easy to be distracted and dangerous to continue driving.

At this time, the intelligent driving assistance system equipped with Geely Xingyue L extended-range electric version can help drivers avoid risks to a certain extent.

The first way to start this system is particularly simple. After the lane is kept open, the car starts to identify the vehicle in front. After identifying the vehicle, it can follow the vehicle in front. The driver only needs to hold the steering wheel, which can help the owner reduce the driving burden.

The opening method is relatively simple. First, click the button at the top left of the steering wheel on the vehicle system, and the lane keeping system will be turned on at this time. Then, after I accelerate to identify the vehicle in front, I will follow the vehicle all the way forward, and the driver only needs to hold the steering wheel.

Summary: It can be found that the intelligent driving assistance system of Geely Xingyue L extended-range electric version is simple to open after the experience. Secondly, the following speed and distance are well controlled after opening. The most important thing is that when the driver is distracted, this system can also ensure driving safety.

It was love at first sight at dinner, and a director of Zhejiang fell in love and was sentenced to 8 years!

Zhejiang Legal News reported that "Gao Hua (pseudonym), as a national cadre, is brilliant, outstanding in ability and has a bright future, and now his future is ruined because of my mistake …" Lu Yue (pseudonym) standing in the dock regretted it.

A few days ago, Gao Hua, the former party secretary and director of a bureau in Quzhou City, who was prosecuted by Qujiang District Procuratorate, and Lu Yue, a specific related person, publicly pronounced a verdict in the first instance of Qujiang District Court. The defendant Gao Hua was sentenced to 8 years in prison and fined 550,000 yuan; The defendant Lu Yue was sentenced to 6 years in prison and fined 500,000 yuan. The stolen goods obtained by the two men were recovered and turned over to the state treasury.

Love at first sight at a dinner party.

Gao Hua was born in Quzhou in 1970. Judging from his resume, Gao Hua’s life can be described as smooth sailing.

In 1991, Gao Hua entered a bureau in Quzhou. Because of his active work and outstanding business ability, Gao Hua was gradually promoted from an ordinary civil servant to the head of a bureau in Quzhou City. Since 2003, Gao Hua has gradually risen from the head of the municipal bureau to the director of the district branch bureau and the deputy director of a municipal bureau. At the end of 2016, Gao Hua was appointed as the party secretary and director of a bureau in Quzhou City, and presided over the overall work of a bureau in Quzhou City.

With the promotion of the position, Gao Hua’s friends and dinners have also increased. At a dinner party in early 2009, he met Lu Yue.

Lu Yue is nine years younger than Gao Hua. According to Lu Yue’s statement, the first time she met Gao Hua, she was conquered by this gentle and elegant man. They fell in love at first sight and had a good impression on each other, leaving contact information. Since then, the two have frequent exchanges and gradually developed into an extramarital relationship.

"We are together and there are too many places to spend money." Gao Hua said. Since then, Gao Hua has never resisted his inner greed in the face of the temptation of money.

Taking advantage of his authority, Gao Hua successively helped to undertake engineering projects, took care of project management, fund allocation and project payment settlement, and arranged others to work in relevant units, so as to seek personal gain and accept benefits for others.

According to the accusation of Qujiang District Procuratorate, Gao Hua took bribes alone for more than 1.82 million yuan from 2009 to 2018 when he met Lu Hou.  

Don’t go to work, still "get paid"

Because Gao Hua made her affair with Lu Yue public in their circle of friends and social circles, she would take Lu Yue to attend every dinner. When someone wanted to ask Gao Hua for help, she would also send property to Lu Yue to help Gao Hua.

In 2010, in order to get help from Gao Hua in undertaking government and other engineering projects, Hu Mou, who is engaged in paint business, rented a single apartment in a certain district of Quzhou City for Gao Hua and Lu Yue to use. For this apartment, Hu paid the rent until 2018, and paid a total of 43,200 yuan on his behalf. Gao Hua has also provided help for Hu in undertaking several construction projects.

Gao Hua said that his salary income was limited and he couldn’t afford the high consumption of Lu Yue, so he agreed that Lu Yue would receive the property sent by his bosses, and hinted that the bosses would take Lu Yue to earn more money.

