The spy war is never over, the spy is around, and the Chinese version of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" is so good at acting.

After "Undercover" and "Mask", Zhang Haidong’s third spy war drama "Opponent" came!

There are spoilers in this article.


The market in the old city of Xiazhou, the most mixed place, has many pickpockets committing crimes.

No, a pickpocket accidentally put his hand into the policeman’s trouser pocket, and it was too late for him to see the photo of the policeman. Li Tang (Guo Jingfei) chases quickly and ties the thief to a telephone pole.

Then Li Tang wore a police uniform and walked into a dirty rental house. Under Li Tang’s torture, Brother Hei admitted that Yaoji owed three million usurers, but he didn’t know the whereabouts of Yaoji. At the same time, Black Brother also noticed that Li Tang was not a policeman.

In fact, Li Tang is an overseas spy. He usually travels as a taxi driver, and when he finishes his task, he will disguise himself as a variety of roles.

Li Tang’s wife Ding Meixi (Tan Zhuo) is also an overseas spy and a teacher. Ding Meixi repeatedly used her body to lure people into the water in order to obtain information. The two men will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, and as for the little secret between them, they will only see through it.

On the other hand, Duan Yingjiu (Yan Bingyan), a national security officer, is also looking for the spy Yaoji. By looking up the phone records and comparing the take-away orders, she has locked the most likely hiding place of Yaoji. However, the national security personnel were still late. After seeing Li Tang, Yao Ji committed suicide after saying his last words …

However, the investigation of Yaoji still didn’t stop. Duan Yingjiu began to arrange Ding Xiaohe, a newcomer to Guoan, and his party to collect the information that Yaoji might have left in the bank and analyze who Yaoji left the money to.

Ding Xiaohe is Ding Meixi’s younger brother. Ding Xiaohe announced that he had officially joined Guoan, and the couple were terrified. Ying Jiu had long been suspicious of the couple, which undoubtedly put them in deep danger.

It wasn’t long before Mr. and Mrs. Li Tang received the task of killing Bao Ping, a spy. They switched Bao Ping’s asthma medicine to spray to induce asthma, which led to Bao Ping’s death. The couple will try to explain to Ding Xiaohe why they bought a heart spray that the whole family can’t use. So Li Tang sacrificed his health and directed and performed a heart attack recurrence.

He and Ding Meixi also staged a divorce storm in which the husband found out that his wife had broken a whore, so as to divert the attention of the national security personnel, and a catch me if you can began.


A good script is the foundation, and the actor is the soul of the play. From the realistic "I am Yu Huanshui", the audience will feel Guo Jingfei’s control over the inner complex drama of the little people.

In this play, Guo Jingfei plays a spy who walks on the tip of a knife every day, and I don’t know when he dies. But at the same time, he is also an ordinary person, who will bend his back for five buckets of rice and worry about his daughter’s puppy love. When his wife didn’t come home late at night, Guo Jingfei was lying in bed counting condoms and found that one was missing. She was silent and lost in thought.

The wife found that her daughter always stole her cosmetics and counted condoms for fear that her daughter would have an accident. Clearly missing one, Guo Jingfei paused for a few seconds, eyes flashing, covering up the past. In this performance, Guo Jingfei vividly interprets the forbearance of a spy husband.

The reason why Guo Jingfei can show the fragility and powerlessness of the little people so vividly is that he devoted himself to the script study and really realized the sense of bringing in. The producer of "Opponent" said in an interview: "Guo Jingfei was deeply moved when he got the script. After watching 10 episodes, he couldn’t put it down and decided to participate. " It is not so much that Guo Jingfei is chosen in this play as that they have achieved each other.

Tan Zhuo is also highly compatible with the role of Ding Meixi. Ding Meixi is a glamorous female teacher, an unscrupulous female spy, and a wife and mother. For multiple identities, Tan Zhuo’s performance is very layered.

When she was blocked at home by Duan Ying-jiu, the other party kept asking her for soul torture, and Tan Zhuo ignited the female spy’s inner anxiety, habitually clasping her hands and fidgeting. I’m afraid that a spy with a good psychological quality will panic when encountering this kind of attack.

When her husband broke into the house with a belt to help clear the gap, Tan Zhuoming was relieved. He glanced at Duan Yingjiu timidly, but his heart was exulting. The detailed handling was too skillful.

It was the first time for several actors in the play to cooperate, but they entered the role faster than expected. The producer revealed: "This is due to the trust and tacit understanding they have established when they read the script around."


The content of Opponent is unrepeatable, mainly because the form of spy war is connected with life, involving many bridges that need to be kept secret.

This drama starts from the daily life of spies and national security personnel and reveals their unknown side. For ordinary people, watching a group of mysterious workers fight against each other is a different experience.

"Opponent" doesn’t have the high-tech and enviable work of others. What I feel is that the anti-espionage work is not easy, and the spies are not glamorous on the surface, but extremely dangerous.

The spy couple in the play are faced with the tempering of life. Ding Meixi was found by the school to make up lessons outside, and the bonus was deducted. The original economy was stretched, and she also strayed into the illegal fund-raising trap and lost all her money. Li Tang accidentally broke his tooth in the pursuit mission, and went to the hospital for treatment, but he was scared out by the high medical expenses. The handling of this comedy shows the fact that spies are "smarter than they are" and "being spies is not glamorous".

There is also a positive image of Duan Yingjiu, who sacrificed his life for his mission and responsibility. Not only did family conflicts continue and he could not lead a normal life, but even his body turned red. However, the drama does not use a lot of pen and ink to describe the emotional side, but presents the greatness and selflessness of the national security personnel through life scenes.

Wang Xiaoqiang, the screenwriter of "Opponent", said when he turned on the phone: "I put my views on the world, my emotional experience and my understanding of faith in this story over the years." Because of this, the play is more warm. And a work with temperature can make the audience resonate.

In today’s era of development and peace, anti-espionage work has always existed in various forms that we don’t know. An unconscious word, a casually discarded courier, may reveal secrets. Perhaps "the spy may be around you"-as the drama is broadcast, the context becomes clearer, and the dispute between the national security personnel and the spy becomes more intense. They will continue to compete for victory in the sun. We will wait and see!

The picture in this article comes from the Internet.


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