From 2015 to 2018, Lu Yue received a total of 552,000 yuan from two companies that undertook elevator installation and aluminum alloy doors and windows installation projects in the name of salary income without actually going to work.  

From 70,000 yuan to 1 million yuan

"After knowing Luo Ping (a pseudonym), I made a bigger mistake." Lu Yue said.

Luo Ping is the general manager of a construction company in Quzhou. In October 2016, Luo Ping found Lu Yue, saying that there was a good supervision project in a primary school in Quzhou. His friend’s company wanted to bid and asked Lu Yue to help and said that Lu Yue could also make some money. Lu Yue told Gao Hua about it, and Luo Ping gave Lu Yue 70,000 yuan after winning the bid.

One day in 2017, Luo Ping found Lu Yue again and asked Gao Hua to help in the bidding of a project. Lu Yue told Gao Hua about it. Later, the two attended the dinner organized by Luo Ping together. Gao Hua introduced Luo Ping to others and said, "This is my little brother. Please take care of him." After the job was done, Lu Yue received 1 million yuan in cash.

In 2018, Luo Ping once again asked Gao Hua to help in the illegal construction of a real estate project in Zhangzhou through Lu Yue, and gave Lu Yue 1 million yuan in cash after the completion.

In addition, Lu Yue also used her influence on Gao Hua many times to intercede for the boss who asked Gao Hua to help in the project, and obtained benefits by accepting cash, gifts and travel.

It was determined that Gao Hua and a specific related person, Lu Yue, received property from others and converted it into RMB 3,215,534.

When talking about Gao Hua, Lu Yue seems to be full of admiration and love. She said he was a workaholic and took his career very seriously. But in the end, it was this abnormal relationship that violated public order, good customs and moral ethics, and the greedy desire that they could not restrain themselves, which ruined the bright future of Lu Yue and this young cadre.

Original title: "We are together, there are too many places to spend money." An acquaintance at a dinner party made this cadre deeply lost.

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Football Today: Cypress Sun God vs Kawasaki striker Adelaide United vs Melbourne City

The Japanese Football League is about to start, and the cypress sun gods will face the Kawasaki striker. The cypress sun gods have performed well in the past games, but their ability at home is relatively weak. At the same time, Kawasaki striker team has performed strongly recently, winning eight consecutive games.

However, the team has recently participated in the AFC Champions League, and continuous away games and one-week doubles may have a certain physical impact on the players. Therefore, there is a certain gap between the strength and current situation of the cypress sun god team and the Kawasaki striker team, but the Kawasaki striker team is facing some challenges. Personally, I think Kawasaki Strikers are more likely to win.

The other game is Adelaide United against Melbourne City. Adelaide United has performed very well recently, ranking third last season and beating its opponent 3-0 in the first round of this season. Their offensive state is stable, and they have scored 6 goals in the last three games.

However, some players of Adelaide United are unable to play, which may have a certain impact on the strength of the team. Melbourne City had some ups and downs last season, but finally won the championship. They brought in some powerful players in the offseason and scored five goals in the last three games.

However, Melbourne City didn’t start the season well, losing 1-2 in the first game. At the same time, they also face the problem that some players can’t play. On the whole, the strength of Adelaide United and Melbourne City team should not be underestimated.

Adelaide United is in a stable state, but it should be noted that they lack some important players. Melbourne City team showed great strength last season, but the start of this season was not smooth. Considering these factors, I personally think Melbourne City is more likely to win.

In these two games, we can see the contest between two strong teams. Whatever the outcome, these games will bring us a wonderful football feast. What do you think of these two games? Which team do you think is more likely to win? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments.

The material of this article comes from the internet. If it is inconsistent with the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact and delete it.

WTT Macau Championship Guoping won two championships and Sun Yingsha and Wang Chuqin won the championship.

BEIJING, Beijing, October 23 (Liu Xingchen) On the 23rd, the 2022 World Table Tennis Major League (WTT) Championship in Macau ended. In the women’s singles and men’s singles finals, Sun Yingsha and Wang Chuqin defeated teammates Chen Xingtong and Fan Zhendong respectively to win the championship.
Before the final, the reading volume of a topic # Guoping won the men’s and women’s singles championship and runner-up in advance exceeded 60 million. It can be seen that in the intensive October, fans are very concerned about the performance of table tennis players.
Image source: Weibo screenshot
Two champions who speak with their achievements
In the eyes of fans, Sun Yingsha and Wang Chuqin have long been synonymous with "young and promising".
In the women’s singles final, Sun Yingsha and Chen Xingtong quickly entered the state. Sun Yingsha is better at grasping the key points, and plays the next game first. In the second game, Sun Yingsha accelerated the attack speed to establish a leading edge and won another game with 11:8. In the third game, Chen Xingtong’s attack on Sun Yingsha’s backhand was effective and she pulled back a city. In the fourth game, Chen Xingtong made many mistakes in the multi-beat stalemate, and Sun Yingsha won 11:6. At the decisive moment of the fifth game, Sun Yingsha succeeded in continuous attack and won the championship at 12:10.
Image source: WTT World Table Tennis Federation official Weibo
In the subsequent men’s singles final, Fan Zhendong made many mistakes in the opening, and Wang Chuqin seized the opportunity to open the score in one fell swoop, taking the lead with 11:5. At the end of the second game, Fan Zhendong continued to attack Wang Chuqin’s backhand and pulled back a city. In the third game, Wang Chuqin continued to exert his forehand and won at 12:10. In the fourth game, Fan Zhendong frequently used forehand and backhand to mobilize his opponent at the end of the game to equalize the score. In the fifth game, Fan Zhendong began to make more mistakes in the multi-beat round and lost 1-11. In the deciding game, Wang Chuqin started with a 4-0 lead. Since then, his forehand attack has been brought into play and won the game.
Image source: WTT World Table Tennis Federation official Weibo
In this WTT Macau Championship, Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha showed their respective dominance. In the quarter-finals, Wang Chuqin defeated veteran Malone to fight for a difficult victory. In the semi-final, facing the Swedish star Moregard, Wang Chuqin handled the ball more properly in a stalemate, defeating his opponent and successfully advancing to the final.
In women’s singles, Sun Yingsha’s opponent is equally strong, and she also shows her "big heart". When facing French player Yuan Jianan in the semi-final, Sun Yingsha responded quickly, adapted to the opponent’s high throw service, and firmly grasped the rhythm of the game. You know, Yuan Jianan did well in this competition, and defeated Manyu Wang, Ishikawa Kasumi and other famous players in succession.
After the final, Sun Yingsha affirmed the performance of herself and her teammates, and bluntly hoped to continue her excellent state to the next race.
Image source: WTT World Table Tennis Federation official Weibo
There is a need to sound the alarm behind the explosion.
Compared with winning two championships, the "surprise" suffered by China players in this Macau Championship was even more surprising, and it also sounded the alarm for the "dream team" of table tennis.
In the women’s singles 1/16th final, Manyu Wang lost to Yuan Jianan 2:3, so it was a pity that she stopped in the first round. Facing the 37-year-old Chinese veteran, Manyu Wang was tied by his opponent many times when he was in the lead. It is not difficult for fans who have watched the game to find that Manyu Wang’s state is not the best, and his mentality has changed after repeated mistakes. At the Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships, Manyu Wang once defeated Japanese famous Ito Miki in the women’s team final, and was the hero of China’s winning the championship. For her and the table tennis players, how to maintain a good competitive state in the intensive schedule is a problem that needs to be considered in the future.
The picture shows Liang Jingkun in the competition. Image source: WTT World Table Tennis Federation official Weibo
And Chen Meng, Liang Jingkun and other table tennis players also suffered a "surprise" exit. Against the Romanian player Szocos, who is not well-known, Chen Meng, ranked second in the world, was a little dull in the game, losing 11:13 in the deciding game and stopping at the quarter-finals; In the face of French star lebrun, Liang Jingkun failed to seize the opportunity when holding the match point, and was reversed by his opponent to win. Looking back at the past history, how to improve stability in "foreign wars" may become a problem that Liang Jingkun needs to pay attention to.
In addition, Malone, the captain of the national table tennis men’s team, also encountered the challenge of Qiu Dang, a famous Chinese. At the World Table Tennis Championships in Chengdu, the two had a fight, when Malone defeated his opponent 3-1. This time, the European straight star appeared more relaxed. The two sides fought hard until the deciding game, and Malone, who was more experienced, passed the test.
The picture shows Chen Meng in the competition. Image source: WTT World Table Tennis Federation official Weibo
With the polishing of the competition, players from all over the world are increasingly besieged by wolves. Everyone is looking for different ways to shake the hegemony of Guoping, which also requires China to be vigilant in the future.
The alternation between old and new is still going on.
On the afternoon of 23rd, WTT World Table Tennis Federation announced the list of 16 men’s and women’s singles players in the final of 2022 WTT World Cup in Xinxiang. Five men’s and women’s national table tennis teams were shortlisted, namely: Fan Zhendong, Ma Long, Liang Jingkun, Wang Chuqin and Lin Gaoyuan; Sun Yingsha, Chen Meng, Manyu Wang, Wang Yidi and Chen Xingtong.
It can be seen from this competition that the alternation between the old and the new is still in progress. During the Macau Championship, Malone celebrated his 34th birthday and will soon be celebrating his 20th national team career. After racing for many years, he still loves it. "Age is a number and the most precious experience, but it is by no means an obstacle to moving forward." On his birthday, he wrote on social media.
Image source: Marlon Weibo
In a table tennis civil war, Wang Chuqin defeated Malone 3-2. In the tangled situation, the young man had the last laugh. After the game, Malone’s eyes were filled with joy. In Wang Chuqin’s view, the "Dragon Team" is still the player with the strongest scoring ability in the world.
In the women’s singles semi-final, Chen Xingtong met Ito Meicheng. In the face of the Japanese star who just celebrated his 22nd birthday, Chen Xingtong showed his excellent state. After adapting to the opponent’s service rhythm, he quickly grasped the initiative of the game and successfully joined forces with Sun Yingsha in the final.
Data Map: Chengdu World Table Tennis Team Team won the Cup. Anyuan photo
From the World Table Tennis Championships in Chengdu to the WTT Macau Championship, Guoping is actively adjusting its status while adapting to the opponents from all over the world. As Qin Zhijian, coach of the national table tennis men’s team, said earlier, "We and our opponents are growing. After the Tokyo Olympic Games, many teams entered the alternation of old and new, and more young players stepped onto the world stage, showing a certain strength. "
Through competition experience, more players seized the opportunity to show themselves. The inheritance of the old and the new and the healthy competition within the team are also the traditions of table tennis. The "iron champion" needs the team member Qi Xin’s efforts to defend, and there are still many challenges waiting for Guoping in the future. In Sun Yingsha’s words, "I’ll see you next time". (End)

The Historical Meaning of Civilization and Its Contemporary Enlightenment

[Excerpts from arguments]

He Zhonghua wrote in the 6th issue of China Social Sciences in 2023 that "civilization" and "culture" can be used in a broad sense. In the early days of human civilization, people’s self-centeredness is a common cultural and psychological phenomenon, but the symbol of civilization maturity lies in the sublation of this self-centeredness. The existence of human beings is transcendent, and the positive interaction between human individuals and classes makes human civilization evolve in an accelerated way. The anthropological ontological paradox of the division between human physical existence and spiritual existence has its own manifestations in both eastern and western civilizations. The modernity shaped by western civilization exists the paradox of civilization and barbarism and the hegemony of "pseudo-universality". From a long period of history, the focus of human civilization is constantly shifting with different historical opportunities, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will profoundly affect the new pattern of civilization in the 21st century. Universal communication of human beings is an important condition for the development of civilization, and mutual learning of civilizations is helpful for different nationalities to make their own unique contributions to the overall progress of human civilization.

Guangming Daily (11th edition, September 15th, 2023)

Source: Guangming Net-Guangming Daily